Saturday, July 30, 2011

I Be Talkin', Mon

I have to apologize for posting so bloody late today. I've been busy sorting out my Lego collection. Tuesday's antics (as explained in this past Thursday's entry) ended with us throwing all the Lego pieces I had into boxes and plastic tubs without any regard for the "sorting system" I originally had implemented. We were running out of daylight, so we were in a bit of a pickle.

Now that I've finished sorting all of my Lego pieces (between the "minifigs and models I'll be using for a future comic idea" pile and the "shit I'm throwing in storage until I need to go digging again" tub), I figured it'd be time to deliver on what I said yesterday and how I'd be responding to reader comments. Granted, there's not much for me I could respond two - only two people said anything, and it was from Thursday's entry.

Here goes.

Three Dimensional Moon Building
"This is such an odd mash up of topics. I think playing army makes up for girly anime- so keep your man card. But I think your adult card may be at stake - assuming you didn't trade it for a loly-pop years ago."

- John
To be honest, I thought I lost my "adult card" eons ago. Part of it stems from that whole "3 to 300 years old" thing I lightly skimmed on when I first did a reader response. Another part probably has something to do with psychological conditioning and trauma from the past - and I'm no expert on that field (I speak from experience - the trauma, mind you). And finally, part of that is due to my constant misplacing of things all over the place all the time.

Of course, John, your theory could be correct. Maybe I ran into some stranger in a white van who offered me candy in exchange for a vow to never fully grow up in a mental aspect. Me, being the naïve and then-manipulable self I was, probably bought the lies that were told and sealed the deal.

"The 3DS is getting its price cut because it failed horribly as a handheld. Look at its sales and the sales for its games."

- Arelfel
Like I said, a number of factors contributed to this. Yours is also one of them, but the Nintendo fanboy in me simply overlooked that problem. However, I'd say that it didn't fail "horribly." My guess is that people were finally starting to realize that all this hype on three-dimensional everything was just the latest technological fad for this generation and therefore mistakenly realized that the 3DS' graphics would be stupid. =P

Anyway, while this announcement would at first seem to be a financial loss for the hundreds of thousands of gamers (like me) who bought a 3DS, there's actually a huge amount of gain for anyone who decided to fork over a quarter of a grand. Nintendo simultaneously released news of an "ambassador program" that I heard about at work last night. According to the video game company (link as of 30 JUL 2011), anyone who had a 3DS before the price drop will be getting 20 free games from the online store. The first 10 will be on special pre-release before they hit the e-market for paid prices while the latter 10 will consist of "ambassador-only" exclusives from the Game Boy Advance virtual console.

I look at the sales and go, "Okay. People aren't buying a 3DS." Insert economy issues or incorrect usage during their first encounters or misinformed word-of-mouth or some other financial statistic here. However, in the long run this might aid Nintendo in the fourth quarter. (Someone remind me at the end of the fourth quarter to post my results on this.) Potential buyers who were hesitant are now excited to have a new toy to play around with. 3DS owners who've had the system before this announcement welcome the announcement (probably just for the freebies, but hey, that's something). And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords believe this could very well be a case of financial equivalent exchange in the future.

I'm refining my Lego military forces while I have Burn Notice playing in the background, so I'm just going to call it a night for today's entry. Ciao!

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