Monday, November 7, 2011

Conversations With a Hybrid

Well, I said I'd give you something good today. It's time for me to deliver.

Avenged Sevenfold - "Dear God"
Avenged Sevenfold

As WinAmp went through its shuffling of its playlists, this song popped up. It matches today in terms of how easygoing and sunny this day seems to be thus far and how mellow and easygoing "Dear God" sounds (that opening just sets the mood up so well). Plus, this song is noteworthy for me because it holds a slot in my "Songs Inappropriate for the Zombie Apocalypse" playlist on WinAmp.

Lady Gaga - "Telephone (f. Beyoncé)"
The Fame Monster

There's a few meanings I got from this song, and I'm not quite sure which one is the most likely one. However, the only thing I remember in the end was this: it's quite danceable. I'll admit: I've had this song stuck in my head for a while. Add the fact that I found a StepMania simfile for the song and you could probably guess how much rotation this song's been getting. As I'm attempting to get an A-Rank on StepMania with this song, this'll probably be on my head for a while.

Bear McCreary - "The Dance"
Battlestar Galactica: Season 3 Original Soundtrack

Can someone say "fun musical piece" here? Yeah, I know you're thinking it. This 2.5 minute dance-worthy musical interlude just screams Irish/Scottish jig. If the fiddle and uilleann pipes didn't give it away, I'm not sure what will.

An excellent and lively piece, "The Dance" is sure to put a spring to your step as you work on whatever you're working on. A few of you may even be inspired to dance along with the music (or even perform your own (crappy) Irish/Scottish jig). Don't lie - you know you want to go along with the music.

"Chickenshit refers to behavior that makes military life worse than it need be: petty harassment of the weak by the strong; open scrimmage for power and authority and prestige; sadism thinly disguised as necessary discipline; a constant 'paying off of old scores'; and insistence on the letter rather than the spirit of ordinances. Chickenshit is so called - instead of horse- or bull- or elephant shit - because it is small-minded and ignoble and takes the trivial seriously."
- Paul Fussell
(Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War)

Not-so-surprisingly, this quote can be applied to areas outside the war zone. Much like The Art of War, the concept of chickenshit is easily seen amongst the work force, politics - pretty much anywhere where a person is in some kind of command position amongst others.

I felt like quoting this for a few reasons:
  1. I went through my ever-growing list of quotes I have on my laptop and randomly scrolled until I felt like stopping. This was on the page I stopped on.
  2. As the retail world enters the fourth quarter of the fiscal year, they prepare to deal with large sales, even larger crowds of shoppers, and improperly-exercised authority amongst command crews who crack under the pressure that the fourth quarter brings.
  3. It reminded me of Band of Brothers - both the book and the television series. Captain Sobel, anyone?
Now, that's not to say that every single retail worker out there (myself included) will either have to wade through the chickenshit or drown our subordinates with it. I just know that each part of the retail world will have to deal with this eventually - and fourth quarter's the most likely time for a tidal wave's worth to crash down on us.

Afternoon, everybody. It's been a while since I've posted something decent on here. I guess today's that time. However, as I got called in to work early, I don't have much time. (Yaaaaay, time crunching.) So, let's see if I can give you a good quality entry in a short amount of time...

An Ethereal and Corporeal Being of Light and Darkness
(Or: Why this entry got both the "Battlestar Galactica" and "cryptic metaphor" tags slapped on it.)

I recently finished the fourth and last season of Battlestar Galactica. While I feel like it brought the series to a close, I couldn't help but feel a bit... cheated. It kind of felt rushed, and there were some things that I wanted explained that didn't get touched on, but apart from that, it was an action-packed, conversation-laden finale. I want to talk about it so much, but I can't - apart from my policy regarding me not posting spoilers, I have yet to see some of the other Galactica-based things - The Plan, for instance.

Anyway, because I wanted to talk about Battlestar Galactica but at the same time wanted to refrain from discussing the plot or characters (as there are major spoilers to be encountered in the ensuing discussion), I decided to do a sort-of mind stream - Cylon Hybrid-style.

Sunny and stormy - a song of sun and thunder.
*looks outside* This weekend has certainly been quite interesting in regards to the weather. It's sunny, it's raining... it's sunny, it's raining... and once it ended up being sunny while it was raining. I swear, it reminds me of the weather back up in Washington. But now that it's bright, clear, and sunny out there (yaaaaay!), it's time to prime myself back up again. But what does the weather have to do with the weather? I'll leave that up to you to decide if my utterances hold meaning.

(Author's Note: No, this is not an attempt at cheating you out of an entry. =P)

There's not a lot I can do because I don't even know what I can do. I mean, I'm typing this while I'm not even looking at the screen - I'm just looking out the window as I type aimlessly and what not. Scary, I know, but... it works out well sometimes. Besides, haven't you just decided to do things somewhat subconsciously and just let your fingers do the typing as your mind wanders elsewhere with your eyes?

Am I speaking in riddles? Am I speaking in lines of code that I don't even know about? I do not know. The eye wanders, the mind tarries on, but what do the fingers have to say about this? I can't tell. Nobody can.

Judgment passes over for those worthy of its wrath - its ability to cure guilt by force is not to be trifled with. Remember this, as it holds truth and reconciliation over your head and your soul.

The cars of the world deal the cards we have to play with. Hand over the telephone when you fold your hand, and bring the cat in as you walk home.

Found this in one of the registers last night. Whaa...?
There is a hole in the wing of twenty-five freedom, and with it the wig of man - the one above the many armed leaders. The irrationality of this is housed in the place where the one joins the sixteen and the pioneer of prehistorical science.

"There are secrets within lies, answers within riddles. [...] Open your mind and hear what your heart wants to deny."

I can't explain myself here. I can only say that this was part of my tasks in Finish This Book.
A snowy man of incognito resembles no one and everyone. In his heart lies the truth, which is swamped by lies. Research done becomes research invalidated; a cleansing fire to cleanse and renew. It burns white and it bears the face of horror, but within the evil lies the joy of life.

One of my supervisors at work found this sitting in our Toys department. I have since claimed it as my own (we didn't know what to do with it, and I didn't have the heart to scrap it), and it resides on my desk.
The love of a person known to no one can easily lift the hopes of another. For it is the dream of humanity to rise above the madness and filth created by themselves. What else is there to dream of, if not futility and fantasy?

All of this has happened before, and it will happen again. Until the 'morrow.
End of line.

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