Friday, September 23, 2011

A Defeated Response Spells Victory

Sometimes things fall through for a reason. Some don't.

Asian Kung-Fu Generation - "Rewrite"

Anime fans will probably know this song best as the fourth and final opening theme to the original Fullmetal Alchemist.

It's one of my favorite Japanese rock songs not just because of it's use with Fullmetal Alchemist. It possesses a more aggressive tone than what is normally heard with most other J-Rock pieces.

Naoko Mitome, Atsushi Yoshida & Kanako Teramae - "Bittersweet Victory"
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Original Game Audio

Path of Radiance was my first Fire Emblem game. Introduced to me by a friend when I was going through a craze of strategy games, I ended up becoming hooked, playing the game over and over because... well, I like being a tactician. I wish I had my save files for it, still (the memory card I had it all in got lost) because I'm itching to play it again.

Anyway, to the music. Just as the title indicates, the song is usually heard during moments where our protagonists' triumphs came with a rather heavy cost of some kind. It a way, it matches the feeling I have today - while I have to admit defeat somewhere, I can still say that I pulled something victorious out of this.

Michiru Oshima - "Reminiscence"
Fullmetal Alchemist Original Soundtrack 3

A rather short piece, "Reminiscence" is a nice little background track usable for brief and insightful self-reflection. In Fullmetal Alchemist it's also used to look back upon the happier times of the Elric brothers' lives.

"Paradoxically, the man who has failed and one who is at the peak of success are in exactly the same position. Each must decide what he will do next, choose the course that will lead him to the future."
- Jigoro Kano

Surprisingly, this little paradox makes a lot of sense. Most people would refute the truth of this statement, but to those that do, let me let you in on a little something: when someone fails something and that someone succeeds in something else, one of the most common responses after the stress and/or euphoria fades away is asking themselves some form of the question, "Now what?" Artists usually ask themselves this during every phase each one of their little projects go through, and big-shots and impulsive failures end up asking this whenever something goes right/wrong.

Doesn't this just apply to today, I asked? Why, yes; it does. *nods sagely*

Evening, everybody. How's your Friday treating you so far? Hopefully it's going just as great as mine!

As the fourth day of my vacation begins to come to a close, I figured I'd blog on the more... "important" things going on in my life right now.

Responding Response
(Or: responding to the (few) commenters who said something to me.)

You know, I owe it to the readers to show them that I actually care about what they think and say even though I say I don't. It's been a while since I've responded to people, so let's change that by throwing some responses on here. Yaaaaaay for my responses! Right?

(Author's Note: When necessary, all comments have been edited for grammar and spelling as per my Nazi Germany Grammar upbringing in my high school and college classes. Yay for my perfectionist streak. -_-;;)

"One of my brothers has just recently started dating a Filipino woman and I am going to send him the link to this so he can cook it as part of a romantic dinner. It will either make them or break them!"

- Amateur Cook
(from "Spaghetti ng Pilipinas")
Wow, I'd never expect anyone to actually take my recipes into consideration. Thanks for suggesting that to your brother! I sure hope it made them (because if it broke them, that'd just be sad).

Oh, and I'm not sure if you saw, but there was a technical problem with the recipe I posted. Hopefully you didn't use that one. As of 16 September it's been rectified, so please use what I tossed on the page.

Han shot first. On a side note, ever see The Star Wars Holiday Special? It's like... the most AWESOME THING EVER.

- せしゃ
(from "A Great Disturbance in the Force")
Damn right he shot first! Sure, having Greedo pop off a shot makes the situation seem a bit more tense and dramatic, but it also kills the bit of thought processes that made you think, "Wow. Han Solo's a jackass."

As to your side note... to be honest, I haven't seen The Star Wars Holiday Special, and I personally would like to keep it that way. From what I heard and read about it I've rated the aired-once special somewhere between "so bad it's good" and "so bad it's bad." George Lucas regrets allowing television to make it; Harrison Ford is deeply embarrassed by it; Carrie Fisher uses it to shoo away people after a party ends.

So, unless I'm knocked unconscious and come to tied up with The Star Wars Holiday Special playing on a television in front of me, I'm not going to watch it... though I wouldn't mind seeing that section that introduces Boba Fett.

"No Vaporeon?"

- n8navarro
(from "The Top Ten: Pokémon")
Nope, no Vaporeon. There was a reason for that.

When I was in the middle of making the Top Ten list, I knew right away that at least one Eeveelution would make it on here. They were a popular set of Pokémon since the beginning. They were made even more popular when the fourth generation answered every trainer's dream of possessing a Grass-type Eevee (in the form of Leafeon).

As a Pokémon veteran, I've been pretty fond of the Eeveelutions - even more so since the fourth generation, which aided the quirky family in two ways:
  1. Leafeon and Glaceon.
    Adding Grass and Ice to the mix brought the potential Eevee army count to eight (assuming you're like me and you count Eevee - otherwise it's seven). Plus, it was now officially possible to have a six-man Eeveelution army.
  2. The physical/special attack split.
    This changed gameplay tactics drastically for most Pokémon, but it didn't faze the Eeveelution army any - except for Flareon. Poor Flareon had been suffering in the first three generations because of its ridiculously-high attack stat, which did no good for a Fire-type. The split made Flareon a more worthy contender, and the fifth generation helped even more by bolstering its physical Fire attack capability.
Historically, I've actually used Vaporeon at least thrice in my gaming history:
  • my third-generation Eevee Army
  • my fourth-generation Eevee Army, dubbed "Roman Eevees" due to their naming
  • my primary Platinum Version team (named "Rhine")
Not counting the Eevee Armies, this places Vaporeon as the most-employed in my unit, and it's a great Eeveelution. However, as true as that may be, I'm just more of a Psychic-type fan. Thus, Espeon. I know - I'm biased, but what can I say?


A Dream Shattered
(A dream restored.)

If you remember, back in the beginning of June I posted a series of challenges that I wanted to complete by today. I called it "Operation: DREAM EATER." The list was as follows:
  • find the "perfect" look for this blog
  • get Gefallen (US-Tichondrius - Human Rogue) to Lv85 and figure out a workable Combat PvP spec
  • get Chariselle (US-Ravenholdt - Blood Elf Paladin) geared for end-game PvE raiding
  • finish the first 30 pages of a new screenplay
  • work on and complete the next chapter of my Street Fighter fanfic Unincorporated
  • begin and complete Radiant Historia (NDS)
  • lose some weight / get more fit
  • write a poem
  • work out and organize the rough basics of an epic roadtrip I want to take next year
  • clean my room and maintain its cleanliness
  • complete at least 50% of a cosplay outfit of my choice
I failed miserably. And I mean miserably. While it will be said that I've failed Operation: DREAM EATER quite horribly, I can't say that I didn't escape with some kind of victory.

I've gotten into work with projects - some on this list, and some placed elsewhere. I'm not beating myself over the head with this failure like I normally would in the past. It's kind of hard to explain, but I don't have the time to do so. I'll save that for tomorrow - for now, just know that while this could be considered a giant failure, there is a glimmer of hope and success. It might be a cliché, but it's true. Know it.

Yeah, I'm cutting myself short. I'm going to blame two of my friends who decided to show me (the guy with the addictive personality) the wonder that is Battlestar Galactica. Damn them. Damn them, because now I'm hooked. =D

I'll post more on things tomorrow. Until then, stay frosty.

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