Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Full Plate Entry

The start of the month, and all I can think about is what I'm doing with the projects I currently have on my plate. It's fun and interesting, and it's definitely doing its job in keeping me entertained. Not to mention sated.

Yeah, I know - not a dynamic entry for November's first blog entry, but I'm a little preoccupied with a certain part of the plate: Finish This Book. It's quite intriguing, and it's definitely getting me to think creatively.

I'd share what's going on, but as I mentioned back on Sunday, I'm not at liberty to divulge and discuss anything I do with Finish This Book unless otherwise instructed to do so. Yeah, I know - it's just a book, and I don't have to listen to a damn word. Thing is, though, sometimes a little control seems necessary.

Other than that, today's a nice and casual Tuesday and could very well be called a decent start to the eleventh month of the year. Only time will tell what happens over the course of these next twenty-nine days, so... we'll just have to wait and see what happens here, right?

*resumes working on Finish This Book*

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