Monday, September 19, 2011

Non Sequitur 6: All For a Monday

Afternoon. In this last day of work for a while, it's surprisingly difficult to come up with something for me to type up on here for you to read. On any other month I'd say that and call it a day, but this is September - the month where I said I'd give you 1,000+ words an entry. Ultimately I have to drive myself to perfection and achieve this (lest I be unable to achieve anything else), so as you can tell, this entry seems... almost forced. I'll do what I can to make this entry entertaining, though. I think.

Well, here goes, everyone.

(Josh Blanco presents: "WORK" - Live, at the local Target store!)

...yeaaah, I got carried away with the sub-title there. Tried going for a cheesy monster truck rally announcer thing, but it's just so hard to convey tone with text. *shrugs*

Moving on.

Usually I view Mondays as a Friday. I know, I know - Like Garfield, I hate the day in question, but at the same time I kind of look forward to it. Monday generally means the weekend rush is over and store workers can relax a bit. Strangely enough, I'm happy for that. Generally a Monday spent at work is more than likely to be followed by a day off on Tuesday to recuperate from working the weekend, so it gives me a little something to look forward to when the weekend begins to feel like utter crap.

I don't know why, but for some odd reason I feel almost at peace knowing that Tuesday is coming. (And to those who are going to ask me: yes, I did bring my coat.) I can't really describe it - it's one of those feelings you can't really describe because you lose all sense of reality and discomfort and find yourself just... well, I don't want to say "floating" because then it sounds like an awesome acid trip... so let's just go with that feeling you get when you lie back on a grassy hill on a nice, sunny day, close your eyes, inhale deeply and a brief smile etches itself on your face. Something like that, I guess.

Time-Traveling With a Razor
(Going back, like, six years... in a matter of minutes.)

There's nothing in the world like a fresh shave. For a brief period of time you look a year younger (maybe more if you're Asian) and there's a soft innocence to your look. Okay, maybe I'm just being all wishy-washy or what not - but anyone who grows facial hair and shaves regularly can probably agree with me on what I said.

Obviously I've taken the time today and shaved - and maaaaaan, it feels good. I feel like I'm younger (some people have joked that - if my hair was the right length at the time I shaved - I'd look like a sixteen-year-old... and that's both cool and disturbing at once.) and have a bit more of a desire to take on the world. Muahahahaha.

To my readers out there who can't grow facial hair: I feel both envious and pitiful at the same time. While we shavers have to maintain a look and be careful not to nick ourselves, we get to be awesome with things like handlebar 'staches, fu manchus and not appearing like a six-foot-tall child.

A Numbered Challenge
(Proving how smart dorky I am... 151 species at a time.)

For lack of anything better to put on here so I get my 1,000 words, I decided that I'd announce a mini-challenge I'm casting upon myself.

While I'm at work today, I'm going to attempt to write down the original 151 Pokémon down by order of their PokéDex number. WITHOUT looking up any of the information.

Like I said, I have nothing better to put on here today, so... yeah.

Why am I doing this, you ask? Well, I can tell you right now that it wasn't because I was challenged or anything like that - I'm the go-to guy for anything related to Pokémon. It's also not because a new challenger came to town and is "threatening" me. It's also not because I'm trying to save face on today's entry (honest!).

It's because I want to better myself. Rather, I want to better my geekness. Yeah, Josh, I hear some of you saying. So how exactly is doing this and making yourself seem more like a (pompous) nerd going to help you land a girlfriend? Uhm, I'm not quite sure if any of this qualifies as attempts to "land a girlfriend." Hell, that's not even my intention.

I just wanna be the very best. Y'know... like no one ever was. *snerk*

*grabs a piece of paper* Bulbasaur... Ivysaur... Venusaur...

The Totally Not-Random Part To (Not) Save My Hide
(What's that on the ground over there? Is that the script?)

Sometimes I wonder aloud at night whether or not I'll make it out there. I lie on my bed, wondering if I'm doing anything with myself that'll benefit me in the long run. I've always been more of a fan of the short-term - mostly due to the fact that I have control over the short-term. The long-term is like the future - hard to see.

Sometimes I want pizza rolls. Granted, I won't accept them if I were to get any in the mail, but generally speaking, I'll eat 'em.

Sometimes I just want to debate important things. You know the things - what kind of pizza is the greatest (some kind of supreme with a stuffed crust, by the way); why guns are awesome; why I collect odd trinkets; why Hot Fuzz is epic - those kinds of things.

Sometimes I wonder what my top favorite Pokémon are. I've been fond of Psychic- and Dark-types, but I do have my favorites. Who are they? Why do I like them? Are they actually powerful in-game?

Sometimes I tell myself that I think too much. My friends say this to me quite often, and I believe them. I've got a feeling that if I think too much, they'll find a way to temporarily make me not think too much. Alcohol or codeine or mindless first-person shooter game sprees or something.

Sometimes I wonder if I procrastinate because I want to.

Sometimes I ask myself whether or not it's a good idea to listen to adrenaline-pumping music while driving down an isolated road or a long stretch of freeway. The music just makes me want to speed up and rocket down the asphalt at a gazillion miles an hour (or, according to my car, 125). I can't help it - it's awesome music that I listen to.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm long overdue for a vacation. When I ask myself this, I always say "YES."

Sometimes I get the feeling that I'm being watched. *looks around nervously* ...aaaand now I'm going to leave.

Alright. I'm done. I gotta go to work, so I'll see y'all tomorrow!

...Charmander... Charmeleon... Charizard...

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