Thursday, November 10, 2011

Eve of Seven, Strings of Thought

Look into this entry and grasp the obvious - that the eve of seven days' work is approaching, and that three days' work of excitement is about to unfold.

Oh, and notice that this is going to be an awesome entry, too. =P

Bear McCreary - "Roslin and Adama"
Battlestar Galactica

As Battlestar Galactica fits under the genre of "space opera," that means it is allowed to have its own romantic storylines. While there are a decent number of these in the course of the series, there's one that I absolutely adored: the subtle and natural romance between President Laura Roslin and Commander William Adama.

"Roslin and Adama" is the aural representation of their budding relationship (one that seems more obvious to us than to them). Composed in a style akin to a slow waltz, this string-heavy piece with piano backing plucks at the heartstrings whenever it appears. Matter-of-fact, it's so powerful of a leitmotif that Bear McCreary himself "...reserved this theme for only the most powerful, dramatic scenes in their relationship."

Powerful, stringed, and warm despite being slow and almost-melancholic-sounding. You can't really ask for a better combination than that. Unless of course, you're Bear McCreary and decide to make a piano-only version of it.

"One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries."
- A. A. Milne

Quite true. Maybe that's why I'm always so disorganized, both in a physical and mental sense. I keep bumping into things that grab my attention and get me to think or play.

Afternoon, everyone. How's it going with all of you today? I hope it's going quite well with you. The weather outside where I live makes it seem as though that would be difficult, but that's what today's entry is here for - to fight that thought.

The Eve of Seven
(Seven days of work, seven days of holding on.)

With today being Day Seven of a seven-day work week, it's safe to say that I'm just about ready to throw in the towel.

What you don't see here are the two three full carts of backstock that were sent my way because someone said they weren't backstock.
Granted, I almost pulled the trigger a few times before today, but alas, I need the money. (Don't we all?) So, here I am, working my tail off on a day that I should've had off - all in the name of financial security and/or having nothing better to do. Yeah. Work sucks at times, but working with people you like more than makes up for it - just as long as the guests don't screw up whatever you worked oh-so-meticulously on.

Strings of Thought
(Launching Vipers into uncharted, philosophical space.)

On Monday I slapped on here a cryptic metaphor in the form of a jumbled and somewhat-convoluted entry. It was a homage to the Cylon Hybrids of Battlestar Galactica. Recognized as the first step in Cylon "evolution," these living computers serve as the central core of their respective Basestars - effectively serving as the Basestar in a sense.

A Cylon Hybrid. Those wires and conduits allow it to have autonomous control over the Basestar it's hooked up to.
The Hybrids are known for their constant utterances which in itself are cryptic and sound meaningless. Interspersed between these spoken lines are status updates on the ship and meticulous observations of various minutiae surrounding its range (and sometimes, even farther). Of course, not everything it utters is just nonsense - there are meanings that exist amidst the confusion. Most of the Cylons believe these utterances are just nonsense, but when one looks carefully and begins to pick the words apart, things begin surfacing. (The Twos would probably agree with this statement.) The question that then comes to fruition is thus: what. What are they saying? What do they mean? Why do thing have to be so bloody complicated?

I remember about a month-and-a-half ago when I first was getting into Battlestar Galactica. I began thinking, "Gee, this series has me seriously engrossed in it. Why is that?" To this day, I don't think I have a solid answer, but I know that the series has left me hungry for answers and solutions to the thoughts the series has invoked in me.

Of course, as the series progressed, I ended up thinking a lot more, and the introduction of the Hybrids didn't really help out any - rather, it made me wonder even more about things. Back last Thursday I began researching some information on data I was going to use for a treatise I wanted to compose. (I said dissertation, but apparently the two terms are more or less switchable.) After looking at the Hybrids' many utterances, I figured I'd do some research on Battlestar Galactica as well, and before long I ended up forming a second dissertation. Yeah, I know: I think too much. If my seven-day work week I mentioned above is any bit of an indicator, then we can say that I work too much as well - both in and out of the job.

Don't fret, though - I'm liking the engaging thought process these dissertations are bringing me. It's gotten me to read a few books that I'm enjoying.

Popular culture and philosophy - and people thought higher thought could only stem from boring things.
I was at Barnes and Noble a while back and I noticed these books. They caught my eye because they combined higher thought (or the concept of it) with the awesomeness of things I thoroughly enjoyed. The issues dealt with in each one have provided solutions to questions and sparked new thoughts into how things are so much more than just simple aversions from reality.

So, last week when I said to look through my Pensieve for information regarding the whole "What could I possibly be writing about?" question, I wasn't lying. But at the same time, I wasn't telling you everything, either.

Well, I have to take off - I have work later on today, and as it's my last day of this seven-day string, I might as well give it my all, so I must gather what little energy I have left.

And just so you know, Pacific Media Expo 2011 officially starts tomorrow, and it's safe to say that I'm very, very excited for the event to start. I'll be posting more about it if I'm able to procure an Internet connection, but if not, then it'll have to wait until Monday or Tuesday or something. Worst-case scenario: you'll see three short White Knight Live entries. Best-case: loads of pictures and fun and text and fun and pictures. (Yes, I'm aware I repeated some of that.)

So, until the 'morrow! I hope this sated your desire for a decent entry from yours truly!

1 comment:

  1. Now that I've finished The Office on Netflix, I think I'll start watching Battlestar Galactica now. You've gotten me so curious about it! -W.K.
