Thursday, May 31, 2012

Statistical Video

I guess it's fitting that I have a day off for the last entry during my Thirty Thousand Trial. It also seems to be a bit of a bookend for this month as well. The first entry of this month was on a Tuesday, a day I usually get off. Today's Thursday, and I get those off occasionally as well. Both days begin with a "T," so that's another similarity. It also seems fitting that the sky was clear by the end of the day - and while the other side was cloudy, at least it didn't rain.

Anywho, just as a disclaimer, I'm going to warn you right now that a good portion of this entry involves math. If you suck at math, you might not want to read the first section and skip straight to the second (and more entertaining) part.

Regardless, this is tonight's entry and I hope you enjoy it.

Stats for Thirty Thousand Trials
(...maybe I should've paid attention to my math classes after all?)

After analyzing how I did this month, I just have to say that I'm both proud and disappointed with myself over how well and how poorly I did for this Thirty Thousand Trial. That sounds confusing, I know - but when you think about it, it makes sense.

Okay, for some of you, that probably didn't make sense either. So instead of me trying to explain it out, here's a few stats I decided to pull up for this thing.

Thirty Thousand Trial ONE
01-30 SEP 2011

Trial Dates
Shortest Entry: "Non Sequitur 4: Totally Not a Rush Job" @ 1,028 words
Longest Entry: "The Top Ten: Pokémon" @ 5,513 words
Average Entry Length: 1723.833 words
Total Word Count: 51,715 words
Number of Entries Using the "In Case of Emergency" tag: 3/30 (10%)
Most Popular Entry (as of 31 MAY 2012): "The Top Ten: Pokémon" @ 46 views
Personal Favorite Entry: "Maybe Love Is..." (09 SEP 2011)

Thirty Thousand Trial TWO
01-31 MAY 2012 (counting 01-30 MAY only)

Shortest Entry: "No Change Without Conflict" @ 1,037 words
Longest Entry: "Laughing Cold: The Surveyed Past" @ 12,488 words
Average Entry Length: 2158.133 words
Total Word Count: 64,744 words
Number of Entries Using the "In Case of Emergency" tag: 10/30 (33.33%)
Most Popular Entry (as of 31 MAY 2012): "Umami Dream" @ 31 views
Personal Favorite Entry: "The Top Ten: Fictional Women" (16 MAY 2012)

Thirty Thousand Trial STATS TO DATE
Shortest Entry: "Non Sequitur 4: Totally Not a Rush Job" @ 1,028 words (Trial ONE)
Longest Entry: "Laughing Cold: The Surveyed Past" @ 12,488 words (Trial TWO)
Average Entry Length: 1940.983 words
Total Word Count: 116,459 words spanning 60 entries
Number of Entries Using the "In Case of Emergency" tag: 13/60 (21.667%)
Most Popular Entry (as of 31 MAY 2012): "The Top Ten: Pokémon" @ 46 views (Trial ONE)
Personal Favorite Entry: "The Top Ten: Fictional Women" (16 MAY 2012) (Trial TWO)

Quite interesting, if I may say so myself. I'm happy that I'm able to spew out such lengthy blogs when I tell myself to. Sometimes it stirs up a creative brew, while other times it's all stagnant. This applies especially to any entry with a "In Case of Emergency" tag - a 21.6% use rate!? Geez, I knew I had been hitting that folder a lot lately (especially for this trial), but... wow. I think I need to get that average down somehow!

Heh. This was just something for me to look at. If you're interested, then either you liked your Statistics class or you're a math major. Betcha didn't even know I typed this much, huh? (You're probably surprised over some of the entries you liked that had a lot more/less words than you thought, huh?)

Rebooting a Vlog

So, remember how I said earlier that I'd be making a video blog (or vlog) by the end of the month? Well, today's the end of the month, and I have delivered.

For once, I think I did alright. *thumbs up*

I honestly don't know what to call this new vlog series just yet. I was originally thinking something along the lines of "The White Knight Vlog" - y'know, keep it aligned with "The White Knight Chronicles" and what not. However, since I plan on changing the name still (because I've yet to come up with an idea after five months of thinking about it), this may not be such a good idea (especially when there's plenty of video-hosting web sites that will kill a video or account just because some scumbag media party thinks you're stealing their content).

Aside from the creation of a new name idea, I also probably need better software to edit these videos.

All I know is this: I need a video editing program better than Windows Movie Maker. God-frakking-damn, this program just keeps locking up every time I so much as trim a half-second's worth of a movie! I swear, I was so close to table-flipping my laptop and my external hard drives because of how frustrating this constant process of "adjust one tiny thing, freeze up for 30 seconds, repeat ad nauseum" was. I honestly have to blame this bloody program for making me post so damn late. The nerve of software to lock up like this... and the worst part is that it's a commonly occurring thing!

Despite the many problems that plagued me during post-production, I have to say that I was pretty happy with the result. It's been a while since I've done any kind of movie-making (the closest I've gotten over the past four years or so was just filming the raw footage), so to be able to make something like this? Well, it makes me somewhat happy with myself.

So, to the movie makers out there of all levels of skill: what are your recommendations for a poor guy like me who wants a great movie making program that's not too pricey and doesn't suck?

Well, then... I'm going to hit the hay. It's been a long night trying to finish that video and gathering those stats. Until next month, everyone!

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