Friday, August 16, 2019


Several years after graduating high school, I remember joking with my friends about what we'd be like when we were all 30. Some of us would be married. Some would have kids. One of us would be living on the other side of the country in some secret government job, spying on the rest of us with some crazy espionage gear.

I rememer making a sarcastic quip along the lines of "I won't make it to 30."

This wasn't because of some innate desire to kill myself - nor was it some sort of pessimistic outlook on life. I just thought I'd end up as some worthless washout with no purpose... no meaning.

*laughs* My, how stupid was I back then? At this point, tomorrow is uncharted waters. Although I don't look like it, I'm ready to venture off into the part of the map that says "Here be dragons."

But first, I need to get some sleep.

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