Friday, April 3, 2015

A New Old Search

Looking back at some projects that keep getting restarted over and over, it's not really all too surprising to see things get changed up here and there. For instance, back with what I posted back on the first of the month... I realized that I was wrong with a few things. Since I've changed the map (yet again), I realized that the belligerents are no longer accurate (as well as a good portion of the characters).

This isn't good - because if I want this story to flesh out properly, I need to get myself reacquainted with my own work. Which, unfortunately, takes a bit of time to do, because I can't seem to locate some of the essential paperwork. That's not good - I had a lot of ideas written down, and I can't seem to draw on them for additional ideas.

I'm sure I'll find them soon enough. There's only so many places where I've kept paperwork for ideas, and I've already searched through half of them. Only a few more places to check before I can continue working on this and getting it off the backburner (yet again)!

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