Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Self-Reminder to Update

I've added a bunch of new tags lately and I realized that I have yet to update my tags list to keep up. So, in an attempt to get them defined so that I can easily cut-and-paste the definitions on the editing page (as well as save my ass today by exceeding 1,000 words), I'll just define all the new ones that showed up between now and... whenever the last time I updated that Tags page... which was... *looks* ...July 30th. Eep.

- advice
I'm no expert on the many (mis)fortunes of life - while it's true that I've experienced my fair share of eye-opening events, I can't say that I've experienced all of the ones the world has to offer. However, that doesn't mean I can sit idly by when someone is in some kind of psychoemotional peril. When it matters - and more importantly, when I can make some kind of (significant) impact - I do what I can to contribute in the "care" factor.

Obviously, the "advice" I give here isn't tailored specifically for any one single person, nor does it delve into any intimately personal matters. Rather, I'll just help out a fellow artist or suggest something. It's up to the advice-taker on whether or not they'll follow it.

- art
Generally, when a post is tagged like this, I'm delving somewhere in the entire world of artistry and not just my typical area of expertise (namely, writing). I'm a fan of art of all kinds, and so are most artists out there.

So far, it looks like it's also associated with the "advice" tag.

- birthday
This one should be a no-brainer. All entries with the "birthday" tag will feature somebody's birthday (and more often than not, it'll be my birthday)! Yaaaaaaaaaay~!

- cryptic metaphor
I'm known for possessing a very hyperactive imagination. Such kinds of minds are usually the most predictable in the sense that you will barely make any sense out of its varied creations. Sometimes, even the owner of an hyperactive imagination can't make any sense of his/her thoughts. When this happens, it can be a bit concerning. When it happens to me, I end up thinking about it for hours on end.

Of course, once in a while I get brave random psychotic crazy enough to post an abridged version of these random thoughts. I do my best to organize the whole spiel and filter out anything unnecessary, but sometimes it'll still look jumbled. While you go stare at it and wonder if you're going to have a brain aneurysm after you're done, I'll stare at it and just tilt my head in confusion as I attempt to make more sense out of it.

- In Case of Emergency
(Author's Note: This description may look familiar - if you read "Maybe Love Is..." then you'll recognize this part.)

Before I started this entire blog, I went through some of my old work - posts on past blogs I liked, old papers I wrote (of which only a few were actually for school), poems and scripts I composed over the years. Of these, I grabbed what I believed to be the cream of the crop and copied them into a folder that I labeled "In Case of Emergency" - only to be used when I've spent a considerable amount of time staring at the same screen because I honestly could not compose anything to slap on here.

As I make things or encounter things I find interesting on the Internet, I'll be throwing more and more of my favorites into this folder. When I have nothing to say (or when I just can't think of anything to place on here for the day), expect me to throw something from the folder on here.

If anything, this may break that chain of "crappy two-liner posts" I throw up occasionally.

- life
Just a general analysis on my life up to that date. It may be melancholic... it may be blissful... but it's all truth. A sort-of vent... with or without the emotion.

- Metal Gear
One of my all-time favorite video game franchises out there, the Metal Gear (Solid) series focuses on a world where bipedal, nuclear-capable machines of war known as "Metal Gears" threaten the world and the heroes sent to stop them from being deployed.

Whether it be a philosophical analysis on one of the myriad of messages the games have left upon the (video game) community

- Nintendo
Of course, the blog of a gamer would not be complete without some major reference to some video game company. As I grew up with the NES, the N64, GameCube and what not, I'm obviously a Nintendo fanboy.

- Pensieve
There are many topics I attempt to delve into unwittingly only to catch myself and say something on the lines of "remind me to talk about it later." Oftentimes these topics have some sort of significance, while others simply exist for the sole purpose of entertainment. Once in a blue moon, I'll look back at all my blogs and find all of these topics I said I'd "eventually" get to typing about but never did.

When this happens, I compile them into a list and throw them up on the Internet for me and the world to look at. Much like the Pensieves of the Harry Potter world, they offer some insight to my mind and the memories associated with what brought up those topics and why I said I'd talk about it later.

- recipe
Chefs and culinary artists alike know that sometimes their creations are so good, they just have to share. Barring any greedy punks that won't, most will make some kind of effort to get it published - be it an internationally-renowned cookbook, some (crazy) (online) cooking show (I'm looking at you, Epic Meal Time) or even a simple online blog (like mine!).

Obviously, any and all posts involving this tag will have some sort of personally-made recipe I slapped on the Internet for y'all to try and enjoy. Granted, most are pretty simple and what not, but it's the heart and thought put into the cooking that counts.

As of 11 September, I have two recipes:

- romance
I don't like to admit it, but I am a hopeless romantic. Once in a while I'll have (day)dreams about falling in love with a woman, getting married and having a family. Yeah, I know - nothing hotter than a guy planning out a future that is ever so unclear, but a guy can dream.

When I do post anything related to matters of the heart, they'll be labelled with this tag.

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