Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fifteen Years

When a man is put into a chair and told to type up one thousand words within an hour, it makes for an interesting challenge. What will they say? What will they think of? Will they become crazy when time runs out and they haven't met their deadline?

Well, I don't know what would happen to any other person, but for me... well, that makes things interesting. I'm the kind of guy who makes things interesting by asking, "What am I to talk about?"

Normally, I end up throwing something together out of a topic that was either premeditated or just created at random, but today is not one of those days. Some things came up that I have to attend to, and I must get going immediately.

Huh - that would suck for me this month, considering that I need to post one thousand words on each entry I make. Fortunately for me, I have my emergency folders on my computer for when a situation like this arises.

Now, with this document... it was an assignment I got from one of my college classes back in 2008. It was a classic "where you see yourself in fifteen years" paper - a cliché assignment normally seen in grade school. I took one look at the thing and laughed, because I saw the words of a liar and a guy who just wanted to get the assignment done.

Or, that's how it was meant to be read as. I've often said that I'm both a simple and complex individual, and I think this proves it. If anyone knows me, the ironies are quite clear once this is read.

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To think and plan ahead for fifteen years into the future seems to be one of the key methods of success a lot of people follow. It allows them to create a considerable number of goals – and in the process, they develop a road map for them to follow so they arrive at their desired destination. For me, the plan for me is a long, hard journey – one that kicks back Fate and says to the world, "I was here and I made a difference." This journey gets me to an elevated position of both success and power while retaining the hobbies and mindsets that keep me me. Of course, this is just the best-case scenario ending – if the technology from Back to the Future existed, and I possessed a flux capacitor and a De Lorean DMC-12, then I would shoot myself to 2023, check how my 33-year-old self is doing and write this paper based on that. But since that just sounds silly, I have no choice but to merely speculate on where I will be in 15 years and what paths I take to get there.

In regards to my education and learning career, the boulevard to success seems to be a lengthy one. I assume that it will be another year or two until I knock out my general education requirements and collect enough credits to transfer into a good university with a program in either English or education (hopefully both). I would later graduate with a master’s or higher in either of those two subjects (maybe even both if possible). When it comes to my minor, I have no clue as to what I should do there. It is possible that I could minor in something regarding the media department (be it movie-making, web design, or the like), but time has its ways – something that I have overlooked might show up that I might develop an interest in.

During my tenure as a high school student, most people expected me to work somewhere in the video game industry when I got older. However, what few people saw was my passion and desire for knowledge and an education, which blossomed into my desire to become a teacher (and an English one at that – which earned a few light-hearted insults from my teachers at the time). Working with that drive (along with the master’s I would get at college), I would end up becoming an English teacher at my alma mater, Adolfo Camarillo High School.

I would love to have traveled to a lot of places by the time fifteen years pass. There are so many locations I want to visit – places in Europe such as Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Greece, and Belgium; places in Asia such as the Philippines and Japan; places elsewhere such as Australia, Canada, and Argentina. (The beauty of being a teacher is that since they get summers off, getting time to go to these places just might be possible.) All of these countries offer sights, tastes and sounds I’ve yet to experience firsthand. What better way to learn than immersing oneself into the country’s culture?

There is also one other thing which I will do in regards to traveling: the memorable cross-country road trip. One day, when gas prices no longer make our wallets cry and/or we become richer, my closest friends and I will trek across the entire United States of America. Since a large number of us want to do this, we’d have to travel via car convoy, stopping at various places across the continent for photo opportunities and other reasons. True: road trips are cliché, but fun clichés nonetheless.

Family seems to be another major topic to cover. I consider a lot of people to be my actual family. Throughout the later years of high school and beyond, the ones I associated with the most have (in essence) become my surrogate family, and I intend to keep those close bonds held together as long as possible – which would mean that we would still be great friends 15 years from now.

I would love to get married someday. In fifteen years I picture myself with a somewhat-nuclear family – wife, kid(s), possibly a family pet or two, nice house in a great neighborhood, and the like. I assume that during these fifteen years, I will have met a girl and befriended her before asking her out (assuming that whoever I end up marrying is someone I currently do not know). The relationship will have its ups and downs – there will be the occasional argument (with the guy typically on the losing side) – but it will be a strong and caring relationship. One day I would probably pop the question of engagement and she will say yes (on the presumption that the girl I am with at the time is the girl I marry). After marriage and after setting the financial anchors down, we would have a kid or two or three (genetics are highly unpredictable, so for all I know, we might have one child or we might end up with a quintuplet).

Fifteen years really is too far away to see where one would end up. To quote Yoda: "Hard to see, the future is." Indeed, this is true. The events in the future are constantly in flux, changing according to the decisions everyone makes right now in the present. This means that if I have any hope of achieving this best-case scenario of my outlook on my future life, I will have to have made it possible myself.

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...uhm... I typed all this? I kinda want to question my past self here...

Anyway, I gotta go. Until the 'morrow. *jets out*

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