Thursday, February 28, 2013


Whew... getting myself back into gear is much, much tougher than I anticipated. I know some of you are thinking along the lines of "How could posting a bunch of words on here be so frakking difficult to do, Josh? It's not! I could probably do all this in my sleep!"

You're right. It's not difficult. The mind makes it difficult. But while it looks as though I'm not actually trying, I actually am. Thing is, I'm working on tomorrow's entry - and it's going to be much more fun than this one.
Evolution - You're doing it wrong, Cyndaquil. *laughs*
(Image made by "BirdychuArt" and found on deviantArt.)
So, while you wait for this "fun" entry, here's a picture of something cute. Enjoy it. =P

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Patch 2013.02.27JDB

Today started with a blank page.

This is what I had planned for today's entry. As you can see, that didn't happen.
Well, that's how most stories start, don't they? An empty space waiting for someone to pour their words onto - a sheet of paper or a white screen waiting for the writer to give it life. I stared at my laptop screen as it booted up, wondering what I was going to do for my personal blog today. I had a few ideas, and so after I logged in, I got on the Internet.

Originally, I logged on my blog in an attempt to begin work on that "promise" I made two days ago. However, as I began typing things out, the willpower to do so practically vanished soon afterwards. Dismayed, I almost gave up - but then I remembered something: I wanted to work on revitalizing my blogging spirit (and in doing so, my writing spirit would be revived as well). I've had enough with dragging my fingers through the keyboard and posting things that I'm ashamed to call "entries."

Of course, when the willpower vanished, it took with it the access keys to my creativity. Or to put it another way: I had no idea what to write. So instead, I decided to look at my blog, hoping I could find something to recall my inspiration. Long story short: I didn't find anything (considering how the majority of the first 57 days of the year composed of those "entries," this isn't surprising).

However, I did find that things on my blog were in severe need of updates. Headers and side notes that were last updated at the 2011/2012 block. Incomplete pages that so desperately yearned to be finished. Lists that were as outdated as the Oscars. So, I set to work on that, figuring that the look of any personal diary is just as important as its contents.

The changes are subtle, but observant readers will be able to catch them. I think I did okay.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Relaxed Tuesday

It's a lazy Tuesday today. I'm just having fun relaxing. We'll be back to our regular programming tomorrow. We think.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Booster Shot

When you're stopped dead in your tracks with a block of some kind, there spawns a very particular moment in time that seems to extend to infinity. Artists and other creative-types know this phenomenon quite well as an "artist's block." While there are many ways for such a block to show up, there are just as many ways to get rid of one. A person who receives such a block may be mentally exhausted from working on his/her art too much, and so taking a break may be a method to counter it. Those who can't seem to get the next part of the page fleshed out may find themselves compelled to complete a part of their work they haven't even started on. Others whose idea wells seemed to have run dry seek alternative sources of inspiration - be it other people or other projects out of their area of expertise.

Then there's a particular kind of artist's block that refuses to budge no matter what. The artist decides to tackle it with guns blazing, but the block becomes harder to budge than Stalingrad in the tail end of 1942. With all options exhausted, the person in question just gives up... and without warning some time later, the block begins to erode away from the sands of time. Very, very few things can last the test of time - and an artist's block? Not one of them.

(Former) Longtime readers of my blog can easily attest to how true the above paragraphs, because for the past two months or so I haven't really posted anything noteworthy. I felt myself stagnating - not just because of my personal situations, but because I lacked the inspiration necessary to compose something worth reading. It was like I was hit with an artist's block that affected more than my creative output - it seemed to damage what little morale I had left.

Time seems to be on my side, however - I can feel the block begin to crumble away. The motivation and creativity that seemed to be impeded are now making their way back to my mind (albeit in a slow, trickling pace). And you know what that means?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Not Yet

The stakes have never run so high before, have they? No, they haven't. Not yet.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Time For Fun

It's about time for me to have some fun. I'm going to have a fun night and there's not much that'll stop me from having one.

Okay... maybe a lack of time. So I might as well go off to have some fun!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Tingling Sense

From the sidelines, I can feel something changing... as if something is giving way to something better than this. Do I sense an impending fall, or do I sense the rise of something else that may change?

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Rewatching Battlestar Galactica is always a fun thing. "So say we all!"

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Not Heeding the Call

I don't know what to write.

I stare at the screen, open up old projects I have saved on Word, leaf through papers and papers of notes - all in the hopes that something... anything... will inspire me.

And yet none of this has succeeded in making me answer the call to write.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Wars Will Write Them

And we must keep working on leaving something memorable behind - even as the bullets keep flying.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013


I'm beginning to wonder why it is that I've yet to break out of this. It's bugging me, and I'm not liking that one little bit. Feels like a prison I can't escape... and I don't like not being able to escape.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Continuing Fun

Well... Fire Emblem Awakening turned out to be an excellent game start to finish. Beat it earlier today, but like any good game with replay value, there's more than just the main story to go through.

Time to do all the other funner stuff!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Some Call This Madness

As I began working on things that I haven't done in ages, other thoughts immediately began to pour into my mind. Tasks that needed to be performed, ideas that yearned to be materialized, worries that haunt my soul, thoughts that did nothing but constantly distract me from what I originally wanted to do.

*some time later* Godsdammit; there we go again.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Things Sure Changed

It's just a Thursday for most others out there. And for once... it isn't for me. <3

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Not in Ashes

If I was a practicing Christian, today would mean the start of Lent for me. I'd have to give up something for forty days, and then I'd get to partake in what I gave up once Easter Sunday passes.

But the beautiful part of not practicing religion is that I don't have to follow any of that at all! *cackles at everyone who attended an Ash Wednesday service*

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013


Lots and lots of typing done today. I'm tired of it, and yet there's still more to write.

No wonder I feel so burnt out.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Tra-la-la-la-la... I'm farming the crap out of this game, and I'm pretty sure my army is going to be one of the most badass armies I've ever seen for a Fire Emblem game! * maniacal laughter*

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Created Scars

And with a roll of the die... people begin to die. Just with one toss, I decide who lives and who doesn't. This sounds really scary in real life (and it most certainly is)... but it becomes much more scarier when one of the characters in question has to deal with the guilt of survival.

Fortunately for us, this has nothing to do with real life. I'm working on an interesting backstory for one of my characters in World of Warcraft, and so far I have to say it's quite interesting. Unfortunately, I'm a sucker for making scarred characters... and this is one of those times where I'm sucked into doing just that.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Not Your Average Workout

I forgot how much work there was when it came to powerleveling. Alas, I've run into a large amount of experience-grinding in Fire Emblem Awakening, and I dare say that the work will be worth it when my team starts mowing down everyone.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've a team to work on and socializing to do tonight. *keeps playing*

Thursday, February 7, 2013

This Fun Has Its Purpose

This game is giving me too much entertainment... and at the same time, it's giving me some ideas I could use for other things in my life. Projects, silly things... I'm enjoying this. And as such, I'm gonna keep on playing Fire Emblem Awakening. Yay!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Who Gave Him the New Game?

Fire Emblem Awakening is just waaaaaaay too addicting right now! *cackles and keeps playing*

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dawning War

All hope of me posting anything normal for the time being has been thrown out the window.

A new dawn. A new war. A new awakening.
And this awesome game for the 3DS is why I'm going to have many sleepless nights in the near future. Curse you and your addictiveness, Fire Emblem Awakening!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Game Switches Off

Everyone in America that watches football has practically shut down today due to the Super Bowl.

While I don't watch football, I'm no exception.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

Unexplored Front

So where does this front take place? Where will the war go? Where will the fighting begin, and where will it end?