Thursday, December 15, 2011

My 3DS Can Blog

Today's entry was composed entirely on my Nindendo 3DS.

It's quite interesting to type on here; to be honest, I have no idea what got me to write today's entry on mine. Eh - it doesn't matter. This is awesome nonetheless.

Pokémon Rumble Blast has been surprisingly difficult lately. As mentioned before, I'm at Worl Rank 9, but even with legendaries at 3,000+ power, I'm unable to conquer the last Battle Royale challenge. Then again, that shouldn't be surprising, as all the Pokémon in the fight are legendaries. It's an insane challenge, but despite the losses I've had, I got closer and closer to tasting victory. That, I think, counts for something.

Well, I'm going to go prepare for work. More madness is to be expected, so I must stand ready. Until the 'morrow!

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