Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Non Sequitur 4: Totally Not a Rush Job

Afternoon, everyone! Welcome to today's entry on The White Knight Chronicles.

Today marks the first day of at least five straight working days. Hours are slowly beginning to pick up, which means lots of hours for me... which means losing my day to work. While that's bad for this blog in the sense that I'm restricted on time, it's good for my wallet and finances.

Well, let's get right on with it, shall we?

Sun-Weathered Hatred
(Or: how I dislike the sun and its actions.)

With the weather how it is is in my part of southern California, it's no surprise that I refer to it sometimes as "September's Summer." Sweltering heat at a time when it should be cooling down... weather like this has the potential to throw me out of sync and screw with my sinuses at the same time. Technically, it is still summer (autumn officially begins on the 23rd), but come on... summer decides to kick in and become uncomfortably warm now when schools are back in session and work begins to go on the rise? Geez; we might as well rewind the clock by about a few months and start summer over or something.

I don't know. Maybe it's just me lashing out at the summer weather because I'm not a fan of the season. I know, I know - a Californian who despises the season of sun, swimming and... sweet-ass parties? (I was just trying to use something that kept up the alliteration. Could've been worse... I could've used "sex," "shade" or "sedition" as the random third adjective...) That just doesn't seem all right there, now don't it?

Now, I don't hate the summer because it interferes with the look pasty, indoor-type nerds have. I don't hate the it because I'm a bastard who likes screwing with other people's minds for funsies. I don't hate it because it screws up and gives you a tan that makes you look laughable in a professional setting. I certainly don't hate it because I supposedly can't stand the heat. It's also not because the sun irradiates all of us with alpha, beta and gamma rays. (Let's not get into physics and science; I never was one to enjoy stuff like that.)

It's because the sun beats down on you with a gazillion degrees of heat at the most inopportune time, even when you're not in direct contact with the star. You hear stories of the sun bombarding the area to high temperatures. People feel this firsthand and go, "Hey, it's hot outside. Let's go someplace with shade and air conditioning." And then these people go find shade in the local store and go, "Hey, I'm bored; let's shop for hours and annoy the people who work in this store!"

And then I have to deal with the people who can't stand the heat and have nothing better to do than to trash my store because they think, "Hey, Target's got air conditioning, right? Let's loiter there!" Of course, I get to laugh at them because I'm there wearing like three layers of clothing, going, "This is hot?" And then they whine because we can't control our air conditioning. (Funny thing about that: corporate controls our AC units. Whatever corporate has it set to, we're sure to receive the same. Seeing as how Target Corporation is headquartered at Minnesota...)

Sun, do me a favor: if you're going to crank up the heat, do it so that they're driven someplace else other than the Target I work at.

Encyclopædic Artistry
(Art defines us at times.)

Okay, some of you might be wondering what the hell I'm doing misspelling "encyclopedia" like that. Some of you are wondering what "Encyclopedic Artistry" even means - especially since I'm a fan of making the most extravagant metaphors for the most simplistic of things. And some of you are wondering why I spelled the first "Encyclopædic Artistry" with the "æ" and the second "Encyclopedic Artistry" without one.

If I'm confusing you somewhat, then good.

Truth be told, my work has nothing to do with the encyclopedia, nor does it have to do with flashy metaphors and rippling confusion (though oftentimes, it does anyway)... and it definitely has nothing to do with that squished-up "æ" ligature that's been mostly phased out of (American) English.

Instead, my work deals with life and how it defines you.

...I had some witty explanation and silly ending. for all this, but, uh... now I don't. *shrugs* Whoops.

Who knows: you might get something tomorrow.

Hey, What the Hell is This!?
(Calling me out on a "quality" entry? I'd love to see you try. =P)

So it looks like I pulled today's entry out of my ass. Truth be told: I did. As mentioned before, today's the first of five (known) working days in a row that I'll be dealing with. Normally, I'd just leave you with a very short entry. You know the kind - the less-than-ten-liners that (openly) admit to my laziness and procrastination and at the same time count for an entry for the day. I'd link them, but God knows everyone's seen them far too much.

Of course, seeing as how I challenged myself to make all of September's entries consist of at least a thousand words, I can't do that, so hence this non sequitur entry that forces you to question my insane sanity.

The only thing I can do to counteract a long work schedule isn't to pull off some crazy rush-job like today's entry. Rather, I have to prepare an entry in advance - type out half an entry overnight and finish it after I wake up or something - long before it's posted for the day I intend to post it. Sounds devious and tricky, but hey - I am devious and tricky.

Well, that's it for today. Apologies for something as "lame" as this, but time is short and I have a quota to meet for today before I have no time at work to work on this.

So, until the 'morrow, everyone. Try to stay cool in this weather (assuming you live near where I do, of course).

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