Sunday, September 25, 2011


(Author's Note: Just a few things you should know. One: beer. Two: Battlestar Galactica. Three: excessive "language." Four (and most importantly of all): everything in-between these lines is a live "mind streaming" session, where I just let go of my inhibitions and just type stuff. If you found any of this to be stupid and/or offensive, then go frak yourself. =3)

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It's 11 P.M. and I have less than an hour to get one thousand words gathered into a semi-cohesive blog entry posted on the Internet. If I don't, I miss my deadline and this year's only New Year's resolution will have failed before my friends could actually attempt to botch it for me. I have a splitting headache that makes me want to just go to sleep, but at the same time I have this to take care of. The fact that I'm currently nursing down a fresh-out-of-the-refrigerator Guinness and have the biggest temptation to keep watching Battlestar Galactica doesn't help me in this quest one bit. I think it's sheer iron will (backed by that adrenaline rush you get from procrastination) that's getting me to type.

Aw, frak! I don't even have a title for this entry! (Yes, I said "frak." Galactica has already influenced me that much. =3)

Anyway, as far as you can tell, this is a live stream of my thoughts and what not. Currently I don't believe I have an entry that's like this - where I just type what I think right away without a second thought or care as to if it's of any good content. With me, I'm only backtracking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation, so this is quite interesting. As a writer, it's always a blessing when moments like this show up - it automatically cancels out any self-doubts we have for as long as it lasts, and at the same time we're just furiously writing so that we can look at it later and go "What the frak did I just write!?"

Oh, maaaaaaaaaan, is this Guinness tasty. I'm not sure if it's helping with this migraine (my headache evolved somehow - I wasn't even training it!), but you know what? I don't care! Maybe I should get a second bottle. Naaah - don't need it. Yet. When I'm watching Battlestar Galactica, maybe. Other than that, no. Don't need it. Don't need it.

Yep, I don't need it. Moving on somewhat (if you can call it "moving on").

Why I allowed myself to procrastinate this long is beyond me. I mean, there's no reason I could've just posted something before I went it to work -

Oh, wait. WORK. Yeah. After five straight days of vacationing, I went back to work. Now, most people who return to work from an awesome vacation seem to have a case of the "frak its," where the person in question just doesn't really care. They zombify themselves to the point where they're almost in autopilot, and their apathy levels skyrocket when it isn't necessary to care.

Not me. Apparently people were surprised that I was happy coming in to work. Mind you, they're surprised when I'm happy in the first place, but for me to be happy coming in from what sounded to be an awesome vacation? What the frak is that all about? It was a great day with only one downing moment (some lady confused me for a woman... *tears*) and work was busy enough and entertaining enough for me not to think about anything negative (minus the "Excuse me, Ma'am" moment). Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe my morale and overall happiness is improving. Maybe this vacation is what I needed to get myself recharged and ready to fight this week. Maybe I'm just having a random happy moment which coincidentally coincided with the first day back on the job. I just don't know. I just don't frakking know.

And yes; I'm using "frak" a lot. It's partially because it's awesome and partially because to everyone else I'm not technically cursing. Of course, if I say "frak" to someone who knows Battlestar Galactica, then I have to be careful (especially if they get angered easily and believe that I just told 'em to frak off). It's also because I'm cursing like crazy and getting away with murder it at the same time. Insert evil laugh here. Muahahahaha.

Oh, maaaan. I'm starting to think I might just need that second Guinness - this one's going pretty fast. Normally I take my time and nurse my beer, and that's for a number of reasons.
  1. I enjoy savoring flavor.
    I'm a bit of a food connoisseur. I enjoy things that taste good and will savor every moment I get to have that flavor make contact with my taste buds. The better it tastes, the more likely I'm going to sit there and be mesmerized with its flavor. Same goes with drinks, and by that extension: beer. Pardon the potential foodgasms that may be experienced by yours truly.
  2. I like taking my time with my food.
    With exception to the times where I'm starving and haven't eaten anything yet, I'll take my time. Hey, you don't want to get all bloated and feel all sick afterwards, do you? No? Good - then let me take my frakking time. Plus, I'm probably exploiting Reason One listed above as well. *takes another sip*
  3. I have yet to get my tolerance levels tested.
    Yeah. Hey, friends of mine! When the hell you going to "volunteer" me for this procedure?
I don't care if you say I'm a wuss for this or anything. I'll just list these reasons. Plus, it's a good beer, and I'm sure as hell not going to waste all the flavor by chugging it like some college fraternity/sorority barbarian. Yeah - I went there.

Man, what's with WinAmp? I put it on random and opened up my "working music" playlist, and the majority of the songs that it belted out were from Ocarina of Time. Don't get me wrong; it's a great game - but... really? On random? There's seventy-nine songs and pieces of music on this playlist, and only nine of them are from Ocarina's soundtrack. Huh.

And now WinAmp must've saw the draft of this entry - Shoji Meguro's "Iwato Dormitory" from the Persona 3 Original Soundtrack. Oh, well - can't complain.

PLEASE tell me this is one thousand words already. I want this live mind stream to end already!

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Holy crap. One thousand and twenty words all above this line here, excluding the Author's Note. Not bad for my first time just mindlessly typing anything that comes into mind, eh?

Well, I'm going to go ahead and warm up some pizza rolls and get myself another Guiness - Battlestar Galactica time! Frak, yeah! "But what about sleeping that migraine off, Josh?" Eh, I can do that some other time. That's Future Josh's problem. *smirks*


FRAK! Almost forgot the title! Uh... *looks at his blatant over-(mis)use of the Battlestar Galactica expletive and smirks evilly*

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