Sunday, November 13, 2011

PMX Day Three - The End is Not Always Bad

Today marks the third and final day of Pacific Media Expo. It's a sad thing knowing that my fun and excitement here will eventually give way to a (hopefully not-so-) dreary night at work, but... I'm going to enjoy this while I still can.

I need to wake up first. *downs some coffee and eats leftover pizza from Friday*

Anyway, last night was insane. Crowd control at a concert, numerous cosplayers running around, and millions of tons of fun just waiting to be let loose. As I have to get ready to check out and work Security for a few more hours, I'll once again be leaving you with this short entry.

Expect to see an entry detailing the events of Pacific Media Expo 2011 (that I experienced) sometime this week.

And just so I can tease you guys (and simultaneously prove that PMX ain't just about Pacific Rim stuffs): here's a photo of someone who stayed in character by breaking character:

"Hey, I freakin' LOVE Street Fighter! Autograph your spleen for me?"
Yeah. Deadpool kept zipping around. Hehehe.

So, until the 'morrow, everyone! If we're lucky (meaning I have time), then perhaps you'll get to see all these pictures and crazy things I got to live through tomorrow or Tuesday via a grand entry full of pictures and words and pictures and silly stuff and pictures and... me... and pictures! (Hey, guess what the PMX entry's going to have in it? =P)

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