Thursday, December 1, 2011

Unions of December Fun

Eleven months down and now... we're at the tail end of 2011. Amazing, isn't it?

Bear McCreary - "Dirty Hands"
Battlestar Galactica: Season 3 Original Soundtrack

I wanted to surprise you with a little something different, and I believe this piece does just that. Those of you who only know of Battlestar Galactica's music through what I've posted here will find a stark contrast between what I've posted before and "Dirty Hands." That's good - there was meant to be a difference in what you've heard before and expect to hear from the soundtrack... and what you end up hearing afterwards.

"Dirty Hands" aurally represents a "working man" theme, conveying through music a sense of hard labor and strain faced by crews aboard some of the more "essential" ships in the refugee fleet (such as a fuel refinery ship and a sewage treatment vessel). You can almost picture the formation of a union strike with this music. Matter-of-fact: a strike ended up occurring in the show itself...

As I've been a working man of sorts for the past eleven months, I have to say that this blues-sounding track carries a musical representation of the hard work I've done and the hard work I'll have to face in the future.

Plus, this makes for good background music for typing stuff up. Try it the next time you're writing some big, bag paper or a vehement e-mail to your supervisor about the pointlessness of TPS reports (or whatever business ethics minutiae you're calling them out on). Take the fight of the common man into your hands!, I mean... *twiddles thumbs*

Evening, everybody. How goes it for you tonight? I hope it's going somewhat swell - we're on the last month of 2011, and for those of you who're paranoid Christians worried about the supposed apocalypse to occur next year: you now have exactly 12 months to get your affairs settled.

Now, where to begin, where to begin... because I'm going to be honest: I don't know what to type up for today. I tried compiling a list of topics, but all I could come up with were the following:
  • my life
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • the fact that we're only 31 days from both 2012 and me completing my goal
  • Pokémon Rumble Blast
  • cheese
  • Retail (not the job setting, mind you!)
  • silly pictures
Well, let's see if I can get a decent blog today with what I listed. I mean, I'm sure I can pull off something decent with some of this list, right?

Sweet and spicy teriyaki Spam with steamed garlic rice and corn. Mmm~.
To be honest, not much has been happening in my life lately. Probably why I've been posting such short entries lately. I've hit a sort-of low point in terms of how awesome my life is, but that's not getting to me emotionally. I'm okay with that - I mean, the only way this whole thing's going to go is up, so yeah.

Found this demotivational somewhere on this Avatar: The Last Airbender fansite. It goes without mention that this isn't mine.
Recently I began re-watching Avatar: The Last Airbender. I started about two or three days ago and have worked my way to the first few episodes of the third season. Whee. It's making me want to go back to some episodes, pause the video, and take snapshots so I could create my own funny demotivational posters!

Retail © Norm Feuti
Speaking of funny stuff, I've been busying myself by going through some comic archives. One of the comics in question is one of my personal favorites: Retail. Conveying the numerous aspects and daily run-ins of the retail world through comic form, the comic still runs strong to this day.

Retail © Norm Feuti
You can find the comic at, but I'd recommend that you start at the beginning. There are occasional storylines and references to old jokes and strips, so it's best not to be left in the dark.

Of course, that's not the only thing keeping me busy. I acquired Pokémon Rumble Blast for my 3DS about a month ago and I've been playing it almost non-stop whenever my 3DS is on. Sure, it's not the greatest game in the world, but God, I love it. I just want the strongest Pokémon around, and completing the PokéDex is also a nice goal to work on.

Yes, I know I didn't talk about everything on that list. Nyeh.

Heh. Well, I'm going to go back to going between reading Retail, watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, playing Pokémon Rumble Blast, and typing up some thing I'm working on.

Oh, and to those of you reading this who're making plans to derail my "post every day in 2011" goal: you got 30 days remaining to execute your plans. You miiiiiight wanna consider stepping up your game. =P

Until the 'morrow, everybody!

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