Monday, July 25, 2011

Stomach-Driven Thought

Sometimes I wonder what it is that makes me so distracted so easily. I mean, for one thing I could be talking about one thing and then the next I'm talking about something else. It's crazy when you think about it.

Why do I do that? It might be some kind of attentive deficit hyperactive disorder, but I have yet to get myself officially checked (although there have been recommendations that I do get myself evaluated.

Oh, I don't know. I'm just rambling. I think the important part is that we all understand that I am currently craving waffles. And lunch food, but that's another topic. But not really. Food sounds REALLY good right about now. It might be my hunger-driven self wanting some kind of food-based nourishment badly, but alas: I have no money until pay day, where I will once again have no money because of bills and what not. Yaaaay.

And without further ado, I present myself with: FOOD! *rushes to work to get some nom-noms before clocking in*

(Author's Note: Good Lord; I don't think I want to post again without food... =/)

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