Saturday, September 24, 2011

Omens of Awesome

Evening, everybody! How's everyone doing this fine night? I myself am doing pretty okay - it's the last day of my vacation and I'm feeling absolutely refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes my way (minus anything that's pointy). I like good feelings like this - y'all should, too - it keeps me alive, allows me to be all super-fun-happy, and lets me catch up on something I wanted to get myself caught up with.

Well, then... let's begin.

TO DO: One Week, Seven Thousand Words
(Oh, that just sounds too easy, don't it?)

I'm willing to bet you're glad that in one week, September will end. Those whose favorite holiday is Halloween apply. Same goes for autumn-lovers. People who like reading this but hate all this text will be the ones who enjoy this one as well.

As for me, I'm actually on the fence on this. On one hand, I'm going to miss the time I spent typing in an effort to make myself a better writer person. On the other, I'm happy that I'm not going to be as mentally taxed as I have been for this entire month.

I found today to be particularly difficult to come up with something to throw on here. This difficulty has been increasing in size since... oh, I'd say around the 7th. I mean, I have to come up with a lot of text that hopefully doesn't bore you guys, and I have to make sure it's something I'm not just going to regret slapping on here later on in life. One would think that since I have but a week left of long posts to take care of (with the first one being today's), it would be easier. Unfortunately, that isn't the case with me.

Regardless, I think this month was beneficial in finding out a bit more about myself. Even though the results won't likely be posted on here (because, let's face it: this was more about self-discovery than anything else), the other things gained from this September will surely help me as I keep posting things on here in the future.

Ten Times How Much, Now?
(Because one Top Ten list is never enough...)

If I were to rate every entry I've posted thus far, I think "The Top Ten: Pokémon" would have to be one of the ones I'd place on top. It's surprisingly lengthy without even showing it (topping off at over five thousand words without counting footnotes and the pre-blog stuff), features a lot of bright and colorful pictures (all thanks to the work of Ken Sugimori and those various Deviants), converses with you about a topic that people would actually read (you know you read it for the Pokémon factor), and was all-around entertaining. At least I think it had all that, but seeing as how it's one of the most-viewed pages on this blog, I'm going to keep thinking that.

Anyway, I had intended to just write quick ditties on each of the ten entrants, but as you probably saw I got a little text-happy. Not only did I meet the one-thousand-word quota, but I did it without getting detracted. I was so focused on making it a decent entry that the word requirement ended up meeting itself without me having to actually try to do so.

Now I'm inspired to make more Top Ten lists. Obviously, as I'm a big gamer and nerd, some will end up being geeky and quite odd to the more common persons out there. However, that won't be the case - I'll see if I can get some topic that's of interest to everyone and then make my list from there. I 'unno - maybe I might make a top ten list involving the most epic Mexican standoffs in media, or the top ten recipes made a gazillion times better via bacon. Or maybe you have an idea and would like to share it with me to see what my take on the topic is. (Had to do my shameless plug there.)

Heck, I might as well do it - I had a lot of fun with the first list, so who's to say that I won't have fun with future ones? Just keep your eyes peeled - another one's bound to show up soon.

Don't Feed the Addict
(Or: Why you shouldn't show me cool things.)

Everyone knows someone who has an addictive personality. They come across something that piques their interest, and before long they're absolutely crazy about it - almost at the point where it becomes a temporary obsession in their lives. For a select few, they can learn how to control themselves. For others, it's damned near impossible. Like I said: everyone knows someone. For all we know, you could have an addictive personality yourself.

I've probably already said this somewhere in a previous entry, but I'll say it again: I have an addictive personality. It's been used and abused so many times, I can't remember which particular cases were hilarious and which ones were borderline-worrysome. From trading cards to making ringtones... from television shows to World of Warcraft. If it's cool and something appealing - and I don't already have myself involved with it in some way - there's a good chance that if I encounter it, I'm going to be addicted.

Yesterday two of my friends injected me with a new addiction in the form of the science fiction television series Battlestar Galactica. (I mentioned this yesterday, in case you don't recall.) Some of my friends have mentioned it to me in the past, and I have heard parts of the aurally mind-blowing soundtrack before and even posted a little bit about it on here. I think my friends must've read the part where I said:
"I've yet to see the actual show itself, but from some of my friends keen in the science fiction department, they say it's a pretty good program. Judging from my reaction to the aural quality of its soundtrack, I think I might have to give the series a shot."
So that's what they ended up doing. After we got back from a nice dinner sesh over at the local Applebee's, one of my friends logged into XBox Live, went to Netflix, and loaded up the reimagined miniseries (which I later learned was the series' three-hour-long backdoor pilot).

I... I don't recall anything happening outside of the television other than what I can only describe as three hours of eye-grabbing, space operatic story. (I can better sum up that feeling with one word: "WHOA.")

As you've probably noticed, there's a Battlestar Galactica tag on this entry. There's little doubt that this series is going to bring me nothing but sci-fi awesomeness as I watch it.

So, to my friends responsible for "making me" watch it: Thanks. As if I didn't have enough on my plate to watch already. =D

Well, that'll be it for tonight. A friend let me borrow the first season of Battlestar Galactica, so... *giant grin of glee* ...until the 'morrow!

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