Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Some Kind of Educated Response

Introducing the first "reader response" - a tagged entry dedicated in part (if not whole) to responding to a comment a reader left me. This proves to be an interesting endeavor that helps three-fold:
  • it shows that I listen to my readers and their comments
  • it helps promote increased viewership and interaction, and (more importantly,)
  • I get something to write about in the event that I'm lacking a topic to discuss.
Keep in mind, though, that this won't be responding to outright offensive-stanced flames, suggestions about social events or what-have-you - that's what a social networking site is for. Do it there.

Anywho, now that I've gotten through with introducing a new tag, let's move on, shall we?

Gorillaz - "Feel Good Inc. (f. De La Soul)"
Demon Days

I looked outside my window and saw a cloudy sky. Although I'm one of those people whose mood can sometimes be affected by the weather outside, today feels like one of those days where it'll be a good one regardless of the cloud content in the heavens above.

That dictated a song that seemed to be a "feel-gooder" no matter the situation. After a few songs played, "Feel Good Inc." began playing, so I figured I'd stick with it until it finished. Good song to listen to on a good day, and since I'm picking up that "good day vibe," it works.

Afternoon, readers. Welcome to today's entry in the White Knight Chronicles.

So, it was suggested that I write about "concrete ideas for improvement" on my next (good) blog entry. If you're too lazy to go back and re-read "The Familiar Taste of Poison" and the few responses that it inspired (sad face; I considered that entry a milestone...), then here's the comment (edited for grammar):
I have a request for the next blog post: your concrete ideas for improvement. It sounds here that you've identified a problem; how are you going to fix it?
- John
Excellent question, John. You've inspired me to make a page here where people can ask me questions and I'll respond as best as I can. Matter-of-fact, I think I'll start developing that page right now!

...but after I respond to this, of course.

*clears throat*

To be honest, I'd like to think I've made some progress so far this year. I've been holding my head higher than I've probably ever done before, been less of an unreliable person and become less choleric. It's been quite a rewarding experience. Friends want to hang out with me more; I've taken in more joyous moments throughout the day; I've been enjoying work much more (wait, what?); I've been able to work on my personal projects with the same unbridled passion I had when I started years ago. It's... ineffable, really. I could attempt an explanation, but why bother? I'm content with life like this.

Romantically speaking, however... well, progress in that department will be more of a challenge than I originally thought. "The Familiar Taste of Poison" ended up being a self-induced slap-in-the-face to shake me out of my romantic depression. While I'm no longer saying "fuck you" to the notion of love like I was for over 2.5 years, it's left me with a hole in myself that I'd like filled.

Gimme a sec', folks; need to get that hole patched up! *rushes off*


Sorry about that folks; got hungry. Guess that hole was my stomach.
Nothing like sugar-glazed spam, fried Italian eggs and rice to start as your first meal of the day. Hehehe.

Where was I? Oh, right: improving myself by fixing the identified problem.

There's an adage I heard before: "Women are like parking lots - all the good parking spots are taken." I personally subscribe to that theory, but at the same time I've found a few that haven't been. I could just very well circle the parking lot for what seems like forever. Two months ago, I probably would just given up and driven off, citing a "waste of time and gas" or something similar. Now, however... I'll just keep circling the lot. I happen to like driving, anyway, so it works out in the end somehow (metaphorically speaking, of course).

From what I see, fixing the problem is a two-part solution involving me and a currently-unknown party. I can only do so much on my part, but it won't be enough to fix this. I can't just go ahead and claim that "unrequited love" or "limerence" will solve this issue of romantic longing - that would just make mine a tragic (and downright pathetic) love story. There's got to be some kind of trade-off here where I don't do all the work. I'm not saying this because I'm lazy - I'm saying this because a solid and truly loving relationship requires output from both parties.

Which brings me to this potential conclusion and my response to this reader-asked question. While the preferences of most women around my age would only prove the "nice guys finish last" adage to be true, there's that select group who know better than that. Men and women out there have proven to themselves and the people around them that they're mature beyond their years.

Despite my apparent childish behavior and my naïvety, some people who know me have said that I can be anywhere from "3 to 300 years old" - at times I'll be stupid and silly, but when the call of duty arises, I'll grab my sagely coat and be that person that helps out when the time calls for it. I'd like to think that I've gotten a bit more sagely as of late. (If you feel like disproving me, go ahead - at least I know I can still be a kid (at heart).) To me, I think I have it where it counts, so it's a matter of presenting myself without looking arrogant or desperate.

Maybe that's the crowd of ladies I've been looking for - or rather, the ones I should be engaging in conversation with more often. The ones around my age range who know when it's time to be serious and when entertaining chaos is allowed to run rampant. Someone who's... balanced, I guess. As mentioned before, most will prove to not be in this sector, but I'm sure I'll catch someone's eye (or the other way around) if I keep circling the parking lot in a careful and analytical pattern.

So... balance, maybe. It sounds like I've beaten around the bush, but that's what my answer will be. Find a harmonious balance within myself while searching for an empty parking spot a single lady. (I'm done with that parking lot metaphor; I promise.)

I hope this constitutes as a proper answer, because to be frank: I honestly don't know what will solve this problem. I know it's a start, but it may or may not be enough to get me to the finish. Only time will tell, I assume.

Until the 'morrow, readers! Day four of six at work awaits! *takes off*

1 comment:

  1. Hey Josh *Whitey -- You're correct, answering my comment did make me more interested in this blog and in response more likely to check back and read.
