Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday Announcement of Renovation

*double takes* WHAAT!?
Yeap. Sokka's sign... er, painting... is correct.

After spending some time looking over some of the stuff I have on this (not-so-) humble blog of mine, I figured I could make do with some cosmetic changes. While I am happy with how the blog looks at this moment (this simple design template works fine, really), there's some things on here that I need to get fixed - mostly because it looks aghast in my eyes.

Just as a note of forewarning: the changes you'll see here are not going to be overly dramatic. I'm not changing the colors and text to screw with any of you or anything, nor am I going to make this simple online journal of sorts extremely difficult to navigate. There's just a bit of things here and there that need repairs... and that's where I'm coming in to fix 'em.

Of course, what am I fixing? Well, I'll leave you to figure it out. The changes will slowly reveal themselves to you if you're curious enough to click around.

Oh, yay - looking through lines of code to make this site as close to perfect as possible.
What a reward this is.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to begin scanning my code. I'll see y'all tomorrow. *starts typing furiously*

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