Monday, September 12, 2011

Non Sequitur 5: Scatterbrained

Evening, everyone. I'm surprised at myself for posting late - the last few days or so, I tended to post while the sun was still up. (There's a sun!?) However, there's a few reasons for me being late with this entry (and yet still on time), so let's see if I can persuade you to see my point of view and ignore how I'm blatantly shoving words into your face so I hit one thousand words for today's entry. Hehehe.

So Off-Course
(Or what an off-day consisting of doing nothing will do to you.)

The first off day I've had in what feels like ages... God, does it feel good.

My entire day was spent loafing around and doing absolutely nothing. Yeah, this seems like a throwback to Office Space and Peter's line about doing nothing. Hell, this might seem like a throwback to a post I made back in May where I said pretty much the same thing. Ahehehe.

Despite performing nothing (productive), I managed to get some things done. Granted, there's no proof that anything actually happened, so you'll just have to take my word on it that I did (not) do all of these things. You have to beLIEve me!

And yes, that was a subtle Metal Gear Solid 2 reference. As explaining the situation where that line arises from would involve spoiler alerts, I've refrained from explaining it. But God, does that scenario and that line trip you out...

A Break in the Break
(And no, you don't get paid for it.)

So after five days of a very rough week of work, I'm out and not required to show up for the next two days (counting this one). It's a bit of a relief, but at the same time it makes me painfully aware of how much I need monies to survive.

Yeah, yeah: I sound all greedy and in it only for the moolah, but when it comes down to it, that's the only way you can pay bills. It's not like the old days where people could trade possessions and crafted items for services and vice-versa. It's a ruthless and cruel world where money is the law and those who possess zilch hold absolutely no power.

Ironic - how I need to work in order to live, and yet it kills me inside every time I do so. Quite a quandary, but life is full of that, too. So, when it comes to a choice, I think I'd pick having to work when I don't want to to having days off when I don't want to.

A Collapse and Recreation of the Old
(How "doing nothing" accompanied with "Lego playtime" equals "the invention of something old and new.")

As I started drafting on updates and changes to this blog site, I got sidetracked and ended up updating and revamping my Lego armies as well. It's at the point where I think I have not one, or two - but three warring factions. As these groups are linked with the universe I established for them via the two stories I posted on here, they'll get a proper introduction (as well as the Lego-ized versions of the characters).

To be honest, I haven't quite figured out the technological level my fictional world is at. It's been a bit of a challenge since I created the idea a long time ago. Military weaponry is just about a hundred-percent match with ours - and in some cases, even stronger (minus some things I changed for convenience). Air travel is severely restricted across the globe - partially due to the economy, partially due to highly-effective weaponry, and mostly due to military prioritization. This has nothing to do with the fact that while I have a plethora of land armies and what not, I lack the air-based models - I only have a battle chopper, a biplane and that pseudo DC-3 (still no name for it) I made a while back.

However, I'm sure I'm to come up with a story and reasoning behind all this - and maybe it'll work. For now, I'll just have to make do until something fanciful and awesome enough crosses my mind... whenever that is.

Tomorrow Becomes Today
(Some random spiel where I just typed what came to mind first.)

I want more money for more Legos. And to pay off my bills. But mostly for the Legos. There's a bunch of sets I want that could easily add to this universe and story that I'm developing. That, and maybe I'll have loads of fun along the way playing with them. Hell, if I'm lucky, I might get others to join in and have fun with me. Who knows? We might even come up with a new story or add on to the one I'm working on!

But apart from that, pizza sounds good. Pizza and hot wings. At the same time. Because I'm greedy like that. I had dinner already (beef rice bake casserole and sweet corn) but I'm still craving food... like pizza. Maybe I should get some pizza for lunch tomorrow. Yes. Yes, that sounds like a grand plan. I will get pizza tomorrow, and if any of my friends are free, so will they (I hope).

Maaaan, I should probably stop putting random songs on repeat. I've had all the fight music from Super Street Fighter IV looping constantly in an attempt to get me to fight type faster, and while it's working, I think I'm driving myself insane by listening to just that. *switches to his "Songs" playlist* Ahh, much better - Shinedown's "Sound of Madness."

I think I hit 1,000 words. Can I stop pulling words out of my ass now? *checks the word count* Nope; not yet. Makes me sad how I'm kinda just crapping out like this, but I think it's because work killed me and my thinking processes to the point where all I recognize is fun things like... oh, I dunno... fun? Maybe when I'm done posting for tonight I'll do something else that I can also consider as fun.

Like window shopping online for random trinkets, T-shirts and toys. (Yay for unintentional alliteration!)

Well, that'll be it for tonight. I'll take off for now and catch ya' on the 'morrow! *waves*

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