Friday, July 27, 2012

The Story of Josh

You ever have one of those days where you wake up and you just don't feel like doing jack shit for the entire time you're awake? Where you regret waking up, lie in bed for what feels like an eternity, and sluggishly get yourself "motivated" to do things?

Today's one of those days for me today. It sucks, because it's also a day off for me as well. (Wait, what? Two days off in a row that I didn't ask for?) I'm doing my best to get myself up and running, but it's been a doozy to do so.

So what to do, what to do? Well, for starters, lying here will get me nowhere (literally), so I guess I'll go out and do something. Something involving hanging out with friends, maybe some Valkyria Chronicles, some other things, and me not posting anything. Like always.

But sometimes, a message from the past might be enough. What follows is one such message about a certain boy's past.

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Josh. One day he decided he wanted a sandwich, so he placed two pieces of bread in the toaster oven in the kitchen near the sink. After setting it, he left to take care of another errand before going to school.

Suddenly there was smoke in the kitchen, so Joyce (his aunt) went see what the problem was. She called the kids and asked them whose food was in the toaster oven because it was burning. Josh also smelled the smoke, so he rushed in. He saw that his bread was burning, so he grabbed a paper napkin to retrieve them before they burnt the house down.

Unknowingly, he did the worst possible thing: he placed the napkins in the toaster oven. The paper napkins were soon ablaze, so he quickly withdrew them. Unfortunately, the air in the room enlarged the flames, so he threw the napkins into the sink and turned the water on. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

That day, Josh learned a valuable lesson: never place paper napkins in the toaster oven.

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