Monday, September 16, 2013


It's officially been four days since I received the silver. That's 96 hours for the people wanting to do the math - and of those hours, about a good third of it was spent on fiddling around with this new toy. Of that third (read: approximately 32 hours), about two were spent typing things out (read: Friday's entry) while the remaining 30 were used to replicate vital files and data from Old Faithful to the silver. It sounds boring, but at least I was able to entertain myself on Imgur and a new gaming acquisition of mine: Rogue Legacy. (I'm gonna have to dedicate an entry to this fun game sometime this week.)]

Now that the migration process has been (mostly) completed, it's time to actually test this thing properly. Now I can see if my computer mannerisms and my data can survive in this "fish out of water" experience that is Windows 8.

Fun fact: this is the first entry I've posted on the silver. The keyboard seems rather interesting - the keys seems less weighted like a keyboard, and it's a tad scrunched together. I'm not used to it (I actually made a few typos I normally avoid - and that's not counting the dyslexic mistakes), but I'll just blame the obvious fact that my fingers were disciplined on Old Faithful's keys for the past few years. For example, every time I reach for the "delete" key, I end up hitting "insert" instead. While the latter's use in most modern computers has diminished over the years, it's still annoying to see something I want gone to not be gone when I wish it to.

I think I need to get my hands attuned to the silver's key arrangement. And the best part about forcing myself to do something like this? I get to type things out - maybe things such as "good" blog entries! Only time will tell if this laptop does me wonders.

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