Of course, if you're reading this and didn't get any of that, be not afraid (especially if you're new around these parts). I'll do what I can to make this simple to read for you. Of course, you can be a jerk and skip the pre-blog stuff... but that would just make me sad. You don't want me to be sad, do you? It's a Friday (and a great-looking one to boot)!
(And before you ask: I didn't misspell "footholds." I meant "foodholds." *munch*
* = Despite how crazy those guys are, I have to admit that a good portion of the stuff they've made in their series so far actually piques the food connoisseur in me. Mayhaps I'll be cooking one of their many (crazy) concoctions one of these days... preferably when I have enough money for both cooking mats** and a bottle or two of Jack Daniel's. More on that later.
** = Yes, I said "mats" instead of "materials." I've played World of Warcraft too much (though I haven't touched the game in about two months).
Harry Gregson-Williams - "Mobs Alive"
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Original Soundtrack
By golly, I think I found the music I'll be using when I'm cooking epic. (Or at least one piece - my musical ADD will probably kick in somewhere.)
Known to Metal Gear Solid fans for its insertion in one of the most dramatic cutscenes of the series, "Mobs Alive" is one of those pieces you'd expect to hear when the main antagonist succeeds in a major goal and proves it to the world... by force. Now, while I'd normally link some YouTube clip to prove my point, I won't - partially due to confusing the non-MGS fans, and partially due to my spiel on not giving out spoilers.
Just take my word on it folks: this piece HAS epic sounds blaring all over.
Muse - "Hysteria"
As the second half of this year starts, it usually ends up being the time of the year for me to go a bit... well, for lack of a better word, let's just say "crazier" - in the past, I've always ended up sinking into some form of self-reflection that ends up eating me from the inside.
I don't know; I'm feeling good about this time of the year, though. People who've known me in the past know how negative I've been before in life, and the past six months of sheer, unadulterated optimism seems to be quite the welcome surprise.
"Hysteria" seemed to fit this conflicted sense of feeling within me - that old, emotionally feral being wants to run rampant and make me lose control. I honestly don't think I should give it a chance, and if my mind wants to think otherwise, I'll blare this song and its guitar-driven "insanity" through my eardrums and into my soul.
Surprisingly, this song works quite well for online gaming - particularly with FPS scrims (Counter-Strike surprisingly worked well) or PvP combat in MMORPGs (though I'm not sure I could kill with Gefallen's current condition). That, and to a degree,
Tetsukazu Nakanishi - "Prevail"
Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies Original Soundtrack
Prevailing... heh. It's like the theme for today's entry or something.
Either way, the musical piece is just fitting. It's like an electronic fanfare (with a nice helping of electric guitar) that tells people "Hey! I got something important y'all might wanna hear here!" Perfect music to play while briefing your fellow pilots, countrymen and employees alike for the mission at hand.
Or, you know... in this case, you guys. Yeah. Read this blog; it's important. =D
Graig Robertson and Kyle Nordman - "Sudden Death"
Super Mario Strikers: The Unofficial Soundtrack
It would make sense that there's no official soundtrack to this game - I mean, Super Mario Strikers WAS kinda mediocre, but the sheer fact that it can be turned into an intense party or casual tournament game (by a simple modification to the rules that doesn't penalize full body checks) made it quite fun.
A friend of mine came across a collection of music from the game and handed it off to me, knowing that I'd probably be the only one appreciative of it. It was a mixed bag, honestly - I did appreciate it, but the entire collection lacked information tags (a huge stickler for me). Of course, I knew that the info tag thing wasn't my friend's fault (that's how he came across it anyway).
So, I have a bit of a goal now. I'm going to load my copy of Strikers into my Wii, replay the whole tournament (my original GCN memory card got lost, so all my data has to be redone >_<) and figure out what song goes where in regards to the game.
Anyway, to the music. "Sudden Death" speaks for itself - it's the track that plays if the game goes into sudden death. Containing the fast tension and the pulse-pounding beat you'd expect from anything involving sudden death (be it football-based* or actual sudden death), the track plays perfectly. Matter-of-fact, I'd usually try to keep the score tied just so I could hear this piece blare for, like, ten minutes. =P
And as this first half of the year was just a test to see if my self-improvements were flukes, I think it's time to push myself to overdrive, throw the gauntlets down and seize control of everything. What a perfect track to play over the background, no?
* = Yes, football. You silly Americans think "association football" has to be called "soccer."
Zelda Reorchestrated - "Hyrule Field Main Theme"
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ~ The Complete Collection (ZREO Soundtrack)
Nothing like the music from Hyrule Field to wake you up and start your day! If you're in the same city as I am and you hear this blaring from the speakers... it's probably me. Hehehe.
A great piece that is just perfect for any adventure, "Hyrule Field Main Theme" calls us to our journeys and brings the trek to us. I honestly don't think I need any more of a description - this piece speaks for itself!
For those of you who love(d) Ocarina of Time's amazing music (or video game soundtracks, for that matter) and have yet to hear of Zelda Reorchestrated, please check out their amazing work. It's aurally enticing and (best of all:) free to nab for your personal soundtrack collection!
"The voice of the intellect is a soft one, but it does not rest until it has gained a hearing. Ultimately, after endlessly repeated rebuffs, it succeeds. This is one of the few points in which it may be optimistic about the future of mankind, but in itself it signifies not a little."
- Sigmund Freud
I've found that usually I don't rest my case until I'm heard. While that may be a bit... unsportsmanlike... I personally don't care, because there are times when a lack of sportsmanship are necessary to get the truth out there. Besides, I'm sure most of you have been in a situation where you failed to play some rough ball and ended up not heard as a result.
Good day, readers! Welcome to today's entry in The White Knight Chronicles!
*munch* I hope you don't mind, but I'll be composing this over my breakfast (yay for leftover Applebee's!), so imagine me eating while I speak to you in text format.
Now, for those of you who don't know me (probably because you were redirected here from someplace like Facebook), I am Josh Blanco, a twenty-something doing his best to make it out here in this crazy little world we call "life." At the start of the year I made one New Year's resolution: to create a blog and slap an entry on it once a day for the entire year.
So far (including today) I am one for one, and since I was able to post once a day for the first half of the year, I wholly intend to do the same with this second half.
Enough about me and my incessantly inane goals... on to the meat of this blog! (Potatoes optional.)
Round 2...
Today marks the beginning of the second half of the year, assuming we're focusing on just months. Day-wise, I still have until tomorrow (Saturday, July 2) at noon until I'm officially on the second half of 2011, but as it's a mere 36-hour difference, I'm not all that worried. Besides, some celebratory events are held in a different day than the original ceremony was. Birthdays, for instance.
Speaking of birthdays, today's my blog's half-birthday! Wai~! Confetti guns for everybody!
So, now that half of the year is already gone, I can say that the rest of the year will be quite interesting - maybe even more so than the first half we just lived through. Between a bazillion birthdays (I know a lot of August babies, including myself), crazy plans to get some of my dreams off the ground and into the skies, the fun rays of the summer sun bathing us with brilliance, a very fun convention I'll be going to (maybe I'll see you there? =3), food experimentation, and a menagerie of other ideas waiting to be unleashed on the world, I can say that these next six months will be interesting.
To those of you who've been with me the entire way thus far: I thank you. Get some of your friends who know me to follow along. They might just get a kick out of something I say. Hell, they just might get a kick out of this blog in general. Hehehe.
To those of you just joining me for the first time: stick around. You'll like what you see. If not, I'll make your heart stop. And trust me... I know how to make the human heart stop. If you think I'm bluffing, check out the second and last topic below. =P
How to Simulate a Heart Attack... WITH FOOD!
I've seen many things that can stop a person's heart - a beautiful woman or handsome man walking through the doorway, a .45ACP bullet stampeding through the rib cage, cholesterol buildup in the arteries, the sight of your significant other cheating on you with your best friend, and according to a recent study conducted by the best doctors of the 1980s: death.
Despite all that, none have claimed that food can be the inherent cause of a heart attack (and therefore, stoppage of the heart). I am now here to refute that statement with the following: IT IS POSSIBLE.
My friends have long since heard of my crazed idea to try to cook up the hamdog, a burger chock full of meat and other things to the point where it is theoretically feasible to feel your arteries come to a stop just by looking at a picture of one. A field test:
![]() |
The hamdog - or at least the most well-known variant of it. Stare at this photo and tell me it doesn't slow your heart rate down any. (Photo's not mine, bee-tee-dub.) |
I promised myself that I'd cook a hamdog one of these days and eat it afterwards (after I
Enter the crazy geniuses over at Epic Meal Time, who have proven that you can make meal time... "epic time." According to them, "[They] make your dreams come true, and then [they] eat them."
From a "Candy Barbecue" to "Meat Salad" to "Fast Food Lasagna" (this is the recipe that introduced me to these guys), these guys have gone where no ordinary chef or "chef" has gone before.
Now, I don't know how any normal person could stomach watching them cook and consume what may very well be the wildest "food" in ages (they keep track of the fat and calorie content for you - you may very well throw up after the counter stops going up), but... I have to admit that it's some clever *bird crow censoring noise* they've concocted. It's got me wanting to try out some of the things they made - especially the stuff in their "Breakfast Fortress" (particularly the creamy sausage blankets deep-fried in beer batter - those looked gooooooooood). It takes a warped sense of "normal" to even withstand looking at these culinary monstrosities (and I say that in a good way).
If anything, they way they present their creations is hilarious (I'm now officially a fan). Now I'm thinking I should have epic music playing whenever I'm eating - more so if the food in question is totally mundane. =D
So if you can stomach more crazy *bird crow censoring noise* like that, check their site out and see how insane (and delicious) their other creations are.
Now, as much as I'd love to prattle on about myself (not like I already have...), I unfortunately have a number of errands I must perform or get done before heading off to work today.
Until the 'morrow, everyone! Stay frosty, enjoy your Friday, and depending on what you have to do today, be the "Sauce Boss" and prepare to get drunk off pancakes - er... prepare to have a fun second half of the year! *confetti gun*
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