Friday, January 3, 2014

A Different Kind of Effort

January 3, 2014.

It's a rather cold Friday morning today (about time - the weather seemed rather odd thus far this winter season) and I'm out and about running errands.

Or, at least I was. Now I'm cooped up and relaxing in a little nook inside the local library, typing away some spiel that maybe two people will read by tomorrow. (Not a lot of high hopes there, huh? It's okay.) Hey - it's what happens when you type up part of an entry at the laundromat while you're waiting for your clothes to get washed/dry.

So, what am I talking about today? Well, apart from whatever tags I slapped on this entry, I'm not quite sure - I just told myself to write something. Why don't we find out together?

Infected Mushroom - "Apogiffa Night"
Converting Vegetarians

Since today is one of those days that showcased dramatic change (when compared to the posts from the last four months or so, it definitely counts), I figured I'd have my aural mindset do the same.

I've stated before that Infected Mushroom's work fits well for a shoot-em-up's background ambiance. It's also pleasant and mild enough (read: not too bass-heavy all over the place) for casual listening.

Enter "Apogiffa Night," the third track from the Israeli psychedelic trance group's fourth album Converting Vegetarians. Rather than sounding like something that could accompany a game like Star Fox or Gradius, this particular piece seems to be gunning for something like Unreal Tournament.

While I picked this track for it's drastic change from the norm (then again, me actually putting music on my entries for once can be called a drastic change of its own), it also fits for another reason: my newfound desire to attack the day... to attack this lethargy that settled in my psyche for what seems like months. Even though I may not have some kind of BFG, I'm pretty sure I can kick some metaphorical ass.

I'm going to be frank with you: I didn't really have an overall theme or plan for today's entry. I just issued my mind one simple command: "Write." It didn't matter what I wrote down, nor did it matter how much I wrote (although there was an unwritten requirement that what I wrote was much longer than all the past "entries" from three months ago).

So, what is there to read here? Well, nothing. I don't know what to write... on here. Meaning I think I miiiiiiight have something interesting composed on Microsoft Word by the end of the weekend. I'm excited... and nervous. We'll just have to find out what my mind suddenly decided to work on...

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