Sunday, March 22, 2015


What am I writing? I don't even know. All I know is after several hours of staring at the same blank screen, I decided to let my fingers dictate what would show up.

My brain currently has zero conscious control (apart from the spell-checking and error-fixing). I don't know what it's doing, what it's thinking, what it's going to do. All I know is that I NEED TO WRITE.

It's almost been an eternity. Well, technically, it hasn't, but who's counting? No one certainly is - we've all sort of lost track of Josh Blanco. It's gotten to the point where even I have lost track of my own self. I don't know where I've been nor what I've become. I've faced myself before in the past, and the fact of the matter is that I need to face myself once again. (Cue Persona 4 reference.)

Right now I'm just typing into Blogger, because for some reason typing into Microsoft Word doesn't even seem... appealing. I don't even know why. It makes no sense - much like inter-generational friendships and why people still believe in things like Bigfoot or North Dakota.

So why am I writing?

I don't know. Part of this was triggered by my mind idly going from webpage to webpage until I somehow ended up at r/writingprompts. I don't know what I did, and I certainly don't know how I ended up on there, but I did. I read a few (and found some interesting ones) and they... sort-of inspired me.

Anyway, it's become quite clear that I'm not going anywhere with this any time soon. It's kinda disappointing.

But sometimes you need to sink in order to actually get anywhere. After all, there's only two directions one can go when falling... and sometimes, despite gravity... that direction is up.

Will it be up for me today? Or will the skeletons keep pulling me down? Either way, there's only one way for me to find out... and that's to keep going. What will happen? Where will I go? What will become of me? I'm not sure. Hell, I'm not sure that I'm making any kind of sense out here. *shrugs* Oh, well. It's not like it matters right now, because I don't even know why I began typing to begin with.

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