Saturday, November 5, 2011

White Knight Live: A Random Park

Okay, that's a lie - this isn't a random park. I know where I'm at and what park this is. I'm just choosing not to disclose that information. While I've said that I'd pretty much be frank with you, I still have to retain some kind of secrecy, don't I? *shrugs*

Anyway, I'm digressing. I'm at the park for a few reasons.
  1. Catch up on some reading.
    The few books I am currently reading should be read, no?
  2. Work on This is Not a Book and Finish This Book.
    At the rate I'm tearing through these, I can't say for certain when I'll be finished (or when I'm allowed to display coverage of Finish This Book), so I figured I could get some decent work done in a calm, collected, and serene spot. Parks count, right?
  3. Develop lunch plans with people.
    I'm a social person - what can I say?
Besides, it's a nice day outside - only party cloudy as compared to yesterday's mix of rainy clouds and random bursts of sunny ray beams. Yay for that, so I figured I'd enjoy a cool-yet-warm autumn day before winter tears its heart out.

Plus, there's a faint aroma of freshly-cut grass - pleasant enough to accentuate the air but not too terribly overpowering. Helps me to concentrate. I could use the mental focus.

Well, that's that. I'm going to go off and read/write stuff before hitting up lunch with some friends. Until the 'morrow, everyone, and remember: Daylight Savings Time smacks us tomorrow, so adjust your clocks and set them an hour back!

*leafs through his books and continues reading*

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