Matt Uelmen - "Honor Hold"
World of Warcraft: Mosaic
As I began writing this entry, I realized how cold this day seemed. Mind you, I don't mean it in a temperature-based meaning or as a metaphor for how icy I can be when "jerkass mode" is on. I mean it in a "desolate wasteland of loneliness" kind of cold - that metaphorical chill you get in your heart whenever you're by yourself and realize you'll be that way for a decent bit of time that almost feels like an eternity. (And yes: being by myself for a few hours feels like an eternity to me. Yay, neuroses.)
So I began wondering how I could convey this cold and staunch solitariness to my readers (you) through music, and after a bit of searching, "Honor Hold" became the top choice.
For those of you who've never trekked through Azeroth or Outland (i.e.: never played World of Warcraft), Honor Hold is an Alliance stronghold rooted near the heart of Hellfire Peninsula on the crumbling planetary remains of Draenor (also known as Outland). Between the occasional earthquakes, the nearby fel orc stronghold of Hellfire Citadel, the armies of the demonic Burning Legion, and the Horde's own fort Thrallmar, there is a lot of action to be seen all over - both outside Honor Hold's stone walls and inside.
When I first got to Outland with Gefallen, I was amazed. As I stepped through the Dark Portal (the mystic gate between Azeroth and Draenor), I took in the sight of this crumbling planet. Traversing through this desolate wasteland marred by war, demonic armies, and fel fire for the first time - the thought of it felt both wondrous and a little scary. I took a gryphon to Honor Hold, and as I entered its airspace, the music began to play.
In-game, there are two possible main tracks that can play while in the Alliance base. (The track I linked above combines the two and the following description will be based on what I heard from this particular mix.) The theme of Honor Hold begins its fanfare with six notes played by a lone trumpet. As it continues into a new melody the other horns in the brass section begin to join in with bits of percussion in the background. About a minute in, the horns belt out a whole different line as the strings provide a high backing sound.
The lone horns provide an aural metaphor for the staunch defense the Alliance has displayed by maintaining the hold. As can be seen from the first picture I slapped on here (and on the link as well), Honor Hold is indeed on its own in that dreary and cold place. No support, no future, no hope of seeing the sun (quite literally, too, might I add) - only a bleak and seemingly-endless war in front of it. As the metaphor continues: at the time of writing this entry, there was nothing laid out for me - only a bleak day consisting of zero plans with friends who probably have stuff to do (at least at that point of time - things probably changed as time moved forward). And because of that, it was selected to play in today's entry.
Well, howdy, everyone, and welcome to The White Knight Chronicles. Today is post number 504, and if you're keeping track of the yearly post number, this is 2012's post 139. There's nothing special about the entry numbers or anything - I just felt like informing you of it.
So, what is there to talk about today? Well, to be honest: not a whole lot. Like the music emphasized, today seems to be like a cold day.
And because of that, I came up with a somewhat-ridiculous idea for the main topic of this entry. Originally, I was planning on opening the "In Case of Emergency" folder, slapping something on here, and calling it a day. Then, I stumbled across an old Facebook post I made when I was "blogging" on there. One thing led to another, and eventually I came across a survey questionnaire consisting of 500 questions (so the survey claimed) I did a long time back (November 3, 2007, to be exact). As I read it, I began to lightly chuckle in amusement over how I answered some of the questions. Right when I began to question my responses, a light bulb appeared - what if I were to provide my own running commentary on it?
So, I decided to copy and paste the Facebook entry on here, run my typed commentary with it, provide any answers I feel applies to now, add some pictures (so you don't get tired of seeing nothing but a wall of text), and showcase it to y'all. I get my one thousand words; you get something to laugh at; I laugh with you; we all have a fun day with this entry! See, everyone wins!
Since I'll be quoting myself and running commentary on my past self simultaneously, I'm going to have to format this slightly differently so you can differentiate between "past" me and "present" me. Here's how it's going to work. The question will be bolded and my original answer from November 3, 2007 will be directly under it and italicized. Following that will be my commentary, conveniently right-aligned for easy reference. Essentially, it's going to look something like this:
000. Is this a question?
Yes. Yes, it is.
That was a question? Really? Really? I couldn't be more sarcastic than that? Wow, past me! You must've sucked at being a deadpan snarker back then! I'm happy I don't remember you!
Got it? Alright, good. If you don't, you'll just have to catch up. Now, some of these questions won't have any commentary - partially because I might've accidentally skipped it; partially because an answer I provided back then really doesn't need commentary. Apart from that, there's going to be pictures scattered here and there to make this more fun to look at.
Now, without further ado, onward to this look at the past, and this awesome survey that must've taken forever to do!
=== === === === === === === === === ===
001. What is your name?
Josh D. Blanco
002. Spell your name backwards:
Ocnalb Hsoj. What the hell is THAT?
Seriously, that looks weird. It's almost like pseudo-Russian or something.
003. Date of birth:
16AUG1989. Forgive the DD/MMMM/YYYY format that most Americans can't stand using.
Don't forgive anyone. It's a clearly better system that makes sorting dates so much easier.
004. Male or female?
005. Astrological sign:
Normal Zodiac: Leo. Chinese: snake.
006. Nicknames:
Whitey's my most prominent, but I also have quite a lot, including (but not limited to) Weed-Boy, Fatty, Señor Hamster, Josh'a, and (my full name that I loathe to be called save from a few people) Joshua.
I seriously hope I don't have to explain the meaning behind "Whitey." The other names listed here were various nicknames I possessed during my high school days, and this was at a time before I began to hate that name with unbridled fury.
Currently, now, I don't really have any other names people call me. Some of my high school friends still call me "Whitey," but apart from that, there's not much else. My work cohorts are attempting to try getting "Nosh" as a new one, and another work mate apparently found a loophole in the use of that name and is entitled to the right of calling me "Ua" (pronounced "oo-uh").
007. Occupation?
College student, slacker, gamer, writer, Pokémon trainer. Latter two jobs seem to be my faves at the moment.
Kind of funny (and partially sad) how most of these are now circling the drain. As of now, I'm an Electronics Team Member / Trainer at Target.
008. Height:
Seeing as how I'm Asian... I'm short. Haven't checked in a while, but I'm willing to guess... 5'6"?
*looks at his driver's license* says 5'6" on the card, idiot. How did you not think of looking at your licence?
009. Weight:
Haven't checked in a while, but I'm Filipino - there's barely any weight shift no matter what I do. Which means roughly around the 160s or so.
*uneasy laugh* Truth be told, I don't know where I am now. Probably a little worse than I was a few years ago, but if my calculations are right, I'm pretty sure I'm still (somehow) under 200.
010. Hair color:
011. Eye color:
(Author's Note: There was no 012. I didn't notice this the first time, but I did notice the other numbers that were missing. Rather than fill in the blanks, I'm just going to be a lazy bum and totally leave it (as well as the other blanks) open. If anything, that's one less question for you to read, right?)
013. Where do you reside now?
Camarillo, CA, USA.
014. Age:
18. I can vote and be drafted! Whoo!?
22 now. I can vote, be drafted, and drink those problems away! Huzzah! *downs a Shock Top*
015. Screen names:
The trouble with me and screen names is that I've always wanted to come up with something meaningful that hasn't been used. (Yeah, good luck with that.) As such, I haven't created one lately...
016. E-mail: - (Hack off the "REMOVETHIS" part - I do it so that adbots don't steal this shit.)
I haven't used this e-mail in ages. I should probably set up a new official one and use this one for going through sites that may be infested with adbots.
{WTF - where's 17?}
018. What is your LJ name?
Don't have an LJ. If I did (which I might - signed up for one once), it'd be jduran89.
As can be evidenced right now, I don't use LiveJournal. I'm pretty much rooted here until I find something completely amazing... or if Google somehow goes under.
019. What does your diary/journal name stand for?
Journal name? My journal has a name?
"The White Knight Chronicles" stands for the ideal version of myself that I long to be - a stalwart, proud, strong man of virtue and honor. The blog is a chronicle of the journey I'm (somewhat) going through to get there. And yes, I'm aware that it shares the exact same name with a certain PlayStation 3 game. Hush up - I already had to tell y'all this back in March of last year.
020. Pets:
None. Unless you wanna count the Pokémon I've been training. Then I don't know the number.
No pets, and I still don't know the number of Pokémon. It's safe to say "hundreds," though.
021. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake?
The last birthday cake with candles that I actually had that was meant for me dates back to a long time ago, before "The Dark Age" of my life... and that was when I was 11.
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"CQC... a real Big Boss, huh?" |
According to the picture I provided...? Two. One "2" and another "2."
022. Piercings?
023. Tattoo(s)?
024. Shoe size:
9.5 - T_T
025. Righty or lefty?
026. Wearing:
My PJs.
Pajamas would look weird at a library, so I decided to wear something different. Black T-shirt, jeans, shoes and socks - the usual.
027. Hearing:
It's on random... [hits the random button] ...Audioslave's "Show Me How to Live" - great song.
It's not on random this time. "Drebin 893" by Nobuko Toda, Shuichi Kobori, and Kazuma Jinnouchi - from Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Original Soundtrack.
028. Feeling:
Lonesome. Bound to change once I get out of this damn home and with a bunch of friends who may (not) have a plan.
Lonesome. Bound to change once I get out of this damn library and with a bunch of friends who may (not) have a plan. (Assuming anyone's available, even.)
029. Eating/drinking:
Candy corn. And a burrito.
That has got to be the weirdest combination of food ever. What; did I cash in on leftover Halloween candy at a gas station or something?
~Friends Stuff~
Which one of your friends is the....
030. Craziest?
IMO, we're all crazy in some way or another.
I don't think I've met anyone who has matched my particular brand of crazy. I've seen people with their own element of crazy - and let me tell you, it's crazy.
031. Loudest?
Hm... tough call. I'd have to say Ryan (which is ironic).
Not sure nowadays. Most everyone's about the same level of loud.
032. Nicest?
Tie between most everyone I know.
Oh, that can't be right. Everyone's got a hidden and selfish jerkass inside of them. Now I'm not saying that nobody is nice - it's just that I've seen a lot of jerkasses that I can't really tell who qualifies as "nicest" anymore.
033. Bitchiest?
If I was allowed to, I'd vote myself. (Un)Fortunately, I can't, so... [thinks] ...don't we ALL bitch at some point?
Heh. I can think of a few people. To be nice, I won't list their names on here.
035. Jock?
I'd go with Joe.
Haven't been out with anyone lately at sporting events or anything of the like, so my answer's going to have to be changed to an "I don't know?"
{...and 36?}
037. Rebel?
All of us. We're (ex-)teenagers, right?
Sadly, there's still people who "rebel" that are our age - and the worst part is that they don't even know how stupid they're being about it. There's a right way and a wrong way to rebel against [insert target here], but most "rebels" these days seem to be going for the latter.
038. Cutest?
I dunno... the ladies, obviously, but...
039. Best friend of the same sex?
All male "Whitey's Medal of Honor" recipients.
040. Best friend of the opposite sex?
All female "Whitey's Medal of Honor" recipients.
When I graduated high school, I created a silly thing called "Whitey's Medal of Honor" and awarded them to the friends who made some kind of major impact on me during my high school days. Sadly, I haven't talked with them in ages, but they still hold their spots and can come back at any time (barring anyone who did something stupid to revoke their award).
Nowadays, I have a sort-of respect scale that I use to grade people. It's fairly accurate, and it looks something like this:
It takes a lot to climb up, but all it takes is one stupid thing to bump you down. If I was a Social Link in a Persona game, I think I'd have a gazillion ways to reverse it...
041. Most popular?
Now if I answered this, it'd be like rating my friends based on coolness, which is stupid, because you'd have to rate them on EVERY factor.
Oh, hush, past me. The world operates on popularity despite how much you want to believe otherwise. Statistically, I'd rate "most popular" with "number of friends on Facebook," and the winner of that award can be pretty much compared to the winner of an Internet argument. That's not saying much.
042. Rudest?
Oh, I can think of a few people...
043. Most shy?
I'd have to say Worm.
To preserve their status as an introvert, I'll refrain from typing names here.
044. Dumbest?
All of us, because we've all had our stupid moment(s).
045. Smartest?
See above, except replace "stupid" with "smart."
I'm going to have to call you out there. Genius has limits. Stupidity doesn't.
046. Weirdest?
Anyone who we can classify as eccentric can be here.
047. Has the best hair?
Oh, geez, I don't know...
Damn shame I can't place myself here on this. </narcissism>
{No sign of 48 here.}
049. Most talented?
Hm... there's so many of ya' with amazing talent.
And yet it goes to waste...
050. Most ghetto?
I don't know; you'd have to be a pretty-fucked-up cheap-ass to get this dishonor.
051. Most spoiled?
I don't know... who here would like to say they are? lol
I can think of a few people.
{Both 52 and 53 aren't on here. Geez; who the hell numbered this thing!?}
054. Funniest?
[laughs at everyone, because "stupid moments" tend to mix with "funny moments"]
055. Best advice giver?
"WMoH" recipients - particularly those without a Y-chromosome.
To this day I think I could cite more girls than guys as good advice givers. I don't know what it is about not having a Y-chromosome.
056. Druggie?
Uhm... I'm not answering this. Doing so would possibly damage credibility and reputation, and I'm not one to condone such a thing (unless it was outta vengeance).
I've heard of some people and met with some people. Some are decent, but most of them are just starving husks waiting to wither away.
{57 is gone.}
058. Have you lost touch with a good friend recently?
Yeah... but that's because I haven't called her in God-knows-how-long. Still BFFs and everything; long-distance calling just costs a bitch if it ain't the weekend.
As the years pass I find myself barely talking to some people. Whether it's a case of "moving on with our own lives" or "we're so far apart" or "I'm going to become a major jerkass, Josh," it's kind of saddening. But, that's life for you. I'm used to people leaving (military children always are), so it's not really that big of a deal for me.
059. Person you've been friends with the longest?
Megan B. Someone remind me to call her during this weekend.
Anyone I still talk with since high school, I guess. I don't even know anymore.
060. How many friends do you have on your buddy list?
Don't know; don't care. Social networking sites aren't popularity contests, people.
Indeed they aren't, and yet some people still cling to the thought that numbers are everything. Sign of the times, I guess.
~Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~
061. Have you ever been in love?
Eh, I'm not privy on answering this question. Whenever that question comes up, I ask myself if I even know what love is... and if I'm more emotionally (im)mature than I think I am...
Let's not get me started on this. 98% of the time I start having a discussion on this four-letter word, it spirals downhill and I get in this crappy depression slump. We don't need that to sap my mental energy, so I won't delve much into it.
But yes. Yes, I have.
062. How many people have you told "I love you"? and meant it?
... I mean, I know I'm cruel and borderline heartless, but to not have said anything at all? Geez, past me. You are a jerk.
063. How many people have you been in love with?
I don't know. (See #061.)
I don't keep tally. Again, I'll cite #061.
064. How many people have you kissed?
065. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
066. How many people have you dated?
067. What do you look for in a guy/girl?
Personality kinda says it all...
And I just had to post that Top Ten list on fictional females two days ago. After reading that and paying attention to my commentary, you might as well call it "the unofficial list of what Josh looks for in a girl."
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Murder me. |
Eyes and hair.
069. What type of guy/girl do you usually go for?
I don't care, really.
Oh, you do care. Everyone does. Not caring just makes you look pathetically apathetic - and most girls don't dig that.
070. Do you have a bf/gf?
071. If so where did you meet them?
See #070.
072. What do you like most about your bf/gf?:
See #071.
073. Do you have a crush right now?
[shifts uneasily in his chair]
*shifts uneasily in his chair*
074. If so who is it?
[still shifting uneasily]
*still shifting uneasily*
075. Do you believe in love at first sight?
It works for some. Doesn't work for everyone else.
076. Do you remember your first crush?
[thinks back] Maybe.
Now, this is a bit of a tricky one. First crush period? First crush that totally had you enraptured? First crush you confessed to? What? In the case of the first one: no. Second one: yes. Third one: yes.
077. Who is the first person you kissed?
078. Do you believe in fate?
Romantically, no.
079. Do you believe in soul mates?
Yes. I, however, also believe that soul mates don't have to be romantically involved with each other...
080. If so, do you believe you'll ever find yours?
(See previous answer if none of this makes sense.) If I've found her already, sweet. If not, then... I hope so.
{And somehow this survey skipped 81-103. HOW DO YOU MISS THAT!?}
~Family Stuff~
104. How many siblings do you have?
Yeah, I was more... volatile... back then. Due to how ridiculous and violent past me was with answering this question, it has been censored for your safety and my sanity.
105. What are your parents' names?
Jon and Lennie.
106. What is/are your sibling'(s)' names?
107. How many siblings does your mother have?
108. How many siblings does your father have?
I believe five.
109. Where are your parents from?
The Philippines.
110. Is your family close?
No. It's probably the only Filipino family I know of that's divorced. Hell, I'm not even close with most of my family.
111. Does your family get together for holidays?
I'm sure they do. Why am I unsure? I'm off with my friends.
Plus, it's kind of hard when you're working retail and they want you for every day that isn't "Christmas Day."
112. Do you have a drunk uncle?
Not around relatives enough to see any drunkenness.
Plus, drunk relatives are only hilarious when they're in your age range. Any older or younger and it's either sad or shocking.
113. Any medical problems run through your family?
Not aware of any.
114. Does someone in your family wear a toupee?
Not around relatives enough to see any, though I'm pretty sure there isn't anyone.
I think Filipinos wear their baldness with pride - I've yet to meet any Filipino with a wig or toupee.
115. Do you have any nieces or nephews?
116. Are your parents divorced?
Yes. Quite better off, really.
117. Do you have step parents?
118. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family?
119. If so, for what?
120. Did some of your family come to America from another country?
The Philippines.
~Music Stuff~
121. What song do you swear was written about you or your life?
I don't know... lots of songs have stuff that could be associated with me, though.
122. What's the most embarrasing CD you own?
Don't own many CDs.
My CD collection has grown, but I don't think I'm embarrassed by any of it.
123. What's the best CD you own?
Those Metal Gear Solid soundtracks I bought at J-Town (because they're the first actual CDs I bought).
I'm going to reinterpret the question to mean "what has the most rotation in my car." That can be answered with two CDs:
- Halestorm's debut album Halestorm, and
- the Battlestar Galactica Season 2 Original Soundtrack.
124. What song do you absolutely hate?
Most rap/hip-hop. Sure, some's danceable, but PUT SOME GODDAMN MEANING IN IT. I don't wanna hear about guys knocking up every "shawty" they come across or thugs shooting up rival artists, nor do I wanna hear anything that could make my brain cells commit hara-kiri.
I've pretty much accepted anything nowadays. That hate for rap/hip hop has lessened to "mild annoyance" if I find it unbearable, but I'll listen to almost anything. Except #5 on my Hate List. Also, anyone considered "horrible" by the world. (Read: people who really shouldn't be singing, even with the help of Auto-Tune.)
125. Do you sing in the shower?
126. What song reminds you of that special someone?
Not answerable; once I find her, we'll probably have some random song that reminds us of each other.
~Okay, I Name An Artist And You Give A Lyric From Any One Of Their Songs!~
127. Pink:
n/a - never listened
128. Aerosmith:
"Sweeeeet emoooootion!" ("Sweet Emotion")
129. Madonna:
"I guess I'll die another aay; It's not my time to go." ("Die Another Day")
{130? Naah.}
131. Backstreet Boys:
n/a - never listened (and thank the Lord for that)
132. The Beatles:
"There's one for you; 19 for me..." ("Taxman")
Why I chose "Taxman"; I don't know. Because my favorite song identifies me as the eggman. They're the eggman. "I Am the Walrus!" Goo goo ga-choo!
133. Sublime:
"I can play the guitar like a motherfuckin' riot." ("What I Got")
134. J.Lo:
n/a - never listened
135. N*Sync:
"Bye, bye, bye..." (I blame my cousins for spamming this when we used to live together.)
136. Limp Bizkit:
"It's all about the he-said/she-said bullshit..." ("Break Stuff")
137. Britney Spears:
"Hit me baby, one more time!" (Again, I point at my cousins.)
138. Creed:
n/a - never listened
139. Enrique Iglesias:
n/a - never listened
Didn't he play a song when he guest-starred on How I Met Your Mother?
140. Good Charlotte:
"If money is such a problem, well they've got mansions; think we should rob them." ("Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous")
{And apparently the survey-maker thought of no use for 141.}
142. Eminem:
"You only get one shot; do not miss your chance to blow; this opportunity only comes once in a lifetime, yo." ("Lose Yourself")
143. New Found Glory:
n/a - never listened
144. Kelly Clarkson:
"A moment like this" ("A Moment Like This")
145. Kelly Osbourne:
n/a - never listened
146. Mandy Moore:
n/a - never listened
147. Eve:
n/a - never listened
148. Aaliyah:
n/a - never listened
149. Nelly:
"It's getting hot in here; so take off all your clothes!" ("Hot in Herre")
150. Alicia Keys:
n/a - never listened
151. Incubus:
"Don't let the world bring you down; not everyone here is that fucked up and cold..." ("The Warmth")
152. Color:
I think I have to say that now it's a tie between green and black.
154. Song of all time:
I prefer not to answer, because it keeps jumping.
The same holds true to this day. I can't just pick one! That's like picking one pony!
155. Show:
Don't know, either.
Well, I could make you hate me by saying My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but I won't, because I still can't pick a show to watch forever.
156. School subject:
DISMISSAL! (Stinger [my school's newspaper] and Yearbook are also tied.)
157. Band/singer:
Don't know.
Still can't pick, can I?
158. Animal:
I dunno. Snakes are cool, but I've got a sudden fondness for cuuuuute penguins (PIPLUP!!!). <<
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#393 |
Honestly, how can you resist something that adorable?
159. Outfit:
Anything that makes me... me. Unless I'm cosplaying.
160. Radio station:
95.1 - but KJDB (my mp3 player) works, too. lol
I don't even listen to the radio anymore (thank you, iPod Classic). However, on those rare nights when I'm driving home and I don't have any juice on my iPod, I'll tune in to 95.1 and listen to John Tesh.
161. Movie:
Lots. Don't make me decide.
162. Pair of shoes:
The current pare of Nikes I have. Why? They're green and black, have a nighttime jungle camouflage pattern, AND boost my height by an inch! ^_^;;;
How in the unholy frak did I misspell "pair!?" Oh, and currently, anything that fits and is darned comfortable.
163. Cartoon:
Hm. Avatar: The Last Airbender seems to take the top slot (GO, IROH!)
I would have to put a tie between Avatar: The Last Airbender and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
164. Actor:
I don't know.
165. Actress:
Don't know.
166. Potato chip:
Lays Original.
167. Drink:
Arnold Palmers (particularly those I make at Burger Barn - juuuuust right).
168. Alcoholic drink:
None. Don't get me started on my teetotaling lest you want me to get pissed.
*hysterical laugh* If only we could show past me what I've become. I think he'd be scared like crazy.
169. Holiday:
Any holiday not related to Christmas (because the aforementioned holiday is a HUGE disappointment for me).
Halloween. It's the one day where people dress up. Plus, cosplayers look so much cooler compared to the craptastic costumes other people wear.
170. perfume/cologne:
Don't wear any.
171. Pizza topping:
All of 'em?
172. Jello flavor:
All of 'em?
173. Lunch meat:
Bologna FTW!
Bologna still holds this spot - mostly because it's the cheapest lunch meat I can find. Can't really beat $2.09 for a pound of the stuff - especially when ham costs about double for the same amount.
174. Board game:
I'd say Monopoly, but then Dane Cook's view on said game kicks in. Unless I'm the banker and a few players and I have formed an alliance.
175. Video game:
176. Website:
WIKIPEDIA!!! [looks around] Whaat?
177. Book:
Haven't read much, but Rainbow Six is pretty damn good.
178. Computer game:
Don't know. Diablo II, StepMania, CS:CZ...?
I haven't played Diablo II or CounterStrike: Condition Zero in ages. StepMania gets touched every once in a while, but that's about it. Nowadays, the only PC game I've played like crazy would be World of Warcraft, and that's about it.
179. Number:
7, 1337.
180. Cereal:
Honey Bunches of Oats. And then everything else.
181. Comedian:
Bill Cosby, Dane Cook, Pablo Fransisco, George Lopez, Dat Phan.
182. Dessert:
I can't answer this; there has been many a time where (I don't know how, but...) non-dessert foods such as sushi and Ramen ended up being the finishing course.
Now tacked on that list of "desserts": bacon.
183. Disney character:
184. Clothing store:
Never went shopping much for clothing. But anywhere where I can actually afford good clothing works fine.
185. Pasttime:
I don't know...
186. Teacher:
Don't know...
187. Childhood toy:
LEGOs! (It doesn't help that I want a LEGO MTT for Christmas. In my defense; I need an motorised infantry platoon to accompany my mechanized infantry SPECOPS company.)
I did get that Lego MTT. I did get a motorized infantry platoon. And now the army is strong enough to take on the world the opponents I throw its way.
188. Carnival game/ride:
Lots are fun.
Change that to "anything that won't give me motion sickness." Damn, I got nerfed big time.
189. Candy bar:
Butterfinger - ooh, Kit-Kat - wait, Crunch!
190. Magazine:
Game Informer. Notably because it's the only magazine I get.
191. Salad dressing:
Hard toss-up between Italian and Thousand Island...
Now it's Italian dressing. While Thousand Island's decent (especially when mixed with ketchup), Italian makes for a great addition to a lot more dishes. (Eggs Marshall, anyone?)
192. Thing to do on the weekend:
Anything not involving (most) family and home.
I don't have weekends anymore. I just work, work, work.
193. Hot drink:
Tea. Cocoa works, too.
194. Season:
Spring. Tolerable weather, great air, great season for... stuff.
195. Sport to watch:
Baseball, football, American football, gaming competitions.
Tack on "hockey" to that list.
196. Person to talk to online:
Anyone who's ACTUALLY ONLINE. [jokingly glares at the (supposedly) AFK people]
Does anyone even use AIM anymore?
~Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits~
197. What color are your sheets?:
Pale green.
198. What color are your bedroom walls?:
White. How dull and lame.
White does go with a lot of colors, though.
199. Do you have posters on your wall?:
200. If so of what?:
MGS-related stuff and a 2007 calendar.
201. Do you have a TV in your bedroom?
I still do, and like back then, the TV was only used to play video games. Screw cable.
202. How many pillows are on your bed?:
203. What do you normally sleep in?:
Shirt and boxers. If company's spending the night, I don shorts, as well.
204. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas:
See above.
205. What size bed do you have?
Twin. EW.
206. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed?:
A lame-ass bed.
But as lame-ass as it is, it's gotten me through many nights of sleep, so it's not so lame-ass anymore.
207. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom?:
Haha! That's, like, so '80s!
208. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep?:
Sometimes. Depends of what I'm doing, what's going on the following morning, how tired I am, if I fell asleep on my laptop, and/or if I'm doing anything online.
Not anymore. I like the silence. However, music will be playing whenever I fall asleep while playing my laptop or 3DS.
209. Describe the last nightmare you had:
A recurring AU-based one: think Red Dawn, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2, and/or Freedom Fighters. Now imagine everyone I know (as well as myself) involved in the resistance movement. That bad. It only gets worse when a close friend dies...
The last nightmare I had involved Shadow Teddie from Persona 4... and for some disturbing reason, genderbended friends. *shudders*
210. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?:
No. The stuffed animals call my desk their bed.
211. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed?:
One. Which pisses me off, because twin beds make you feel like you're 1.5 of a person.
Plus, there's usually not enough room for cuddling on a twin bed. =/
212. Do you sleep in any unusual positions?:
I'll wake up in unusual positions...
213. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling?:
[glares at his little brother]
Thank God that's changed.
214. Do you snore?
Sadly, yes. And what's sadder is that it's been reputed to be very loud. Fuck.
Still snore. Still loud about it. Still unsure whether or not someone's recorded it for their own amusement.
215. How about drool?:
I don't know. Might. Hey, I can't control my salivary glands when I'm out cold!
For some reason, I only seem to drool when I fall asleep face-down. Even then, it's about a 50-50 chance.
216. Do you have an alarm clock in your room?:
Cell phone and DS Lite. Thing is, I'm a deep sleeper, so those're negated.
Current |
My cell phone is the sole operator of alarm clocks, and surprisingly, I've conditioned myself to wake up at its command (and sometimes even before it says so)!. Believe me: when you make your alarm clock ringtone mimic any form of red alert klaxon, you will wake up.
217. What color is the carpet in your room?:
Dark pale blue.
218. What's under your bed?
Nothing. The bed's literally on the floor.
~This or that~
219. Coke/Pepsi:
220. Doughnuts/bagels:
Hey, Josh! It says "This OR That!" Pick one! Since you can't, I'll pick one for you. Bagels! And that's because cream cheese on bagels is honestly an awesome breakfast. Donuts (specifically jelly-filled) make a close second.
221. Day/night:
Night, unless you're talking about Camarillo.
222. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west:
West; only because she wasn't killed first.
223. Heaven/Hell:
Heaven. Although with what I've done, I'm probably gonna end up in Hell...
224. Make love/have sex:
Make love. Unfortunately, common, "superior" America (being the stupid pigs they are) believe the two phrases here are the same thing.
225. Coffee/tea:
Coffee for waking up; tea for casual enjoyment.
226. Hamburgers/hotdogs:
Burgers. Hot dogs are cool, but everyone serves burgers.
This is not a Manly Burger. This is the Umami Burger. |
Especially Umami Burger. *nom nom nom*
227. Rap/rock:
ROCK. Can you mindless, rap-loving, shawty-fucking drones do this with that crap!? [throws up a corna, starts air-guitarring "Enter Sandman," and headbangs along] Oh, and also... name me FIVE RAP HITS with GREAT MEANING. And by that, I mean "#1 on the Billboard Hot 100" hits and something that even the rock-loving aficionado would enjoy.
...maybe I was a tad overzealous back then. The answer's still rock, though.
228. Britney/Christina:
Uhm, neither.
Since I have to choose one, Britney.
229. Swiss cheese/american cheese:
Both's good.
Swiss' texture and flavor stands out so much more than American cheese. Shame it's slightly pricier.
230. Real World/Road Rules:
Bleh; The Amazing Race is better.
Still have not watched either of those shows. I think that's the only "neither" choice I'll let myself go on.
231. Backstreet Boys/N'Sync:
If we're talking about which gets nuked first: BOTH.
N*Sync, just because my cousins would probably kill me if I nuked 'em.
232. Silver/gold:
Both are nice. But if it comes to jewelry and women, it'd have to depend on what looks better on them when attached to a diamond...
Gold. "If you ain't first, you're last."
233. Nike/Adidas:
Nike. Only because I have those sweet shoes.
234. McDonald's/Taco Bell:
Taco Bell.
To be honest, I haven't been to any of the golden arches in years. Personally, I'd like to keep it that way (unless we decide to go make a Fast Food Lasagna or something).
235. Sweet/sour:
You know, I'm willing to bet some guy who couldn't make up his mind about this question came up with sweet & sour sauce.
236. Punk/emo:
Music-wise, punk. Emotion-wise, emo.
237. Hot/cold:
238. Winter/summer:
239. Spring/fall:
240. Operas/plays:
Plays. Operas are okay; I've just never seen one.
Still have yet to see an opera. Definitely wouldn't mind one, though. Though to be honest, I think I need to scale myself first before I can fully enjoy an opera. We'll start small with a musical or two, and then we'll take a step up and go straight for the throat, opera-style.
241. Read/watch tv:
Reading. Books are fun, and more importantly don't require electricity. Oh, and since fanfiction involves reading, that's another plus.
242. CDs/tapes:
MP3 players. Pffh, CD's!?
Pfft. Tapes!?
243. DVDs/VHS:
Both. I remember those old days.
Pfft. VHS tapes!?
244. Old/new:
You have to pick one, idiot. You know what they say: go for strange. "New" it is.
245. Shorts/skirts:
Shorts. I'm a guy.
That, and I'm pretty sure I'd look horrendous in a skirt, even if I thinned up and somehow looked androgynous enough to pull the look off.
246. Pink/red:
Still have to go with red. Rose-wise, red (representing love) is much, much better than pink (admiration/affectation).
247. Colored pictures/black and white photos:
Either. Color's nice, but B&W can really bring out an image and amplify its message/kickassedness (dramatic photos and Schindler's List are great examples)
I still have to say neither, but since I'm to choose one: I'll go with color. Black and white only loses a point because so many people are dependent on color.
248. Meat/vegetables:
What up, hater?
249. Chinese/Mexican:
Oh, geez. How are we comparing here? Food-wise, they're even. Girl-wise, they're even. Coolness-wise, they're even. How about we call it a draw?
Draw time is over. I choose Mexican. Southern California has the best Mexican holes-in-the-wall in the United States, I swear.
250. Commercials/infomercials:
Commercials. Some are funny.
Plus, they only last for a minute tops. Infomercials... way longer than that. If Billy Mays was still alive, I probably would have chosen the infomercials...
251. Scary movies/comedies:
Both. Shaun of the Dead, anyone?
Comedies. I kinda spook easily, so no horror for me.
252. Bikinis/one piece bathing suits:
Bikinis. Primal guy mode kicked in.
Aaaaaand primal guy mode still active. Still bikinis.
253. Sandals/tennis shoes:
Shoes, unless I'm in sand.
254. Dogs/Cats:
Dogs are cool, but so are cats. Seriously, this question's like asking "Ninjas or Pirates?"
Cats have won this argument. Don't get me wrong - dogs are cool. They just hate me for some reason. Even the calm and friendly ones.
255. Unicorns/fairies:
Unicorns, only because I'm pissed off at Navi.
Plus, unicorn blood can keep a man from dying.Oh, and Twilight Sparkle and Rarity.
256. Water/land:
Land. I can't swim.
Still land. Still can't swim. With me living in southern California, I'm pretty sure that's a bad thing.
257. Sugar/spice:
And everything nice.
This is a tough one simply because I'm a fan of mixing both in my cooking. If I had to pick, though... it'd be spice. Spice amplifies flavors, and sugar requires that the consumer isn't diabetic.
258. Black/white:
259. Ribbons/bows:
Ribbons look cooler.
260. Chicken/beef:
Depends. What're we eatin'?
Beef. Chie totally got me re-hooked on steak.
261. Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights:
Like I said with the "Color/B&W?" question...
Colors, only because white Christmas lights tend to camouflage with the snow and the lights seen from the windows.
262. Cars/trucks:
Cars. Yay for low CoG!
263. Austin Powers/James Bond:
If you wanna kick ass, Bond. If you feel like laughing (and drinking shit at the same time), Powers.
264. Popcorn/pretzels:
Popcorn during movies, pretzels are great, too.
Popcorn. Effective movie snack, and awesome everytime snack as well.
265. Hip/hop:
How 'bout ROCK.
...hip? Just because you can't be "hop" - that just sounds ridiculous.
266. Passionate kiss/peck:
Uhm, don't know.
267. WWE wrestling / real wrestling:
I don't know. While WWE is staged, I'm pretty sure broken glass on your back DOES hurt.
I'd have to say WWE on this one. Yes, real wrestling is badass and everyone would prefer it. But honestly, WWE somehow makes it look better than it does in reality. Think about it - a guy gets slammed into broken glass during a WWE match. We cringe and still keep watching. Your friend gets slammed into broken glass. You panic and pray that none of the shards made it into their heart.
268. Back rub/foot massage:
Depends; who's giving the massage and who's receiving? (Not that I have a problem with giving a foot massage; I just don't know who's gettin' it.)
269. Picture frames/photo albums:
Either. Both get the job done, don't they?
Photo albums. So, so better, because there's a lot of pictures compared to just one.
270. Pens/pencils:
Pencils; yay for erasing stuff. Wait, does this question suggest something about my personality?
Pens now. You only get one shot, so that means you better put in your all.
~What Is Your Opinion Of The Following~
271. Eminem:
White rapper. Won't happen again for a while. Hah.
272. Virgins:
Uhm... [shifts uneasily]
I honestly don't know what the stigma is behind this. I really don't.
273. God:
Exists. I have to say, though: he does have a twisted sense of humor.
Exists only if there is enough empirical evidence for him. "Faith" and "miracles" don't count, and the Bible definitely doesn't help at all.
274. The Osbournes:
Don't pay attention to stuff like that.
Still don't. Only one I know is Ozzy and that's due to Black Sabbath and that one World of Warcraft commercial.
275. Reality TV:
276. J.Lo:
Don't care.
277. Religion:
Everyone has a right to (not) believe, so I think missionaries are pointless...
Open to the concept now. I just don't think there's enough evidence for most of them, which makes me laugh at all those hardcore people who keep quoting verses and people as opposed to people who have factual and empirical evidence.
278. Emo music:
Never listened.
I'm pretty sure you've listened, past me. Quit lying to the rest of us.
279. Valentine's Day:'s not a happy topic for me. Come back to this question once I have someone special to share the day with.
I still loathe this holiday. Ask all my friends at work what I call February 14.
280. Christina Aguilera's comeback:
...she had a comeback?
No, seriously? She did?
281. Homosexuals:
Their choice and their life. As long as they ain't hittin' on me, I'm fine.
I'm still totally okay with homosexuality. Personally, I'm not really privy on getting hit on, but I'll be cool with it.
282. Abortion:
Pro-Life still. Not because of the whole "it's a human life" excuse. It's because 83% of the time, abortions are wanted because the baby is unwanted because the would-be parents were stupid about their birth control. Their fault for frakking up, I say; they ought to learn their lesson the hard way.
283. Interracial relationships:
Totally acceptable. (Makes it funnier if the in-laws clash.)
284. Murder:
Unless it's justified via self-defense, unacceptable.
285. Death:
Something we all have to face. The question should be "When?"
286. Obesity:
287. Pre-marital sex:
Up to both parties...
One century ago, I'm pretty sure this would've been a bad thing. Nowadays, it's almost unheard of for someone to get married and not have any pre-marital sex. Completely flipped world, I tell ya'.
288. Terrorism:
Not a way of getting to the government's good side.
289. Pornography:
I might be lonely, but not THAT lonely.
290. Fortune tellers:
I personally don't believe.
291. Threesomes:
The French seem to like it. Fan-fic lemon authors seem to like M/F/F pairings. (So do most guys.) However, I'm monogamistic.
Ask yourself this: if you were given the opportunity to have one without any repercussions whatsoever, wouldn't you want one? I might be monogamistic, but if (and that's a BIIIIIG "if") it were to happen, I think I'd go for it. (I apologize if I sound rather piggish here; primal guy mode, after all.)
![]() |
"Oh, so it's a metaphorical belt..." |
Plus... I'd get a belt! It's resplendent!
292. Prostitution:
Why do they resort to such acts...?
They're forced into it, idiot.
293. Politics:
Apathetic. But thank God the draft isn't present.
U.S. government trying to censor my Internet? Frak you, inept and unintelligent politicians who don't know how the Internet works!
294. Country music:
Pretty fun to listen to.
It's also fun for me to use while people watching. Imagine it - you're stuck in gridlock and you're trying to kill time. All of a sudden you hear country music blaring from the car next to you. You turn to look and pass a glare (and maybe a finger), and then find that the driver of said car is Asian. Very nonsensical scenario, and to be honest: quite silly. You'd get so many bewildered faces that if each face were to be worth a quarter, you'd probably get at least $5.
295. George W. Bush:
Is pretty unpopular to a good chunk of the American public.
Despite that, I think I'd pick him over Obama.
296. Cloning:
Whoa. Once they successfully complete human cloning, we're all gonna be dead.
That, and we're going to need a more effective means of identification than DNA testing.
297. Britney's boobs:
Never really cared. Hollywood tabloids and shit are totally stupid.
And they still are.
298. Gas prices in America:
Rising; not happy. What happened to the 1990's?
And to think prices were cheaper, too.
~Name Game~
What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?...
299. Jack:
Thompson: a man who (along with J. Lieberman and H. Clinton) must be crazy for STILL doing that whole "video games = violence" bullshit.
300. Tiffany:
"Breakfast at Tiffany's"
301. Ben:
302. Maria:
"Mary" in Spanish.
303. Jennifer:
A nickname: Jen.
304. Nicole:
Drawing a blank.
305. Amy:
Spell "Ami" and you get a possible daughter name idea of mine.
Also, Ami Mizuno. <3
306. Adam:
307. Richard:
LaBarthe! XD
Major Richard Winters of Easy Company.
308. Justin:
Not "BOOM HEADSHOT" spamming...
309. Arnold:
How could I have forgotten Hey Arnold!?
310. Tom:
Or Toonami's T.O.M.?
311. Melissa:
Porno Graffiti. (They're a Japanese rock band.)
312. Charlotte:
Smithy's car. lol
313. Harold:
The Jewish bully kid from Hey Arnold!
314. John:
315. Joel:
[drawing blanks]
316. Vanessa:
"A Thousand Miles"
317. Michelle:
Character name for a story beta I made...
318. Kevin:
Home Alone!
319. Brent:
320. Jake:
Rakes. I don't know how.
...uhm, I'd much like to know how I came up with "rakes." Really, even I don't know.
321. Billy:
Squier. "Stroke me, stroke me!" Whoo for that song!
322. Sarah:
323. Natalie:
324. Christy:
Crystals? What the hell?
325. Nick:
326. Linda:
I somehow thought of Dietlinde. Don't know.
327. Taylor:
The fact that I knew three people named Taylor in high school.
328. Jordan:
Hehehe... Scrubs.
329. Jamie:
Sounds a lot like "James."
330. Adrian:
Sounds a lot like "Hadrian" (one of the Crobats I trained).
~Have You Ever....~
331. Mooned anyone?
332. Been on a diet?
Tried; failed due to bad willpower. Will try later.
Still tried and failed. I think I gave up on the whole diet thing and decided that if I wanted to lose weight, I'd compensate for the lack of diet change by exercising twice as hard.
333. Been to a foreign country?
The Philippines, South Korea, and Canada.
334. Broken a bone?
335. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling?
I think I did, way back in 2nd grade. It was during lunch and I was eating a PB&J when I noticed I had a gap in my mouth and no tooth to spit out...
336. Swear at a teacher?
Once. But I was using the swear word as an adjective.
337. Talked to an LJ member via e-mails or instant messages?
Don't have an LJ, but yes; I've done this on MySpace and Facebook.
338. Got in a fight?
Many, many, many fights. Fortunately, all were verbal.
339. Dated a teacher?
340. Laughed so hard you peed your pants?
Does spewing water out of your mouth count?
*sigh* No. No, it doesn't. It's asking whether or not I peed my pants.
341. Thought about killing your enemy?
Yes, but then I remember: that's murder.
342. Gone skinny dipping?
No; don't swim.
And even if I did swim, I don't think I'd skinny dip. Unless, of course, skinny dipping was the gateway for other... fun things... to happen. *clears throat*
343. Met another MySpace member in person?
Yeah. These "members" are known in the real world as "friends."
Also, apart from musicians, who uses MySpace anymore?
344. Told a little white lie?
Who hasn't?
345. Told a secret you swore not to tell?
With the exception of secrets that could be life-threatening (e.g.: contemplating suicide), no. Not one secret that has been told to me has escaped my lips.
346. Used a foreign object to masturbate?
Who the hell came up with this question? No!
Also, the way it's worded makes it sound much creepier than it really is. The answer's still a staunch "no," though.
347. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid?
I honestly don't recall what that event was or when this occurred, but... I guess it happened?
348. Been on TV?
Nope. Kinda want to...
349. Been on the radio?
Yeap. Summer 2001 - I was under summer visitation with my dad and he had work, so he dropped me off at some YMCA in Ventura for daycare purposes (seeing as how I was only 11 at the time, it makes sense). Anyway, one day we had a field trip where we went to some radio station and we were on a live radio show. Heh.
350. Been in a mosh pit?
No. Kinda want to, though.
After being in a pit, I don't want to be in one again - especially if it means that I have to lose an awesome set of sunglasses. *sniffle*
351. Been to a concert?
Let's see... Papa Roach at VC Fair, VGL at Nokia Theater... yeap.
30 Seconds to Mars at the Santa Barbara Bowl, Warped Tour 2010, Uproar Festival 2010, Video Games Live...
352. Dated one of your best friends?
353. Loved someone so much it made you cry?
...don't get me started.
354. Deceived somebody close to you?
Once, back in my immature stages. Not something I consider myself proud of.
Honestly, I don't know why anyone would.
355. Broken the law?
Airsofting on public property, curfew-breaking, running a few stop signs (hey, I was fatigued and not paying attention)... yeah.
356. Been to a rodeo?
Nope. Sounds fun, though.
357. Been on a talk show?
A radio talk show, yes. (See #349.)
358. Been on a game show?
359. Been on an airplane?
Yes - and got scared every time I did. (Not really one to like flying...)
360. Got to ride on a firetruck?
No. Cop car, though... yeah.
And no, it wasn't because I got arrested. Elementary school ride-along in Georgia, if I remember right.
361. Came close to dying?
Twice. First was me contemplating (and later grabbing the material required for) suicide, and then the second was me almost drowning at Boot Camp.
Yeah. Remind me to talk about that later on.
362. Cheated on a bf/gf?
Never had a girlfriend. Besides, I would never do such an audacious act such as that. It's fucked up.
363. Gave someone a piggy back ride?
364. Terrorized a babysitter?
I don't recall doing so...
365. Made a mud pie?
Nope. Snow pies, yes.
366. Had a dream that you were falling off a cliff?
I always woke up once I hit the bottom... [shudders]
367. Snuck out of the house at night?
Almost had to sneak in this morning...
368. Been so drunk you don't remember your name?
Not touching alcohol; you're looking at a teetotaler here.
*laughs so hard while sipping a gin and tonic*
369. Had an eating disorder?
Does extreme hunger count?
No, idiot. That's just called "starving yourself."
370. Felt like you didn't belong?
Oh, you have no idea.
371. Felt like the 3rd wheel?
You've no idea, either.
372. Smoked?
*sigh* I might as well come clean here... I caved in on my morals. To those present when I had that huge-ass argument with me and breaking morals in order to honor a friend's last wishes: you won. But if it makes any of this seem even a little bit better... it was just regular hookah.
...and why was I so adamant about my morality in the first place? I was so straight-edged that cigarettes smoked me.
373. Done drugs?
See above.
Hookah tobacco and alcohol. Decent combination.
374. Stolen money from a poor person begging on the street?
Um, that's just fucked up. No.
375. Had your tonsils removed?
376. Gone to camp?
A few summer camps, one Christmas Bible fellowship thing, Boot Camp, and camped out for a video game once.
377. Won a bet?
Yes. And every time I won, I made sure beforehand that I would win. And before you get any ideas, I didn't rig anything; I just did my research.
Kind of why my friends don't let me bet - they know that whenever I bet, one of two things are true:
- I know something they don't. It's not insider dealing as it is me riding on a 90%+ probability.
- I have nothing to lose and I'm in a "frak it; what the hell" disposition.
If it's the former, they won't dare bet against me.
378. Written a love letter?
Yeah... a love poem, too, but...
379. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love?
If a situation like so presents itself, I probably would.
380. Written a love poem?
Yeah... didn't I just answer this question...?
No; you answered "written a love letter." Learn to read, past me.
381. Kissed in the rain?
While that sounds completely romantic, I don't think getting a cold the next day is worth it. Then again, you live life once, so maybe I'll have to let this one go.
382. Slow danced with someone you love?
383. Participated in cyber sex?
Uh, what? No.
384. Faked an orgasm? Okay, these questions are just getting weirder. And a little bit more perverse, if you ask me.
385. Stolen a kiss? is that done exactly? Does some other person just walk in out of the blue and smack you out of the way or something? Or am I missing the metaphor?
Missing the metaphor.
386. Asked a friend for relationship advice?
*sigh* Yeah. At least they know what they're doing; otherwise I would've felt like a bigger klutz than I am.
387. Had a friend steal your bf/gf?
Haven't had a girlfriend, so no. And if that did happen... that's messed.
I've written about it, and Chari's role-playing backstory has this situation in it.
388. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love?
Wished I could once. Not so sure anymore.
389. Gotten a speeding ticket?
Were there any cops around at the time? Thank God there weren't!
One. I was doing 76mph in a 45mph zone (and I'm pretty sure that could be considered as reckless driving). Somehow I ended up with a deputy who was training a newbie, and for some unexplained reason she let me off somewhat.
I still got the ticket, yes - but while I was expecting something around the $600+ range, she only fined me for roughly $250. Apparently she was impressed by my honesty and calm, accepting demeanor when she questioned why I was going that fast. (Maybe she was trying to teach the newbie to not be such a hardass when the person in question is complying and civil about things. I dunno.)
Moral of the story: don't speed. If you must, either go to the Autobahn or go on a privately-owned racetrack.
390. Done jail time?
Yes. And once I rolled some snake eyes, I bum-rushed to Boardwalk and bought it. (Yes, it's a Monopoly reference. And no, I never did go to jail in RL.)
391. Had to wear a uniform to work?
392. Won a trophy?
Feh. I wish.
393. Thrown up in public?
Once. But I think I was a toddler.
394. Bowled a perfect game?
Yes. In my dreams. Because I suck at bowling, but it's not about scores; it's about having fun. And competing for the best score while you're at it.
395. Failed/got held back?
396. Got perfect attendance in grade school?
Yeah. Elementary school. Where "awards" like that don't count for anything.
397. Roasted pumpkin seeds?
398. Taken ballet lessons?
399. Attempted suicide?
Almost attempted...
400. Cut yourself?
~Childhood stuff~
401. Did you play with Barbies?
402. Did you own Treasure Trolls?
403. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210?
404. Did you play Simon Says?
God, I was so good as Simon.
405. Did you watch Fraggle Rock?
What the heck was that?
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If anyone has a time machine, I need to borrow it. Past me needs to be slapped senseless for not being educated enough.
406. Did you wet the bed?
In infancy, yes.
407. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed?
408. Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them?
No. They seriously had underwear like that? Wow; who was the genius who invented that?
409. Were you shy?
Still am.
Though I think this has lessened somewhat. I'm happy for that.
410. Were you spoiled?
Only on birthdays.
What? I was? When the heck was this?
411. Were you abused?
Verbally at school (and home, while you're at it); emotionally and psychologically at home.
And one wonders how I still manage to stay somewhat sane.
412. Did you go to the circus?
413. Did you go to the zoo?
Oh, yeah.
414. Were you in a car accident?
Yeah. Mom wasn't looking and she crashed into some car (this was back in Atlanta). Ended up being her fault. I escaped unscathed (the firefighters who asked me questions were surprised that I was the more mature one between my mom (who was bitch-fitting at the fire chief) and myself. Bahahaha...).
415. Did you build snowmen?
Back in Pennsylvania. But I was more of the "snow fort" kind of kid.
416. Did you cry when you scraped your knee?
Did you cry when someone pushed you down?
417. Were your older cousins mean to you?
Didn't know of any cousins at the time that were older than me.
418. Did you think slinkies were cool?
Slinkies were cool. But look at the following math formula:
Slinky's Coolness = (Slinky + User's Opinion) * Epic-ness of the Staircase you Use It On
419. Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer?
No. I knew better. They didn't live in the sewers of Atlanta -they were in New York!
420. Were you afraid of the dark?
Darkness is one thing. TOTAL darkness is another. I was afraid of THAT.
421. Did you have slumber parties?
If my mom wasn't such a bitch, I could've been in so many of 'em. *sigh*
422. Did you have New Kids On The Block sheets, curtains, sleeping bags, dolls and pajamas?
No. As far as I can recall, I had plain sheets. Wait... I had those Thomas the Tank Engine ones. Those were sweet.
423. Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany?
Nope. Who the fuck is Tiffany?
424. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy?
Yes. And every year I got great candy, kickass Star Wars Micro Machines, and sweet money (because back in our childhood, $5 was a LOT).
Reality is cruel. We all know the truth now. And now we don't get anything.
425. Do you believe in aliens?
Well, if they're finding signs of life on Mars, then that could mean extraterrestrials. If there was indeed life on Mars, then they would be aliens, so yes, I guess believe. As for the UFO sightings, cattle/human abductions, unexplained crop circles, and all that... I'm not so sure.
426. Name 5 things that are next to your computer:
DS Lite, modified LEGO ATT, cell phone, MP3 player, camera.
Cell phone, 3DS, camera, iPod Classic, notepad & pen.
427. Do you have any hidden talents?
Gaming, writing pretty deep and moving stuff, Pokébreeding, LEGO-modding, tactical thinking...?
Uhm, numbskull: those are pretty much public knowledge at this point. Now, to answer that question correctly... I do have hidden talents. As much as I'd like to tell you about them, I can't, because at that point they would no longer be hidden.
428. Do you wish MTV would play music videos?
Don't watch MTV. But seriously, MTV has really gone downhill. Hell, the entirety of America's media industry has gone downhill.
429. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be?
I don't know. Romantic dramedy?
While the idea of being in a romantic dramedy still sounds appealing, I want more. Like, "space opera" status or something, because you can have every frakkin' genre you want and still pull it off.
430. What would your movie star name be?
Josh D. "Whitey" Blanco. I don't have shit to hide (unlike the rest of Hollywood).
That's too long for people to go with. How about we just shorten it to "Josh White" or something like that?
431. Do you play any sports?
432. Funniest movie you've ever seen?
Either Monty Python and the Holy Grail... or Hot Fuzz. Go, British comedy!
433. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently?
I don't know... been a while since I've watched something... but oh, man... 300!!!
300? Jesus; this is an old survey! Uhm... the last move I've seen fully and recently was... oh, geez. I wanna say either Beauty and the Beast or Gran Torino, but I don't remember it from a month ago...
434. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen?
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. Aesthetically-pleasing when it came to describing its CGI graphics, but other than that, bleh. Didn't even have anything to do with the franchise.
435. Do you drive?
Yes. ^_^
436. What is your dream car?
Haven't really thought of it, but I KNOW it's something I can't afford. lol
After four years of thought, I have narrowed it down to "something not American."
437. You're good-looking?
Uhm... sure? I mean, I'm Filipino, so I get +10 to Cuteness, right? ^_^;;;
438. Peers think you are good looking?
If they think so, I've never heard of it.
All the ladies at work are hyper-jealous of my hair, though.
439. Would you ever sky dive?
That's going to be the day I get cleared to do a HALO jump. The odds of that happening, though? Few and far between.
440. Do you believe in Bigfoot?
There could be a Bigfoot, but at the same time, there may not be.
441. How many rooms do you have in your house?
In house-describing style, it's just a lousy 2/1.5 apartment...
442. Are you afraid of roller coasters?
Yeah... not really fond of them after I found out the hard way that they gave me motion sickness...
443. Do you believe in God?
*maniacal laugh* Oh, past me, how naïve and foolish you are...
444. You believe in Satan?
Quoting Pride from the FMA anime: "We can't know [if God exists] for sure. However, devils do exist."
"And they're the alchemists who get in my way!"
445. Do you believe there is a Heaven?
Yeah, and so far, it seems to be out of reach for me.
446. Do you believe there is a Hell?
We live in one.
447. Do you own a pool table?
Used to. I wasn't that bad when I was a kid.
448. Do you have a pool?
A complex pool, yes.
449. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen?
Following Smithy's joke, it's the 2007 edition of the Filipino Dishwasher - Whitey Edition v.18.1! (Now with more griping!)
Still do! His name is Josh Blanco and he'll get 90% of that tough, crusted grease off your pans!
450. Do you like chocolate?
It's alright.
Dark chocolate or bust. Milk's okay, but there's something about it that I can no longer stand...
451. Who/what is on your 2004 calendar?
A 2004 calendar? Never recalled having one.
452.How many states have you been to?
California, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon, Washington. That's... 20!? Wow!
453. Ever wished on a shooting star?
Yes... and I don't know if that wish will ever be granted...
454. Best Halloween costume you ever wore?
Let's see... bum, L33T Krew... L337 Krew for the win!
455. Do you carry any weapons on you?
When airsofting, yes. Otherwise, no.
When working, there are reports that a long-haired Filipino in Electronics was last seen with a lightsaber hanging off their belt...
456. What is your weakness?
Being a sucker for love (and getting my ass handed to me by it too many times)...
I'm going to reinterpret this as "fatal flaw." By that regard, it's my generosity and kindness. It's so good it's almost impossible to resist using me for your own selfish needs!
457. Name something you can't get enough of:
Life. Funny moments. Games.
Bacon strips. Ponies. Video games.
458. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives:
Trustworthy, loyal, random.
How about "deadpan, sarcastic, and eccentric?"
459. Do you want to have children?
Yeah. I'd love to.
460. Future daughter(s) names:
Hm... ...Ami, Alexandria, Diana, Melanie, Serenity, Victoria... those were just a few that I thought of. 'Course, I'm open to discussion and compromise (with whoever I end up marrying), so I'm not hellbent on sure that any daughter of mine has to have one of these names.
461. Future son(s) names:
Alexander, James, Thomas. Truth be told, I'm not privy on male names; they don't sound as captivating and as graceful as female ones. I'll probably let my wife decide after we talk about it.
462. What is your ideal way to die?
Either dying in my sleep after living a very long and successful life, or defending someone I deeply care for. Not looking forward to death, so it just scares me...
That latter option better be worth my sacrifice.
463. How do you release stress?
Gaming, writing...
464. Are you a trendy person?
I'll take my own personal style any day.
465. Are you an artistic person?
Yes. Very much so.
466. Are you a realistic person?
Yes. I've gone through too much to know whether or not a miracle or a longshot will turn up and improve any odds.
467. Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off?
Uh, nope.
468. Are you a strong person?
Physically, not really.
469. Are you a strong-willed person?
Very much so...
470. Who is the last person to e-mail you?
Haven't received an e-mail from an actual person in ages. Possibly my friend from Alabama.
471. Who is the last person to IM you?
472. Do you hate chain e-mails?
Chain mail, chain bulletins... those must be stopped.
473. Are you a deep sleeper?
[snores through three hours' worth of alarms]
474. Are you a good story teller?
Some say I can do a good job retelling a story orally. When written, though... there's no doubt that I am.
475. What do you believe is your best quality?
Doing what I can to make life great for others...
476. What's your greatest accomplishment?
477. Like to burn candles or incense?
Don't have either. But both seem aromatherapeutic.
478. Do you do yoga?
479. Do you have your own credit card?
If I did, I'd be racking up debts faster than you can say "I'll just use my credit card!"
![]() |
Metaphors. |
Imagine that's my arm. Imagine that the water is (credit card) debt. Yeah. I'm frakked.
480. Let's say you win the lotto. What would you buy?
Well, it depends on how much I win. No matter the amount, though, I have a set plan: pay the taxes on what I won, donate a good portion to charity, then repay any and all (remaining) debts, then blow off an okay amount on my "must-have" items, put the rest in savings, and see what happens from there.
Pfft. How did I call that a plan? I think my new one is so much better!
481. Do you have a check book?
Don't use 'em.
482. Do you like your driver's license picture?
It makes me wish I didn't cut my hair.
It makes me wish I wasn't so fat.
483. Do you tan easily?
484. What color is your hair naturally?
485. How many fillings do you have?
486. How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit?
487. Worst feeling in the world?
488. Is the glass half empty or half full?
One year ago, I would've been pessimistic. Now I know that it's half-full.
489. Last thing you downloaded?
A pic that someone sent me.
490. Do you find yourself using online terms in your real life?
WTF, Mate? You think I'm some sort of n00b or something? Don't make me own your ass! LOLZ (But seriously, I have uttered online terms in RL.)
491: What do you think people think of you?
The ones that don't know me well enough can think what they want. It's their fault for not wanting to find out what I'm like.
I'll let them think what they want to think. If they want to judge without getting all the information first, then I could care less. They want to shut themselves out because of second-hand knowledge, then so be it.
492. Are you a likeable person?
I'd better be, or else the world is participating in the biggest lie since Watergate.
Besides, I have that kind of personality that lets me get along with just about everyone.
493. Do you need therapy?
Used to. Thank God I'm mentally sane and stable.
494. You take medication for a chemical imbalance?
495. Whats the best way to be proposed to?
Well, I'm sort of an old-fashioned guy, so I feel that I should do the proposing. I don't know how I'd do it yet, but... trust me, with my writing side coming up with ideas for my fictional characters, I'm sure I'd come up with something eventually.
496. What kind of movie would you star in?
I just answered this a while back... romantic dramedy.
497. If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP?
Gahahaha... "going postal" now has an official company.
498. What's your goal for the next couple years?
Live life as fully as I can, find someone to love (and hopefully stay together that long), actually write a great story, meet new people, get my teaching degree...
Congrats, me! I got that first one down! What's next?
499. What song are you listening to right now?
Savage Garden - "To The Moon and Back" (Beautiful song.)
500. Favorite saying?
*Yuffie scream*
I don't know if I've ever rated any saying amongst the top. Hrm, maybe I should change that.
=== === === === === === === === === ===
Quite interesting to see how I answered then and how I answer now. Always fun to look at the changes of personality, maturity, life, and silliness present either on the past answers or the present ones.
Well, that's it for now, everyone. I'll see y'all tomorrow or something
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