Friday, November 11, 2011

PMX Day One

Hey, all. Just wanted to post here and let you know that I made it here safe and sound at Pacific Media Expo 2011!

Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to actually do anything fun - a (very bad) SNAFU occurred over at the registration department, and as such, the Security detail in charge of line handling (including yours truly) ended up having to stay in the area all day.

I just decided to slap this on so that you know I'm alive and kicking and - more importantly - able to keep up my post quota and what not.

From the looks of it, it doesn't look like I'll be able to make a big post for this until after the whole con ends - and that's Sunday. Don't worry though: there's going to be a TON of pics and everything, because I promised people pictures and what not.

Well, I'm back to work doing Security. I'll see ya' tomorrow and see if I can let you in on other things that happened! Ciao-ciao!

Oh, and before I forget: I was pulled over today on the way here. My friend did not want me to live this down unscathed. Long story short: we passed a very bored CHP officer. Fortunately, there was no incident, but the fact that I got pulled over... yeah. Weird. *shrugs*

*goes back to working Security*

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