Friday, July 4, 2014


My gods. Today has been a slow day - both at work, and with running errands. It's a good breather. Fortunately for me, this means I can focus on doing other things - and that means I can have fun with things I want to do.

Of course, not all of those things I want to do are fun to begin with (*cough* Pokémon White Version *wheeze*), but it's a necessity in order for progress to be achieved.

Also, it's July 4 - which us Americans will be using as an excuse to do nothing, light off fireworks, and basically yell "Happy Independence Day" at everyone and everything. I'm not going to do that - mostly because I'm distracted by my duties as a trainer who wants to transfer all his guys out from his older games onto Y.

It's tedious, but it's a necessary evil I must get through. So, as the fireworks pop off all around me (legally or otherwise), I'm just going to go ahead and train... and train... and train...

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