Showing posts with label games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label games. Show all posts

Sunday, June 9, 2013

S'more Smooth Suribachi Stratagems

After four seven eight days* spent not typing anything (worthwhile), I felt that it was time to post something of good quality. While it hasn't been a stellar year so far in this blog, it's still alive (albeit barely), and so I figured it deserved a little something for holding out this long. Refusing to die off like a voice in the wind... it's worth something, and that something... would be words. (A six-year-old somewhere is asking: "What the hell kind of gift is that!?")

Words are a complex crop that I haven't cultivated in a while, and so it took a lot more effort than usual to get them ready for presentation. A lot. But with a careful eye to watch them grow, some time to help them adapt to being summoned on such short notice, and (hopefully,) people bored/curious enough to read them, I'm sure these words I've labored for ought to do the job.

* = The entirety of last month was not counted in this statistic. Hell, the majority of this year wasn't counted. Ignorance can be bliss sometimes.

This was me earlier today.
Now that I've typed this all out... let's see if today's words can form sentences that make sense (as opposed to this entry's ridiculous mish-mash of a title). Let's go and rock out the rest of this long (and hopefully engaging) spiel!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Renaming Dilemma

A major problem has recently been presented to me - one which I must say I'm having difficulty in solving.

The situation arose back on Wednesday, several hours after I posted that day's entry. I was involved in a conflict with some friends that ended up becoming quite sour after a backstab went horribly wrong. I assigned myself the position of "interventionist" and somehow brought the situation to a steady calm, only to lose control and watch as my friends and I embroiled ourselves in another brawl that would prove to be quite bloody.

In the end, I somehow ended up on top and unwittingly tasked myself with solving a major crisis. There's also a bit of a time limit - I was only able to bring about a metaphorical ceasefire, and if things go the way I'm foreseeing it, this crisis may escalate into yet another fight by tomorrow's end. Said crisis requires a bit of input from all of you, so I thank you in advance for taking the time to read this entry.

So, what is this dramatic and important dilemma, you ask?

Australia as it currently lies in our Risk Legacy game. As can be seen, I've yet to write a name for the continent.
I have won the right to rename Australia.
But what should I name the continent?

Cue many facepalms from people who did not see this anti-climax coming. Hee hee hee. =P

Monday, January 30, 2012

Ideas From All Over

There are some days where people just aren't doing so hot. Events in a person's life for that day seem to weigh them down. Stress builds up; tensions flare; in short, you have a dysfunctional person who'd probably collapse from a metaphorical aneurysm. From a first glance, there doesn't seem to be a way to get them out of their funk.

Enter... me. And a revolver. And that cold, unflinching stare you see from the outlaws of the Old West.
That's where I come in. As it's a merry night for me, I have to say that sometimes, you have to share the happiness and wealth with others in an attempt to make them feel better. That's why I post things here. I want to help eliminate the depression that some people seem to have built up inside themselves. We don't want anyone succumbing to stress or anything of the sort, and I can't let that happen on my watch.

So, as y'all read tonight's entry, put a smile on your face and just embrace the happiness you've been denying yourself. Go, on - do it. Rid yourself of your stress and worries - slay them with a gun and sword if you have to. Tonight, we...

( •_•)>⌐■-■

...are going to have a killer time. ("YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!")

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

One Thousand Cylinders

Here's a tip for the people who enjoy life a little too much (and frankly, this applies to just about everyone as well): KEEP ENJOYING LIFE.

If your life happens to crash, though... I don't know how to help.
Oh, and don't fail at life, either. That's also good.