Wednesday, September 18, 2013

An Honest Attempt

I find it highly amusing how easily it is for me to get distracted. It's beneficial at times, and at other times it's detrimental. But that's always okay - it's part of what happens. Yeah, I know - there's supposed to be something here. But that's just how I've been lately - distracted by life, the universe, and everything. *sighs*

Of course, I did say I'd type something. I'm gonna see if I can even focus and type something... anything. Here goes, here goes...

*limbers up*

...okay, I got nothing. Nothing's flowing through my mind at the moment apart from the words that I'm typing right now. It's kind of sickening, because it feels as though I'm just wasting your time. It kinda is, when you think about it - my seemingly silly struggle to keep this thing alive, even though my life seems to have taken a turn for the catatonic.

It is arguable, however, that catatonic is still technically alive (even if it is a rather dreary state of life). And with something rather interesting coming up, I think I need to start learning how to focus and write on here more often.

But what to write about? This is a personal blog, so I get to write about anything. I get free reign over the topics. Despite this, I want to draw in people - make it look like I lead some kind of interesting life (it doesn't necessarily have to be a good life) - and that means I'll have to talk about things people are interested in.

Now it sounds like I'm complaining. I'm not. I just want to write, and I want to make sure there's an audience that feels like they're not wasting their time on here. So what to type about?


I'm not sure exactly on what I'll be talking about in the future. Rest assured... I'll have something.

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