Saturday, November 12, 2011

PMX Day Two (And the Disneyland High)

For those of you looking at the timestamp, you're probably wondering how a person like me (who claims that times between 0515 and 0945 are myths, much like the Boogeyman and North Dakota) can be up at this hour. It's not because I have a Security shift at this ungodly time of morning, nor is it because there's a panel going on that I really want to attend.

It's because of what I'm going to call the "Disneyland High." You know - that state of excitement where you can't sleep due to the excitement of going to Disneyland the next day. The adrenaline is flowing through you at nearly-euphoric levels to the point where sleep almost seems pointless.

If you're the parent of any child who's ever been to Disneyland or Disneyworld (or any theme park where it's basically kid-friendly), you're aware of this phenomenon firsthand. I myself was guilty of exhibiting this effect when I was a kid whelp kid once.

Anyway, Day Two officially starts at 0900 (with staff offices starting at 0800), but for me, it's started long before that - even though my earliest "shift" isn't until mid-afternoon. So why bother typing this up when I could be catching up on sleep?
  1. Cosplayers
    Some will be up at this ungodly hour getting breakfast. Plus, Saturday's usually our biggest day for zombie cosplayers to show up, because a good portion of them got "infected" on Day One. As Security it's my "job" to keep the attendees (and by extension: the staff and guests of the LAX Hilton) safe to the best of my ability, and as such, I might as well call "first morning watch." (Oh, and let's not forget photos. I promised friends photos.)
  2. Breakfast
    We know that I need it. I'm down to, like, two slices and a bottle of Tazo tea.
  3. Because I'm taunting my work friends about how I'm actually "working" while they're actually working.
    *insert maniacal laughter here*
Now, you all might think I'm crazy, but I've got my reasons for willingly getting up this early. I mean, if any Resident Evil fan (game fans; not the movies, mind you) knows: if you spot Albert Wesker walking around the area, you're frakked unless you're either immune or well-prepared to fight zombies. And, well...

"Every day, humans come one step closer to self destruction. I'm not destroying the world; I'm saving it!"
...something tells me we're frakked unless I get down there soon. I'll report in tomorrow... if I don't get infected! *zips downstairs with his (Nerf) weaponry*

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