Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Dog Show

Sometimes when I'm writing I end up writing way out of order. It's what happens when I try writing chronologically and can't pull it off. It provides a bit of an advantage, as I can flesh out more bits of the plot that happens later on while I still flesh out the characters we learn to cheer or jeer for in the beginning of the story.

It's a common tactic seen with artists making a story on some kind of medium, though writers are usually the most common folk who have to wrestle with that kind of thing.

While I was working on Shock Squad BETA I had a few of those experiences. This was what resulted. (Yes, I'm aware I'm being lazy. It's called "waking up late and realizing you have work in a half-hour right before you finally begin typing up today's entry.)

Mission Briefing – “Operation: DOG SHOW”

2ndLt ‘DOLAN
Alright, settle down, humans. I have been given briefs on our mission and our role in its success.

So what’s going on, Lieutenant?

2ndLt ‘DOLAN
We are being deployed to a planet called Secnerfe, a snowy planet possessing both Earth-like climates and similar gravitational pulls.

Never heard of it.

I wouldn’t be surprised. I’ve barely read reports about it back home – it’s more like a planet with pockets of refugees lucky enough to find the place.

2ndLt ‘DOLAN
You humans do not seem to know it as much as we do… the Sangheili have been naming the planet as one of the few lucky places with Forerunner technology that we were not able to find.

Anyway, back in 2549, UNSC scientists located a duo of Forerunner bioenergy reactors in a valley outside of a refugee camp. Since 2550 they’ve been trying to find a means to harness the reactors’ energy so that they could be turned into planetary defense guns. Until recently, this proved to be impossible.

So what happened?

2ndLt ‘DOLAN
A transport with Sangheili scientists and engineering contractors landed on Secnerfe a few months ago. They have been able to re-route the power so that using the structures as planetary point-defense guns was possible.

So let me guess: the scientists are refusing to share this information with the rest of us and are now holding the planet hostage.

2ndLt ‘DOLAN
You have been watching too many of those movies, James, but you are partially correct. A few days after the structures became weapons, a terrorist sect stormed the area, killed the local UNSC force in charge of protecting the scientists, took the researchers hostage and are now preparing to arm these prototype cannons.

Sir, what exactly is going to happen?

2ndLt ‘DOLAN
This is basically a hostage crisis, so everything has to be executed swiftly and perfectly. Since the facility technically does not exist, HIGHCOM decided to keep this rescue mission as dark as possible.

Figures; we got sent.

A map of the facility is shown.

2ndLt ‘DOLAN
The facility comprises of two of these “cannons” located in a gorge within a canyon pass. The north structure – the one nearby that lake – will be called “A,” There are two cliffs surrounding the structures. A Forerunner-built wall forms the third side while the fourth is bordered by the lake. There are only two other entrances into the gorge. The first one is the main entrance, located on the other side of that wall. The “War Pigs” of Armored Squad PHI will be setting up an armored barricade and staring them down on the other side. If everything goes to plan the terrorists will send over a good portion of their men to the wall as a sort of standoff.

And the second entrance, Sir?

2ndLt ‘DOLAN
About three klicks east of the facility is the main base camp the Sangheilian research team erected, located on the border of the pass. Recently, a construction team found a series of caverns leading from the camp to the eastern cliff wall. Security camera feeds have shown us that these heathens possess no knowledge of this passageway, so we will have the element of surprise when we navigate these caverns and launch an assault on these terrorists within “A” complex, causing disorder and chaos.

What about the other three squads with us? The other shock squad, that medical team and SIGMA?

2ndLt ‘DOLAN
Shock Squad ZETA will be deployed via Pelican. The terrorists’ leader requested a dropship for them to escape safely from, and we’ll be giving them that Pelican… with an armed squad of soldiers ready to greet them on “B.” Trauma Unit THETA will be on standby in the event that anyone friendly suffers casualties. I’m not exactly sure what role SIGMA will be playing in this. Alexander, you know?

Yes, Sir. “Angel Team’s” former listing was in SEAL Team Six, also known as DEVGRU. They’re one of the leading units in anything related to counter-terrorism. They’ll probably be sent in to retrieve and extract the hostages.

Where exactly are the packages located, Sir?

2ndLt ‘DOLAN
“Packages?” What are you talking about, Gunnery Sergeant?

It’s a code word for a VIP – in this case: the hostages, Sir.

2ndLt ‘DOLAN
Oh. Well, HIGHCOM believes they are all in “A.” Knowing that and adding in what Alexander told me, an approach from where we come from would be redundant. The only other insertion method is that lake… which is where the SEALs will probably be infiltrating through. Since their priority is to secure the, erm… “packages…” it’d make sense to blitz through the direct route.

…so, in a nutshell, what are we doing?

2ndLt ‘DOLAN
We’re to infiltrate the facility and engage the enemy at structure “A” when we receive the go-ahead. Once the fighting starts, we’re to secure and hold “A” until SIGMA arrives to do their job. Afterwards we provide cover and support for the SEALs until they safely extract the hostages. Any questions?

Silence. ‘DOLAN turns to ZERSTÖRER.

Gunnery Sergeant, what is that phrase you Marines use? It’s like a battle cry that also serves as an acknowledgement and question.

You mean “Oorah,” Sir?

2ndLt ‘DOLAN
Yes, that. Thank you. [to the rest of the SQUAD] Alright, BETA: we’ll be landing in 20 minutes and then immediately traversing the caverns. You’re dismissed until we hit the dirt. Oorah?

Oorah, Sir! [leave]

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