Saturday, December 31, 2011

Entry Three-Six-Five

MY LAST ENTRY EVAR! (For 2011, at least.)

Arcade Fire - "The Suburbs"
The Suburbs

I'm going to assume a good portion of you know of Arcade Fire, and that's because of this year's Grammys and the near-universal "Who the frak is Arcade Fire!?" surprise the viewers had when they won the "Album of the Year" award (beating other popular artists: Eminem, Lady Antebellum, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry). I don't think anyone expected an indie act to do that.

But after listening to some of The Suburbs, I can kind of see why. (Or, at least I can see why they were initially put in contention.) Anyway, "The Suburbs" is the opening and title track for the album, and it opens strongly. I'm still trying to interpret it, but from what I can decipher, it's a song with "embrace the world while it still exists" as its meaning.

Give "The Suburbs" a listen. Might help answer that question the world asked. =P

Infected Mushroom - "Project 100"
Legend of the Black Shawarma

As I was closing the Electronics department at my Target yesterday, my iPod decides to shuffle its way to this particular piece.

Now, as seen before, Infected Mushroom is only a recent discovery for me, but from the tracks I've heard, I found myself entranced with their sound (and usually commented on something regarding how utilitarian psychedelic trance could be).

I don't think I could ever be more right after hearing "Project 100" for the first time last night. After listening to it at work, I told myself I'd listen to it again in detail as I was driving home. It was nothing like I expected, and yet it was everything I'd imagine it to be. Changing sounds, tempos - your whole perspective of how music should be - maaaan, this track is just... ama...zing... *blinks* I... I think I just had an auralgasm. (Trust me: you'll have one, too. You'll have a better one if you have excellent headphones with you.) *replays "Project 100" with glee*

Seriously, take this track for an aural spin. Cinematographers out there with an ear for music might want to keep this on their notes. In the nine-plus minutes spent listening to this piece, I found myself wanting to use this for a gazillion scenes, including (but obviously not limited to):
  • rock show segue (it's got the guitars to do it)
  • special operations (infiltration) mission
  • (space) fighter combat
  • those "the plan is coming together" montages as each person finishes their task
  • Gradius
  • training montage
  • driving/racing sequences
  • video game ownage montage
  • credits sequence
  • those moments where a character hacks/breaks into something mundane
  • nightclub scenes (yeah, I can see people dancing to this)
  • those scenes where someone evades a thorough (military) sweep of the area
  • Anything... IN SPACE!
(You're welcome, by the way.)

Bear McCreary - "Wander My Friends"
Battlestar Galactica: Season 1 Original Soundtrack

Those of you familiar with my big blogs will recognize this track from "The Frakkin' PMX 2011 Special!" and its celebratory overtones. As I mentioned in that entry as well, "Wander My Friends" has a tone that matches victory celebrations and emotion-swelled farewells.

As we're under the notion to say "farewell," "auf Wiedersehen," or "frak you" to 2011 today (hey, some people didn't have a good year), I found this to be fitting on two counts:
  1. We literally are saying "goodbye" to 2011 today.
From now on, all major victory celebrations I'm involved in will have this song playing somewhere. It's that good of a music piece.

Men at Work - "Overkill"

I woke up with a jolt at around 0630 for some strange reason. What was weirder is that I was still tired and yet found myself wide awake. Took me almost a full hour to conk myself back into the land of the sleeping.

I think I know why I did that. It's been habit for many people (myself included) to reflect on the year that's about to pass when it nears New Year's Eve. I apparently kept tossing and turning - when I woke up at 0630, not one bit of my comforter was anywhere on me. Add to the fact that when I was trying to lull myself back to dreamland, I kept thinking about how this year was for me and if I improved any... and you'll find that it didn't help my case any.

So what did that have to do with "Overkill" - did it even have anything in common with the Men at Work song? "Ghosts appear and fade away." Those of us who end up being haunted by their pasts after "[thinking] about the implications" because they were "diving in too deep" just can't bring themselves to a conclusion at first.

That, and it's a great song. Scrubs knows this, too.

Hitoshi Sakimoto - "Those Who Succeeded"
Valkyria Chronicles Original Soundtrack

A beautiful track worthy of ending a day filled with peace... when the sounds of war are all but gone from the air. This is a victory track in its own right - and if you've played Valkyria Chronicles, it might give you a bit of a tear as well. (I'm not spoiling anything here, but be warned: the YouTube comments may not be as spoiler-free as I am.)

For the whole of this peace, the violin(s) (it sounds too light to be a viola, but I could be mistaken) take(s) the lead as the piano runs its own supporting melodies in the background. Amazing how only two instruments can carry so much emotion in their notes, huh?

If I ever re-learn how to play the piano in a masterful way, I'm adding "Those Who Succeeded" to my repertoire the moment I meet a violinist who can play this. I mean, the track is just worthy of live duet interpretation, I think.

"There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"
- Prophet of Truth
(Halo 2)

I remember this one trailer/commercial for Halo 2 when it came out. It ended with Truth speaking the line I used for today's quote. It holds so much meaning for me today, because... well, I completed my task!

To those of you who believed that I wouldn't get through this crazy little New Year's resolution I made back on January 1, step in front of the rest of your peers!

Those of you who've taken the step forward should be ashamed of yourselves - to think that I couldn't achieve anything on this blog is just a travesty to both yourselves and your fellow humans who stood by me every step of the way (sort of). As Hikaru Sulu Emperor Yoshiro George frakkin' Takei said: "You are made of stupid." (The best part about this is that it's from one of his actual speeches insulting the Allies - namely America.)

Now, those of you who were joking about getting me to fail this resolution by incapacitating me on New Year's Eve? Step forward.

*George Takei voice* You FAILED.

What have you to say now?

GOOOOOOOOOOOD AFTERNOOOOOOOOOOOON, EVERYONE! Welcome to my 365th and final entry for 2011!

I'd like to thank the Academy for considering this prestigious presentation and the honor to be bestowed this exemplary honor. I'd also like to thank anyone and everyone who has read this blog this year, and my sponsors... oh, wait. I don't have sponsors. Strike my last.

As stated yesterday, the big one will either be on January 2 or 3. I just thought I'd let y'all know that I succeeded in my goal and that all things are possible (minus resurrection, but ignore this if you're an ignorant Christian, a necromancer, or a Cylon skinjob).

While most of you are celebrating with joy, I'm not - I'm at work tonight from 1530 to... God-knows-when. *shrugs* Oh, well. Money's money, right? Have fun tonight anyways, and drive safe - I don't want to hear about anyone I know (or anyone that anyone I know of knows) getting in some accident where alcohol was a factor. (If stupidity is the primary factor, then I want to hear about this story so long as nobody is seriously hospitalized and/or killed.)

I look forward to seeing what 2012 will bring. I'll be there to blog as well, so don't think I'm done now that I completed my one and only resolution for 2011.

Now who could that person blogger be?
New secrets, new surprises, new faces, new loves, new hates... new everything, really.

2012: BRING IT ON.

Until the new year, everyone! "Good night, and good luck!"

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