Monday, October 10, 2011

This is Not a Post

Today's Monday! Let's start your day off with a happy smile, because I'm happy today, and you should be, too! =D

Smile, dammit! *laughs*

Robin Beanland - "Rock Solid"
Conker's Bad Fur Day Soundtrack

Conker's Bad Fur Day, for those of you not video game savvy, was a Nintendo 64 game released in mid-2001, roughly half a year before the Nintendo GameCube hit stores worldwide. Despite scarce advertising and the fact that the Nintendo 64 was to be phased out that year, reviewers lauded the game for its witty (and dirty) humor, graphics that pushed the aging console's limits to the edge, and excellent audio work.

"Rock Solid" has that club sound you'd expect to hear only in clubs and not in video games, and that's one of the reasons why I love this track.

Bear McCreary - "Martial Law"
Battlestar Galactica: Season 2 Original Soundtrack

A track of despair, fear, and anger, "Martial Law" supplies the listener with the correct aural tones necessary to convey the induction of martial law. It's a relatively short piece, but it's okay - it matches the swift destitution of freedom a declaration of martial law would bring.

This morose track seems quite fitting for today's agenda. "But Josh, didn't you say you were happy today?" Yes, I am. Still, though... something doesn't feel right in the air, so I'm on guard. I have this playing in my head because I know something's up and ready to declare a state of metaphorical martial law somewhere.

Tiësto - "Adagio for Strings"
Just Be

Tiësto's sophomore album is perhaps one of his best-known. Many of his most well-known songs are from this album, including his cover of Samuel Barber's "Adagio for Strings."

I first heard this song years back at a friend's house - he showed me one of Tiësto's live performances where he opened up with this. Amazing.

"I try to make everyone's day a little more surreal."
- Bill Watterson

Everyone knows Bill Watterson. You don't? Well, you must not read Calvin and Hobbes, then, because if you did, this quote would make a lot more sense. After all, Calvin and Hobbes is pretty surreal to begin with. *reads some comics*

Afternoon, everybody. How's it all goin'?

Lately for some strange reason, I've been sensing a dark aura around. As crazy as that already sounds, I'll sound crazier for saying that the epicenter seems to be hovering over me. Mind you, I'm in a great mood, so this raises an alarming query of sorts. I'm not the one broadcasting this dark aura, yet it seems to be originating from my exact location. What exactly is going on around here, you ask? Well, I don't know - I'm asking that question myself, and I got nothin'.

Pseudo-depressing crap aside, it's been a great day so far. Not much has happened (which, while it makes things stagnant, also makes it so that other things can occur). I've got work later on tonight, so I know my evening is going to be interesting.

I know, there's not much to say here, is there? So to make up for that, here's some pictures to make you (hopefully) happy. Muahahaha.

An Alot of Card Sleeves.
Because the Alot is better than you at everything.
One night one of my friends got bored while playing the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. He elected to create his own Alot, and this picture is proof of his work. Hehehe.

According to Gefallen, his superpowers include transforming into a crime-fighting chef and an acute ability to track rare herbs and fish.
I've been wanting to spam fishing once in a while with Gef. In Northrend there's a rare swimming turtle mount you can only get by fishing at specific fishing nodes that spawn throughout the arctic continent.

Now, normally the only way to find these nodes would be to manually zip by the shorelines and keep a weather eye out, but with the "Find Fish" ability, that's a thing of the past. And now that my Rogue has it, I have the urge to max out his Fishing skill.

*insert some kind of death march music here*
Interesting photo of some of my Lego guys marching off to war. While I liked this photo, something about it bugged me, as if it was trying to tell me there was a way to make this look even better than it does right now.

*insert some 1920's variant of death march music here*
So, when you end up playing with a few of the color settings, you can get something pretty cool. Personally, I think this image looks a lot better than the original. Something about the blue overtones in this almost-black-and-white picture just makes it stand out more...

I ended up looking through paperwork. Lots of it. Lots of old stuff, lots of new stuff.
More importantly, I found my old Lucky Star pencilboard! Yaaaay~!
Last month I said I would go to the bookstore to browse around and look for stuff. Didn't really find anything but I did locate some things that I told myself I would get once I had a bit of money scrounged up.

So recently, I ended up procuring one of Keri Smith's books - or in this case, a... "not-book." (You remember me talking about Keri Smith and her works based on creativity, right?) As the title says, it's not a book - it's rather a keg of gunpowder waiting to set off the reader's imagination through creativity. Sounds confusing, right? Well, that's because I'm making it confusing. If I have time somewhere in the week I'll post a few pictures so you can see what I mean.

An interesting concept of solving multiplication problems was introduced to me some time ago, and sadly I can't give proper credit to them because I forgot who. Regardless, it's quite clever and it does warrant some novel use.

Simply create a group of hashed lines like I did in the above picture, with the first number's lines going northwest-southeast and the second's going northeast to southwest. From there, count the number of times each coordinate intersects, and add those numbers up in their respective place values.

Yeah, interesting. Maybe I'll solve some math problems like this and see what happens.

So, until the 'morrow, everyone. Stay awesome!
*muses to self* what to eat for lunch before work...?

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