Monday, November 14, 2011

A Monday Back on the Grind

During Pacific Media Expo, I joked about how once the whole convention ended, I'd go back to my dull and boring life. I wasn't kidding. I'm sitting here, staring at this screen, going, "Wow. I'm going back to "actual" work today. Lame.

As such, today will not be the day that I promised you a grandiose entry related to my experience at PMX this Veterans Day weekend. However, I am working on it - I just have to type everything down and upload every picture I plan on using in the entry. Then I have to go through the coding and make sure everything goes well. Whoo.

So, as a small teaser/treat/apology for taking so bloody long with this (even though I'm fully entitled to take as long as I need to compose this awesome entry), here's some cosplayers.

Can you spot the cosplayers?
Just shush: I'm giving you pictures, okay? =P

So, until the 'morrow. *goes back to work on the PMX entry before going to work*

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