Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Camera Woes

I can't find my frakking camera. I think I might have misplaced it at work, and for the first time in the umpteenth time I forgot my stuff at work, I think someone finally lacked the morals to turn it in to someone. (Yes, I'm aware that it's my fault for leaving something at work. However, up until now people have been morally responsible.)

I'd just like to say something to the person who decided to steal my camera: FRAK YOU. Frak your lack of morals. Return it, or I swear to the Lords of Kobol that the rest of your miserable and pathetic existence will be cursed. You'll be so hexed that the Egyptian curses that (supposedly) killed Lord Carnarvon will look like a mere pin prick compared to the psychological death by a thousand cuts you'll be blessed with.

If someone did indeed steal from me: return it to me right frakking now.
If it's just missing: please show up! Daddy misses you! *sniffle*

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