Friday, December 30, 2011

Eve of Eves

New Year's Eve looms upon us. As this entry makes its way through the Internet and solidifies Post 364, I'd like to say a few things.

For one, I'm gonna be busy and stuck at work for the next few days. No, I don't mean I'm going to be at work until God-knows-when - I mean that most of my waking hours that aren't spent preparing for the day or playing something awesome on my 3DS will be used up at work, because I like to earn money.

Which leads to the second point I'd like to talk to you about: the highly probably chance that the next great entry will either be on January 2 or 3, 2012.

Why so late, you ask? Well, obviously work is an issue. There's also a lot of things I want to talk about (and I mean a lot), and to prep for a big entry like I'm planning requires some prior editing of the content's HTML that extends the typing session to more than just a few hours. That, or I just had so much to type that it took me more than two sit-down sessions in front of my laptop to pull it off.

"All this has happened before, and will happen again." Much like the credo heard in Battlestar Galactica, I've taken my time with some entries that I think were pretty epic in their own rights. And since I like dedicating time to craft a good entry, it's going to happen again - and not just with that upcoming entry that's going to show up next year.

Which means that y'all best be prepared for something awesome. It's probably going to be long and chock-full of content, and I'm pretty sure there's also going to be pictures as well.

Just thought I'd let you know in case you're wondering what's in store for the next few days.

In other news, I think I had a 24 Hour Flu or something. Sore body's gone; only trace of me being sick is a not-so-raw throat and a very light stuffy nose.

Stupid off-day sickness. =(

Until the 'morrow, everyone.

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