Thursday, November 3, 2011


Hey, everyone. How's it going with y'all on this decent evening? I can say on my end that it's going quite well on my end. I've been busy with a great many things, which is a good thing - it helps you not concentrate on things that... well... aren't quite as good. Anyway, I have a written dilemma of sorts. (And I don't mean an old blog entry I made, either.)

Sometimes there are days where you feel like relaxing in a carefree manner. You lie in bed, let the phone ring on and on, catch up on your sleep, and just go about doing absolutely nothing "productive." Then there are those days where you're tasked with something ridiculous and/or difficult. Oftentimes there's a deadline issued, and the people who tasked you with your project expect nothing but the best at whatever cost necessary - even if it means giving up your sanity.

Every once in a while, though, a dedicated person (or a stubborn one - the similarities are high) will end up assigning themselves with something ridiculous and/or difficult because it relaxes them in a carefree manner. Sound confusing and/or psychotic? I suppose so, but sometimes one has to go insane to recover their sanity.

I think I've done just that. Of course, the response some of you have with that statement involves one question: "Wait; you haven't gone insane yet?" Maybe I have... maybe I haven't. You'll just have to keep reading.

As I've been working on Finish This Book and playing video games, I've been doing quite a lot of thinking. (Before you start questioning how good of an idea that is, I wasn't delving heavily into depressing thoughts. I'm fine. I think.) I've encountered a myriad of characters, storylines, and ideas that have gotten me to ponder on their impact in the game's legacy and what not. It's kept myself busy - mostly due to me writing like crazy and doing research on topics that I (felt the) need to talk about. All of this has been boiled down to term paper-sized documents (or more, if I feel inclined to) that I feel like completing before I have to have it "due."

Here's the kicker, though: I'm not doing this for a class. Yup, that's right: I'm writing a perfectly large essay on something that's not going to be graded. I'm writing an essay for kicks. I'm writing it because I'm borderline insane I bloody well can write it. Hell, I don't think I can even call it an "essay" - "dissertation" is more like it. (Yes, I'm writing that much. o.O)

Now the question remains: what am I writing about? Well, I personally won't tell you, but I'll give you one decent hint: search through my Pensieve and see if an answer pops up. I'm sure there's bound to be one in there somewhere - after all, I did say that I'd write about those topics someday, didn't I? Keep in mind that I could very well be lying my head off here with this hint.

All I can say is this: I'm thinking... and I'm typing. What it is... you'll have to see later.

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