Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mellow Grind

Good afternoon, everybody. How goes it on this fine and... *looks outside* ...okay, not-so-fine day? It's cloudy outside. Nothing better to abruptly alter your general mindset than the weather. That's just frakkin'... *looks outside again* ...sunshine? So it's partly sunny? Joy!

Starry K. - "Sailor"
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Original Soundtrack

Muzak - always a nice genre of music for those moments of casual, upbeat, relaxing ambiance. As I've mentioned before, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater featured eight "healing tracks" that would restore your in-game stamina and health after listening to each one. "Sailor" is one of them, and it definitely possesses a calming, mellow sound to it.

Whee... it's time to talk about stuff. Namely, me and other things.

Work Out
(And no: I don't mean an exercise regimen.)

Anyway, today marks day five of my five-day work schedule. Ostensibly speaking, I have a day off. But what makes tomorrow much more marvelous is that I actually have two days off in a row. And here's the kicker: I didn't ask for those days off; they were given to me.

During fourth quarter, getting something like this without asking for it... that's just awesome. Of course, getting something like this masks the painful realization that my next day off after these ones will be quite distant. I looked, an the schedule said that that'll be on... next Tuesday, the 19th. Six days in-between... oh, geez. For most others in retail, that might spell doom for their psyche and stamina. As for those of us who've weathered past seasons before and escaped (somewhat) unscathed, six days is nothing. Sure, we'll probably endure the same battlefield trauma, but we know that we'll make it out alive. There's hope within us that we'll make it. We're going to live on. We're going to survive. But no; we're not celebrating our Independence Day.

Take it Easy
(That's what I'll be doing - both today and for my days off, and for the following... "paragraphs.")

Mindless retail spiel aside, life's going pretty good right now.

I recently unlocked World Rank 9 on Pokémon Rumble Blast and currently grinding my way to get World Rank 10 (which costs me 50,000,000... and I just spent my last 10,000,000 to unlock World Rank 9... T_T).

Rewrites and HTML edits of the other missing pages on this blog (e.g: "The Hate List") are coming along slowly and smoothly. There's a lot that I'm fixing and a lot more modifications I'm doing to them to make them even more awesome than they already were.

I've caught up on my sleep. Most of this past week I've netted about six to seven hours a night on average. Last night, though... I went to sleep around... 0130ish. I woke up at 1130. Ten hours, and while I'm still feeling a tad groggy, I feel rejuvenated.

As I have work in about an hour or so, I'm going to take off. Expect something good on here either tomorrow or Tuesday - because after all, I have those days off, which means I'm going to have time to work on a great entry. =P

Until the 'morrow!

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