Thursday, September 29, 2011

Like a Xatu

Good night, everyone. As the second-to-last day of September begins to give way to the last day of September, let us take a look at some of the things that I want to take a look at. Are they interesting? Possibly. Do I want you to pay attention? Uh, yeah. Do I like asking you questions we all know the answers to?

*sips some water* What do you think? =P

And what's with the title, you ask? Well, if you paid any attention to my Top Ten Pokémon list, you'd know that Xatu are capable of viewing the past and the future. I'm doing that in this entry, so I figured it'd work as a title.

Gazing at My Dreamt-Up Self-Reflection
(Now possible without mirrors!)

With this month drawing to a close I felt that I should do a little bit of self-reflecting on what's happened and what I've accomplished on here. It could be said that I've done that already, but that was more of a teaser... if it could be called that.

Thus far I've succeeded in getting one thousand words on each of this month's entries, and when you count tonight's and tomorrow's entries, you will most definitely find more than thirty thousand words amassed for September. Someone remind me to get a total word count. I want to see how much I've typed up here.

This month has garnered new records for me and this website. I've gotten more hits on here than I've ever had before in past months. This can probably be attributed with the many advertisements I've placed on Facebook - it helps when people see something by me and click because I made it sound intriguing. I've slowly been garnering more readers, even if they won't openly admit it via telling me or slapping a comment on to something. And while it may seem like I'm still getting nowhere both with this and my life, I can still say this blog's gotten me farther than I've gotten before.

As noted earlier, I didn't succeed in Operation: DREAM EATER, but that shouldn't be surprising to anyone - especially me. I'm used to setting up giant challenges that I end up failing miserably at. Most times when failure bites me I end up kicking my psychological self around like a soccer ball in a FIFA game.

Deep down, I kind of knew I wasn't going to succeed. I didn't want to admit it to myself - last thing I'd want to do is break my optimism apart when I've been doing so well with keeping my morale at higher levels than I've seen all my life. So, when last Friday rolled around and I ended up failing to meet deadline, I sat there going "Huh. I failed." Instead of mindless self-torture with worthless comments such as "Nice going, screw-up," I instead shrugged, said "Okay. It happens. I screw up. We all do."

It seems like I'm just throwing a cop-out excuse here for everyone when I shrug off the failure of a campaign that could've propelled me to some higher place. Imagine, however, if I did achieve the goals I set for myself with Operation: DREAM EATER. I'd be working non-stop on getting everything done, and I'd throw away anything resembling imperfection and distraction. I have the feeling that I would lose myself somewhere in the process. It's happened before when I lock myself into some kind of work. While dedication like that is amazing, it often comes with a high cost, and aggression and a zombified personality are not worth getting things done. In the end, I would end up soulless, and the work that stripped me of my essence would also be soulless.

Of course, that's not the case now - I got other things on my plate that seem to be revitalizing my life, so it's all good there. I know that I'll have to revisit these tasks sometime soon, reanalyze their priorities and continue working on them, but when there's a lax deadline... well, that just means I can enjoy life more.

So, what have I taken out of this? Start small, and then eventually down the line, work my way up to bigger, better, more badass challenges. Greatness, while an epic and important goal to accomplish, can wait, especially if I put life on hold.

Yes, I'm aware if this sounded like a tangent. To excuse myself, look at the tags again. =P

A Prelude to War
(Cue war-sounding music. Preferably anything composed by Bear McCreary.)

In other, more awesome news, I started season two of Battlestar Galactica today. This past week was spent watching season one from a DVD collection I borrowed from a friend.

Now, what do I have to say about this military sci-fi space opera? Holy fraking shit. How I never got into this show before still baffles me. All my friends who've seen this show have always told me how much I'd love it. Here I am now... and I'm loving it.

Unfortunately (both for myself and the BSG fans out there who read this), I'm afraid I don't have much to say about it at this rate other than the fact that it's epic. I don't want to discuss anything without accidentally revealing major spoilers, and I most certainly don't want to receive any spoilers, either. So, until I finish the show, I think the most you'll probably see out of me in regards to this is stuff related to "OMG BSG EPIC O.O" statements. I promise you though that I will get to talking about it in great detail once I finish. Hell, maybe I'll even get someone I know who hasn't seen this show to watch it.

Thing is, if I do get around to doing stuff like that, I'll have to be careful with whoever reads the posts or watches the show - they could be Cylons. As you know, "the Cylons were created by man. They rebelled. They evolved. They look and feel human. Some are programmed to think they are human. There are many copies. And they have a plan."

Ten Reasons on Why Tomorrow's Entry Will Be Awesome
(Oh, yeah. Lots of reasons. No more, no less.)

So, tomorrow's entry will be important for a myriad of reasons. Why's that, you ask? Well...
  1. I'm writing it.
    Well, obviously. But then again, that should make it more exciting for you, no? No? Well... sucks for you, then.
  2. It's going to have a Top Ten list on it.
    Oh, yeah. That means it'll be fun to read and insightful to my personality! And you stalkers can get more crazy ideas to stalk me with. You creepy punks.
  3. The entry will feature music in the pre-blog opening.
    Yeah, it's been a while since I've actually listed lots of music down, hasn't it?
  4. It's completely safe.
    Tomorrow's entry is unsappable by enemy Spies, 100% contagion-free, and has been tested and revealed to totally not be a frakkin' toaster Cylon.
  5. It's the last entry that will entail over one thousand words as a requirement.
    More of a breather for you than me, perhaps. =P
  6. Pictures!
    Because you bastards can never get tired of pictures, can you? Nope. That's why it's got the highest tag number to this day.
  7. It will be tagged as a "milestone" entry.
    Yes, it's that important. Why? I'm not exactly sure, but I got that gut feeling that it will be. And I like important things. Makes me look important.
  8. It's a post... made on a Friday.
    Fridays are lots of fun. The start of the weekend, of life, of fun. Before certain people ruined it with things like "working on the weekend" and that dreadful song I'm refusing to link to.
  9. [insert some "reason" here]
    [insert some one-liner related to the just-mentioned "reason" here]
  10. Music. Enough said.
    I mentioned music already? Well, I guess it's important enough to warrant it being mentioned twice. MUSIC!
Yeah. So, keep your eyes peeled.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I'll bid you adieu for now. Got some sleep and Battlestar Galactica to watch. Until the 'morrow, everyone. SO SAY WE ALL!

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