Friday, September 2, 2011

The Fall of Rexaria: Finding Kurz (Part 1)

(Author's Note: I got bored as I was looking at my stuff, so... I came up with a little literary something. Been a while since I've written anything like this, so apologies if this seems... rusty. Anyway, enjoy!)


The general order to retreat wasn't one the soldiers of Serecles wanted to follow.

For one, it greatly disorganized any ground force. Even the most battle-hardened warrior finds themselves disheveled when such an issue is ordered. The higher the amount of retreating personnel, the more chaotic it was. And with more chaos, more lives could be lost than if an organized withdrawal were to occur.

Secondly, a retreating order was usually issued out of panic. Some dumb junior officer witnesses his defensive line being broken by the enemy. They notices that their flanks are also beginning to fold, and suddenly it looks like all is lost. The inept officer gives their men a "fall back" order, and more inept officers follow suit. Meanwhile some staff or general officer watches all this unfold and sullenly realizes that the battle is lost.

Thirdly, the order to retreat cost more than just lives. It cost weapons... ammunition... supplies such as food and survival equipment. It may also be more than a materiel loss -depending on the position the soldiers were abandoning, they could also lose the high ground, a military base or even a fortified city with civilians still inside.

The front-line soldiers knew all this. They knew what they were up against and what the potential sacrifices would be. The soldiers knew they were the last thing standing between the country and people they loved so much and the enemies that wanted to rout them and their ways of life. They accepted these responsibilities - these duties - with great courage and strength. And so they hunkered down in the city and fortified as best they could.

Yet the general order to retreat was issued to the soldiers of Serecles anyway. No one quite understood the absurdity of the order. It wasn't just any ordinary order to retreat - it was a full-blown command issued to the entirety of the Serecles Royal Defense Force. It wasn't just any ordinary city they were abandoning to the enemy, either. It was the Sereclellan capital city of Rexaria.

By nightfall, the last of the Serecles Royal Defense Force withdrew from the outskirts of Rexaria... and with that, the Royal Republic of Serecles fell into the hands of the enemy.


"What's going on out there? Why are there people with guns?" a small boy asked.

The adults in the room looked at each other, unsure on how to respond as sporadic gunfire and bursting shells exploded outside. Where exactly were the Serecles Royal Defense Force going, if not here defending their capital city?

Before the inhabitants were able to dwell on that any further, the reinforced door burst aside, sending a cloud of dust and rubble throughout the room and causing a ruckus amongst the people inside. As the pollution cleared and the panic subsided, the cause of the breaking door was revealed - a panting man in a white combat uniform... a Sereclellan soldier. The adults stepped up, wondering what was going on.

"The SRDF's issued an all-out retreat," the soldier began as he slung his rifle behind him and dropped his gear. "The Cremisians broke through the outer wall in force and they're razing the Business District. Intelligence stated that they'll break the defensive lines in Capitol Block and Royal Square and then pour through south Rexaria within the hour. You need to evacuate."

A flurry of panicked questions bombarded the fatigued soldier. "What?" "What do you mean?" "How'd the Cremsians get this far into Serecles?" "I thought they were only at the border!" "Where are we going?"

Out of the crowd of confused civilians, a brunette woman stepped out and stood in front of the soldier. "What about the government? And the Royal Family?"

The soldier grabbed his canteen and took a swig. "Capitol Block is being evacuated as we speak. Last I heard, though, Royal Square got hit hard by artillery. No word yet if His Majesty and his family got out yet.

A sullen silence fell across the room.

"They're... they're really abandoning Rexaria?" a voice timidly squeaked out. It belonged to a bespectacled businessman who had fear in his eyes.

A sigh escaped the soldier's lips as he looked at the businessman. "It looks like it. I don't know what High Command is thinking, but... at the same time I don't think they were expecting this many Cremisians to storm Rexaria." He took another breath.

"Okay," the brunette woman said with a nod. "Then get us out of here, soldier."

The trooper's next words seemed almost hesitant. "...I'm sorry, but that's not why I'm here."


"Serecles National Bank - Fifth Branch. I need to know where that is."

"For what?"

"SNB's standard protocol for emergencies is to lock the bank down and have anyone inside rush to the emergency bunker they have in the basement. I'm on a mission to break through that bunker and extract a, uh... a V.I.P."

"Westward. Go about two blocks west and then head north on Dauchman Avenue."


"What about us?"

The soldier blinked. "Uhm... you're not my mission. The V.I.P. is. Sorry."

"Oh, and the lives of ten civilians and one small boy aren't important enough?" Everyone turned to the bespectacled businessman, who now seemed a bit annoyed. "What, soldier: you just going to break into their vault since it's so convenient and take the money?"

A bemused laugh escaped the soldier's lips. "No, actually. Like I said, I'm extracting someone." He took one last swig from his canteen and grabbed his gear. "The rest of my platoon will be here shortly to get you all to safety. I'd recommend getting any supplies in order."

As he stepped out the doorway, the brunette shouted a calm-yet-fearful "Wait!" He turned around and faced the group as the brunette stepped forward. "Who exactly is more important than us, and why do they get to be saved first?"

A smirk crept up the man's lips as he unslung the rifle on his back. "Patricia Kurz." And with that, he took off towards the west.

The small crowd slowly stared in silence and then began to hastily grab anything they could, murmuring throughout about the person of more (supposed) importance.

"Patricia Kurz? Isn't she...?"

"Lady Kurz, one of the Serecles Imperial Guard?"

"And not just any Imperial Guard... she's a Royal Knight."

"A Royal Knight?"

"Yeah, you know - the selected individuals tasked with the personal protection of the Royal Family?"


"Yeah... which begs to ask: if they think she's over at SNB Five, who's defending the rest of the Royal Family?"

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