Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Drifting Around

My mind keeps drifting all over the place today. I can't seem to keep myself focused on any one thing - including typing a blog for today.

So far, I've been jumping the gun and working on numerous things, including (but not limited to):
  • working on a new Top Ten list
  • reading some books I acquired
  • looking out the window and daydreaming
  • eating pizza
  • attempting silly hat tricks (not "hat-tricks," mind you)
  • tracking Carmen Sandiego
  • eating a yummy breakfast burrito
  • listening to music from Battlestar Galactica
  • wondering what time I go in to work
  • waiting in anticipation for PMX 2011
  • stroking an imaginary fu manchu
  • browsing craigslist for silly things
  • watching Colonel Tigh yell at himself
  • browsing the Internet for various cosplay items
  • contemplating about re-watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, and
  • sleeping.
(Author's Note: I may not have done some of these things. Of course, what didn't I do? That's the question you want an answer to, right?)

Maybe I have ADHD or something, or maybe I'm just having one of those (many) days where I want to do a great many things with myself and the world and have so little time to perform all these said things. I don't know. But perhaps if I take some of the things I listed above (as well as the many things I didn't list), I could create something that's good.

Eh, something will come to me. One of these things has to give me inspiration, and I'm sure that something will come up before the week is out.

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