Thursday, September 26, 2013

Four Digits

I don't know about you, but this particular day holds a slight amount of significance for me.

Wait for it... wait for it...
The cloudy sky this morning slowly gave way to the shining sun. (Slowly.) Despite the sunny optimism, it wasn't that bright out. I had a scheduled shift at work today during a busy lunch rush. It left me tired and broke (it's not yet pay day) and unwilling to do anything. I was running out of ideas for projects to construct in Minecraft. (And now I don't know what to do with all the spare rails I've made.) All that just makes me feel spent.

From that last paragraph, I've made it sound as if Thursday, September 26, 2013 is just another one of those blah days, and it certainly is beginning to look as such, isn't it?

That's where you'd be wrong. Today's a great day, and I'm going to prove it to you with a surprise revelation that only revealed itself to me a week prior to today. "And this surprise is," you ask?

This is the 1,000th entry on this blog.


So, how to celebrate? As can be seen here, it's not really that big of a deal to me (even though it kinda is). While I'm proud to have gone this far in my personal blog, this is just that - a personal blog. Now, if I had been doing this on some other kind of blog (say, for instance, a food blog), then that would be considered a higher accomplishment.

Regardless, I'm happy to have made it. While I have this up here as a sort-of motivator to do something with myself, the real reason I have this up is so I can look back and see what my life was like, and because some of my friends read this. I don't usually say it, but I appreciate whenever I get a view. Every time I do, it makes me feel a little giddy, knowing that someone took the time (willingly or otherwise) to look into my life. Thanks, readers. *smiles*

As a treat to myself, I'm going to take the rest of the day off. I'll get myself resumed and on schedule tomorrow. (Hopefully.) Happy 1,000! Let's see if I can get to 2,000!

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