Saturday, January 11, 2014


Last week I posted a long entry (for once) that showcased my desire to help make Pokémon X and Y's Wonder Trade a better feature. (For those of you unwilling to read through last Sunday's entry again, here's the TL;DR: I'm only Wonder Trading good Pokémon from here on out.)

To recant, I had three full boxes of Pokémon (that's 90 in total) with a mix of excellent stats and hidden abilities that I traded away to strangers across the world. I did the bulk of my trades on Sunday and Tuesday, and now that I'm not distracted by life and Cards Against Humanity (which I should talk about on a later day), I'm posting the results to you.

Before I continue, I have to stress one important fact. I knew going in that I wasn't going to get many quality Pokémon back. While a good portion of the people across the globe could also be improving Wonder Trade in their own way, there's still going to be that jerk who gives nothing of value. Still, I was pretty hopeful that I'd get something that I would find valuable.

So, without further ado, here's the 90 Pokémon I got back.

For reference:
  1. Names are written exactly as received. (Barring one exception.)
  2. Females are marked in pink.
  3. Italics mean that Pokémon possesses its species' hidden ability.
  4. The number next to the (nick)name signifies how many perfect IVs they possess.

Zubat (1) Zigzagoon (0) Quagsire (0) [Hitokage] (1) Fynx (0) Azurill (3)
9 (0) Ditto (0) eF-eM (4) Pansear (0) Eevee (0) Eevee (0)
Venipede (0) Froakie (1) Gible (3) [Fushigidane] (0) Regina (0) Fennekin (1)
O/X/O/O/O/O (5) Eevee (0) [Absol] (3) Pineco (1) Nubélla (0) Klefki (2)
Lairon (0) [Ralts] (3) Weedle (1) Carbink (1) Raposo (1) Froakie (2)

Kirlia (1) Mienfoo (0) Abra (0) Shellder (4) Pansage (0) Froakie (0)
Ralts (2) Conkeldurr (1) Froakie (0) Nincada (0) Kabuto (0) Honedge (2)
Bunnelby (1) Vulpix (1) Solosis (1) Pansage (0) Mr. Mime (0) Poliwag (4)
DaVinci (0) Chovsourir (0) Pidgey (0) Piplup (2) Tanhel (3) Pawniard (0)
AAKKK (0) FOOD (0) Noibat (0) Klefki (0) Noibat (0) Quacklin' (1)

Tyrunt (0) Lumi (0) Froakie (2) Pidgeotto (0) [Baneboo] (0) Ponyta (2)
Eevee (0) Sandile (0) Scatterbug (0) Electrike (1) Feuillajou (0) Axew (0)
Hoppip (0) [Chillarmy] (4) Durant (0) Gulpin (0) [Achamo] (1) Luvdisc (0)
Snover (0) Stunfisk (0) Gourgeist (0) Hornliu (0) Budew (3) Gastly (0)
Eevee (2) Panpour (0) Litwick (3) Smeargle (1) Mawile (2) Torchic (0)

Altogether, I have to say that this was a surprisingly better grab than what I had originally expected. I was expecting a few scraps from failed breeding projects and at best one post-Bank Pokémon. I ended up getting those and a whole lot more. The fact that some of those 3+ IV Pokémon are eventual breeding projects of mine... well, I guess I did pretty well.

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