Saturday, November 3, 2012


I find it utterly amazing how this lack of inspiration is totally getting me.

Honestly, I don't get it. For the past few months I've been starved on ideas and the desire to sit down for a length of time to type something up. October was a prime and egregious month that showcased this dry spell, and I have to wonder why it is that I've succumbed so badly to this.

I want to find out... but at the same time I don't feel like doing so. That's just the problem. Or maybe the problem is that I'm tired of things and want change. I have to make these changes... and yet I don't have much motivation to do so. Isn't that just great?

Of course, I don't even know what I'm talking about - this is a "mind stream" entry, so everything's pretty much being typed up as I think it. (Wow, I think I need sleep.) Is this the sign of me jumping down the deep end? A sign that I need a vacation? Some other thing signifying that I need something else to do?

I'm not sure. But for now, I think I'm sure of one thing: getting some characters leveled. And maybe taking a nap. And if time permits: getting lunch with a friend or two (hopefully). I haven't really planned anything yet, so we'll have to see. (Although to be honest: that nap's sounding really good...)

But what to do right now? Between that nap, role-playing, leveling, reading a book (just got my hands on Battle Royale), and other things, I just can't decide!

We'll let time (and my boredom) dictate my actions until it's time to work.

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