Saturday, September 21, 2013

By Virtual Design

Sometime in my teen years I began to notice that I possessed a rather peculiar talent. A group project would show up in one of my high school classes, and the teacher would state that a presentation was to be given. As the class started to look around the room in search of potential project mates, some people began eyeing me for a few particular reasons.
  1. I actually did the necessary research and work.
  2. I could write a killer paper and/or speech if necessary.
  3. If we used digital visuals (e.g.: PowerPoint), I knew how to make our work stand out from everyone else's.
  4. Our work (combined with the results from reason 3) netted us nothing but "A's."
In short: I made things look good. (I just wish I could say the same about myself. =P)

Yeah, I know - such a talent isn't of any particular use in the real world. Sure, you have some people go into some kind of job with the generic title of "{blank} Designer." In the end, most of them are (unfairly) ridiculed for not possessing an "actual" job like "other people." What makes these people stand out is the fact that the people with this kind of talent are usually proud of it - with some of them going to great lengths to show their skill (or "skill" - some do suck) to the world.

In my case, I use it in video games. In games with some kind of character creation (be it an MMO or a fighting game), you can count on me to make a character who fits my aesthetic designs. These have ranged from the exceptionally beautiful to the plain everyman to the horribly disfigured. (In one particular case, I took someone beautiful and had her scarred. It happened in her storyline, so it would make sense for me to do that.) In games where I'm given free reign to construct objects (such as Minecraft), I've set up various buildings - from the practically-designed to the kinds that demand that you look at them.

Just what lies beyond the door of this rather large building?
So what happens when I apply this skill in a social simulation game like Animal Crossing: New Leaf? Well, allow me to show you... if you're willing to keep reading on. Prepare to be amazed (at how dorky I can be)!

Shouji Meguro - "Specialist"
Persona 4 Original Soundtrack

But first, it's time for a quiz! Which is brighter: nautical dawn or civil dawn?

If you had to look that up, don't feel bad. I had to when I was first asked that as well. What was the point of asking that question, you say? Well, in Persona 4, your character occasionally had to take a pop quiz in school when you weren't out killing shadows and trying to rank up your relationships. This happened to be one of the questions, and what way to catch you off-guard than with a question most of ya' didn't know the answer to?

To be fair, I had the music going already - and it put me in a working mood that made me want to ask you that as well as work on decorating my house. "Specialist" sets the tone for tedious-yet-necessary evils such as classroom learning and productive concentration. A decent portion of today's entry had this piece accompanying it in the background while I typed it up, and as such, I felt the need to share the mood with you as well.

If you need something to help nail down those test pointers or just need some kind of "I'm working" background music, give this track a shot. While it's not that long of a track, it does get the gears grinding in your head so you can do whatever it is you're supposed to be working on.

By the way: the answer is "civil dawn." Your knowledge has increased!

Saliva - "Ladies and Gentlemen"
Blood Stained Love Story

When I think of showing things off in a jaw-dropping, eye-grabbing manner, this is one of the first songs that comes to mind. There's a reason for that. As the first track and single off of Saliva's 2007 album Blood Stained Love Story, "Ladies and Gentlemen" had the pressuring job of grabbing the listener's attention and keeping them hooked. Oftentimes such a task can be difficult to achieve, but if it pays off, the song will be one of the reasons why people buy the album.

It's safe to say that this track did its job quite well. Ever since its release in late 2006, "Ladies and Gentlemen's" hard-hitting rock sound has pulled people in to... well, whatever it is that the song is a backdrop for. From entertainment venues such as WrestleMania 23 (which is what former frontman Josey Scott said the song was written for) or the National Hot Rod Association's drag races to more commercial uses such as PlayStation 3 and Star Trek commercials, Saliva's song has definitely gripped the viewer's attention.

And since I'm showcasing my in-game house to y'all... I think I need something fitting to attract future readers in. =P

Hello there, everyone, and welcome to today's edition of The White Knight Chronicles! If you're reading this, that means you've decided to take this rather silly journey to the inside of my house! Yay! Just let me hold open this door for the late-comer readers... and shut the door in front of the skimmers' faces... aaaaaaaaand we're set!

Just to let you know, this is going to be a picture-heavy entry (hence my "montage" tag). In fact, there's so many pictures (over 30 pictures, including the one back at the beginning) that this might have been better off on a Tumblr blog! Due to the fact that I don't use Tumblr (and the glaring fact that I actually enjoy typing things up, unlike most of the people on there), it's on here for y'all to enjoy.

Oh, and because I'm feeling lazy I'm short on time, there's no alt text for all the photos below. I might be witty at times, but not when it's short notice. I'm sorry, y'all. =P

Allow me to show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes...
So without much further ado, let's go and take this tour!

Behold the living room!

48 hours ago, it looked nothing like this. This is what happens when I decide to remodel the place...

There's going to be a day where the whelps youngsters don't recognize Joe Rosenthal's famed photograph Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima. That will be a sad, sad day, indeed.

If I actually owned a (baby) grand piano, I think I'd actually want to keep learning how to play the piano.

"This is all so cool, don't you think?" The lucky cats behind me seem to agree.

On the left side of the room, I have various golden trinkets, an example of my customized stained glass (bearing my town flag, which so happens to be the Halo series' "Mark of Shame" and my Halo avatar's symbol of choice), and a picture of one of my neighbors, Beau.

The LED banner up above the far hallway displays the logo of the Los Angeles Kings. I put it there (not just because they're the local professional hockey team) because this is the entryway to...

...the man cave! (Or the fun room. Whatever you wanna call it.)

To the left, I have various plants, lucky charms, and a Starman should the going get tough.

Further on the left, we have a few more trinkets... an infant Metroid, and a mannequin with Link's famed Kokiri garb. Aviators not standard issue.

The back section of the game room (fun room?) holds a big screen television my old Nintendo GameCube, and a picture of Big Boss that I made myself in-game.

And over here is my "arcade" corner, complete with two pseudo-Street Fighter machines and an old-school pinball game. (The Metroid is there should a guest get out of line and whine about not getting the high score.)

The middle of the room houses two desktop computers. I'm sure both of them are more superior than the silver.

And over here is the radio! I believe it's playing "K.K. Metal" right now. *headbangs along*

Back to the living room, where we're about to go to the left and enter...

...the kitchen!

I haven't fully upgraded my house yet (this room's only a 4x4 compared to the 8x8 you saw in the game room and living room), but that doesn't mean I can get a decent kitchen going. Anything to eat?

There sure is! Food-eating time is now!

...blech. It's cold. Lemme nuke it a bit in the microwave.

I have a TV shelf and a radio here as well. (The radio should be playing "K.K. House" - something upbeat and casual as you eat, right?)

Back to the living room and to the right, past the radio (which is blaring Reel Big Fish "K.K. Ska"), and into... well, I guess you could call it my utility room.

Not much to say here - laundry and lavatory, and that's about it in terms of "interesting" things in this room. (Go, Kings!)

Oh, hey, we forgot about the staircase up!

It leads to my bedroom! Greeting me are my mannequins with my alternate outfits: Samus Aran's Varia Suit and... a custom outfit I've been wearing since my days in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

There's lots of gold things in this room. I even possess the power of the Tri-Force!

More gold things! Most of these come from the "golden furniture" set, which is quite the expensive and random route.

I love rolling around in my bed sometimes. And in case you're wondering:
- yes, that's a picture of Apple Bloom. Ain't she adorable?
- yes, that's a statue of Kamehameha I. Like hell I'm donating that to the museum.

The other side of the room's not as awesome-looking, but it's still practical. There's a dresser, a clock, and a couch. Oh, and a humidifier. That's important, too.

Four rooms down... one to go. What's in the basement?

NORAD headquarters. Well, not really, but I'm pretty sure I could do some sci-fi cosplay down here. Why else would I be wearing a captain's outfit?

This particular command console has a holographic display. It's that high-tech.

"What do you mean, 'The Basestar just jumped right on top of us'!?"
Well, that's going to wrap things up for today. I hope you enjoyed the tour!

Bye, future conquered bastards! *evil laugh*
Until the 'morrow, everyone! =P

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