Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Last of the Brave

Every once in a while an artist comes up with a project so grand that it will take years to complete. That isn't a typo or anything.

Suffice to say that if they had the power to do so, they would put every ounce of energy and creativity into this project and make it something that will last for the rest of their lifetime. Hopefully, it may even surpass them and become something heralded as a cultural artifact. Regardless of its outcome, the artist wants to make it, but something limits them from doing so.

For some, it could be financial issues. This project in question requires materials or studios or software or plane tickets to gods-know-where or something of the sort. They may lack the blessings of silver spoons, recently-deceased rich relatives, or well-paying jobs. It's not that the project needs the money - it's that the project requires money if the artist wants it to turn out well.

For some others, it's time. They're at a dead-end job trying to raise the money for said project. They require the utmost amount of focus in their classes so they can get a well-paying job. They might have other prior arrangements that chip away at their free-time. There could be other things that just totally wipe their energy afterwards, leaving any remaining free time that could have been used on the project to be re-routed to sleep.

While there are many other factors that could alter the outcome of this project, the one thing the artist knows is that they want to do this very badly. If they could, they'd focus their whole lives and finances on it. The project matters to them that much.

For me, one of these projects just flashed itself out of the backburner somewhat. I had always wanted to create something memorable using machinima set in the Halo universe, but I've never had the finances to pool up the necessary resources to make it, nor have I had the time to even consider making the videos in question. It's made me somewhat depressed looking at the rough drafts I had conceived for it, but at the same time it's making me a bit hopeful - could I somehow get the time and the money to perform this project through and through?

I'm not sure. But anyway, here's a snippet of the project. Old readers will know what this is, but you newbies won't. Don't worry - I'll explain everything in due time, but for now... I'll show you.

Shock Squad BETA
Episode 00:
‘The Last of the Brave – The Heroes of Shock Squad BETA’ (Opening)”
CAST (in order of speaking appearance):

MCR Victoria James
{Voice Actress}

The “Ledgendary Arts Productions” logo and the words “proudly presents…” appear as it fades in to a person standing in a semi-lit room, addressing the camera. If desired, stills, videos and audio related to what is currently being said can be shown/heard. Appropriate ambient music plays throughout.

     An old American general named William Tecumseh Sherman once made a speech to a class of graduating military cadets. In it, he said, “There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but boys, it is all Hell.” While this was said over 650 years ago, it still possesses a constant, horrible truth. During the Human-Covenant War, everyone wanted to zip off into space and shoot the Covenant senseless – trust me, I too wanted my fair share of dead Grunts and Elite limbs strewn all over the place.
     The problem with that burning desire was that war never was that simple. It wasn’t an easy matter of lining up your sights on a Brute’s head or blitzing hostile territory with a squad of infantry-backed Scorpion tanks. One had to realize that anything done on the front line – from squeezing a firearm’s trigger to standing around and doing nothing - had a cost. Each day one spent on the battlefield meant that someone they knew was going to get hit. Each bullet fired at the enemy meant that around 50 plasma bolts or spikes were going to respond back. Every major victory the UNSC achieved meant that there were going to be many letters sent home, telling the civilians that their loved ones gave up their lives for the cause of Humanity – whatever the hell that meant.
     Yet people enlisted anyway. As Fleet Admiral Terrence Hood of the United Nations Space Command stated, “…their decision required courage beyond measure, sacrifice, and unshakable conviction that their fight - our fight - was elsewhere.” These soldiers, sailors and pilots risked their lives on a daily basis so that our lives would be safe to this very day. They were fully aware of the possible consequences that could have befallen them and still joined the military on their own volition, placing their lives in Fate’s hands as they fought for survival. Quoting Admiral Hood again, “They ennobled all of us, and they shall not be forgotten.”
     If there was anything we could say that was good about the Human-Covenant War, it would be that it produced a myriad of heroes originating from all walks of life. Rich or poor, Earth or Sigma Octanus IV, human or Elite, marine or sailor, voyager of the unknown or defender of home – it didn’t matter. And while we hear of those “legendary” names such as Terrence Hood, Avery Johnson or Miranda Keyes, there exists many of the run-of-the-mill heroes all around us – those from our local neighborhoods who became heroes in their own way, deserving a ballad of their very own.
     There is one such group of unsung heroes who may never get their well-deserved song: the 7th Isis, a Special Forces black-op detachment whose missions and existence are frequently and fervently denied by UNSC HIGHCOM and the Office of Naval Intelligence. Those who made up the ranks were brought together after the Human-Covenant War from all walks of life. Of this diverse group, there existed a squad of eight brave souls whose actions may have single-handedly prevented countless deaths and the outbreak of unnecessary post-war hostilities. Their valiant deeds were silenced by the bureaucratic red tape of UNSC PERSCOM, and to this day, their story is all but a whispered myth.
     Join us as we uncover their story and give our salute and thanks to these bold warriors of the UNSC. These souls are the epitome of brave soldiers – the final combatants of the Human-Covenant War – “The Last of the Brave: The Heroes of Shock Squad BETA.”

The Shock Squad BETA logo appears as JAMES says the last part of the last sentence (“The Last of the Brave” et al.).



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